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2018-10-04 07:07:36 +00:00
// Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Kris Jusiak (kris at jusiak dot net)
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#if (__cplusplus < 201305L && _MSC_VER < 1900)
#error "[Boost].SML requires C++14 support (Clang-3.4+, GCC-5.1+, MSVC-2015+)"
#define BOOST_SML_VERSION 1'1'0
namespace boost { \
namespace sml { \
inline namespace v1_1_0 {
} \
} \
#if defined(__clang__)
#define __BOOST_SML_UNUSED __attribute__((unused))
#define __BOOST_SML_VT_INIT \
#define __BOOST_SML_ZERO_SIZE_ARRAY(...) __VA_ARGS__ _[0]
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wgnu-string-literal-operator-template"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wzero-length-array"
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#if !defined(__has_builtin)
#define __has_builtin(...) 0
#define __BOOST_SML_UNUSED __attribute__((unused))
#define __BOOST_SML_VT_INIT \
#define __BOOST_SML_ZERO_SIZE_ARRAY(...) __VA_ARGS__ _[0]
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpedantic"
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#define __has_builtin(...) __has_builtin##__VA_ARGS__
#define __has_builtin__make_integer_seq(...) 1
#if (_MSC_VER >= 1910) // MSVC 2017
#pragma warning(disable : 4503)
#pragma warning(disable : 4200)
#define __BOOST_SML_REQUIRES(...) typename aux::enable_if<__VA_ARGS__, int>::type = 0
namespace aux {
using byte = unsigned char;
struct none_type {};
template <class...>
struct type {};
template <class T, T>
struct non_type {};
template <class, class>
struct pair {};
template <class...>
struct type_list {
using type = type_list;
template <bool...>
struct bool_list {
using type = bool_list;
template <class... Ts>
struct inherit : Ts... {
using type = inherit;
template <class T>
struct identity {
using type = T;
template <class T>
T &&declval();
template <class T, T V>
struct integral_constant {
using type = integral_constant;
static constexpr T value = V;
using true_type = integral_constant<bool, true>;
using false_type = integral_constant<bool, false>;
template <class... Ts>
using void_t = void;
template <class...>
struct always : true_type {};
template <class...>
struct never : false_type {};
template <bool B, class T, class F>
struct conditional {
using type = T;
template <class T, class F>
struct conditional<false, T, F> {
using type = F;
template <bool B, class T, class F>
using conditional_t = typename conditional<B, T, F>::type;
template <bool B, class T = void>
struct enable_if {};
template <class T>
struct enable_if<true, T> {
using type = T;
template <bool B, class T = void>
using enable_if_t = typename enable_if<B, T>::type;
template <class, class>
struct is_same : false_type {};
template <class T>
struct is_same<T, T> : true_type {};
template <class T, class U>
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
struct is_base_of : integral_constant<bool, __is_base_of(T, U)> {
using is_base_of = integral_constant<bool, __is_base_of(T, U)>;
template <class T, class... TArgs>
decltype(T(declval<TArgs>()...), true_type{}) test_is_constructible(int);
template <class, class...>
false_type test_is_constructible(...);
template <class T, class... TArgs>
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
struct is_constructible : decltype(test_is_constructible<T, TArgs...>(0)) {
using is_constructible = decltype(test_is_constructible<T, TArgs...>(0));
template <class T, class U>
struct is_empty_base : T {
U _;
template <class T>
struct is_empty : aux::integral_constant<bool, sizeof(is_empty_base<T, none_type>) == sizeof(none_type)> {};
template <class>
struct function_traits;
template <class R, class... TArgs>
struct function_traits<R (*)(TArgs...)> {
using args = type_list<TArgs...>;
template <class R, class... TArgs>
struct function_traits<R(TArgs...)> {
using args = type_list<TArgs...>;
template <class R, class T, class... TArgs>
struct function_traits<R (T::*)(TArgs...)> {
using args = type_list<TArgs...>;
template <class R, class T, class... TArgs>
struct function_traits<R (T::*)(TArgs...) const> {
using args = type_list<TArgs...>;
#if __cplusplus > 201402L && __cpp_noexcept_function_type >= 201510
template <class R, class... TArgs>
struct function_traits<R (*)(TArgs...) noexcept> {
using args = type_list<TArgs...>;
template <class R, class... TArgs>
struct function_traits<R(TArgs...) noexcept> {
using args = type_list<TArgs...>;
template <class R, class T, class... TArgs>
struct function_traits<R (T::*)(TArgs...) noexcept> {
using args = type_list<TArgs...>;
template <class R, class T, class... TArgs>
struct function_traits<R (T::*)(TArgs...) const noexcept> {
using args = type_list<TArgs...>;
template <class T>
using function_traits_t = typename function_traits<T>::args;
template <class T>
struct remove_const {
using type = T;
template <class T>
struct remove_const<const T> {
using type = T;
template <class T>
using remove_const_t = typename remove_const<T>::type;
template <class T>
struct remove_reference {
using type = T;
template <class T>
struct remove_reference<T &> {
using type = T;
template <class T>
struct remove_reference<T &&> {
using type = T;
template <class T>
using remove_reference_t = typename remove_reference<T>::type;
namespace aux {
using swallow = int[];
template <int...>
struct index_sequence {
using type = index_sequence;
#if __has_builtin(__make_integer_seq)
template <class T, T...>
struct integer_sequence;
template <int... Ns>
struct integer_sequence<int, Ns...> {
using type = index_sequence<Ns...>;
template <int N>
struct make_index_sequence_impl {
using type = typename __make_integer_seq<integer_sequence, int, N>::type;
template <class, class>
struct concat;
template <int... I1, int... I2>
struct concat<index_sequence<I1...>, index_sequence<I2...>> : index_sequence<I1..., (sizeof...(I1) + I2)...> {};
template <int N>
struct make_index_sequence_impl
: concat<typename make_index_sequence_impl<N / 2>::type, typename make_index_sequence_impl<N - N / 2>::type>::type {};
template <>
struct make_index_sequence_impl<0> : index_sequence<> {};
template <>
struct make_index_sequence_impl<1> : index_sequence<0> {};
template <int N>
using make_index_sequence = typename make_index_sequence_impl<N>::type;
template <class...>
struct join {
using type = type_list<>;
template <class T>
struct join<T> {
using type = T;
template <class... Ts>
struct join<type_list<Ts...>> : type_list<Ts...> {};
template <class... T1s, class... T2s>
struct join<type_list<T1s...>, type_list<T2s...>> : type_list<T1s..., T2s...> {};
template <class... T1s, class... T2s, class... T3s>
struct join<type_list<T1s...>, type_list<T2s...>, type_list<T3s...>> : type_list<T1s..., T2s..., T3s...> {};
template <class... T1s, class... T2s, class... Ts>
struct join<type_list<T1s...>, type_list<T2s...>, Ts...> : join<type_list<T1s..., T2s...>, Ts...> {};
template <class... Ts, class... T1s, class... T2s, class... T3s, class... T4s, class... T5s, class... T6s, class... T7s,
class... T8s, class... T9s, class... T10s, class... T11s, class... T12s, class... T13s, class... T14s, class... T15s,
class... T16s, class... Us>
struct join<type_list<Ts...>, type_list<T1s...>, type_list<T2s...>, type_list<T3s...>, type_list<T4s...>, type_list<T5s...>,
type_list<T6s...>, type_list<T7s...>, type_list<T8s...>, type_list<T9s...>, type_list<T10s...>, type_list<T11s...>,
type_list<T12s...>, type_list<T13s...>, type_list<T14s...>, type_list<T15s...>, type_list<T16s...>, Us...>
: join<type_list<Ts..., T1s..., T2s..., T3s..., T4s..., T5s..., T6s..., T7s..., T8s..., T9s..., T10s..., T11s..., T12s...,
T13s..., T14s..., T15s..., T16s...>,
Us...> {};
template <class... TArgs>
using join_t = typename join<TArgs...>::type;
template <class, class...>
struct unique_impl;
template <class T1, class T2, class... Rs, class... Ts>
struct unique_impl<type<T1, Rs...>, T2, Ts...>
: conditional_t<is_base_of<type<T2>, T1>::value, unique_impl<type<inherit<T1>, Rs...>, Ts...>,
unique_impl<type<inherit<T1, type<T2>>, Rs..., T2>, Ts...>> {};
template <class T1, class... Rs>
struct unique_impl<type<T1, Rs...>> : type_list<Rs...> {};
template <class... Ts>
struct unique : unique_impl<type<none_type>, Ts...> {};
template <class T>
struct unique<T> : type_list<T> {};
template <class... Ts>
using unique_t = typename unique<Ts...>::type;
template <class, class...>
struct is_unique;
template <class T>
struct is_unique<T> : true_type {};
template <class T1, class T2, class... Ts>
struct is_unique<T1, T2, Ts...>
: conditional_t<is_base_of<type<T2>, T1>::value, false_type, is_unique<inherit<T1, type<T2>>, Ts...>> {};
template <class... Ts>
using is_unique_t = is_unique<none_type, Ts...>;
template <template <class...> class, class>
struct apply;
template <template <class...> class T, template <class...> class U, class... Ts>
struct apply<T, U<Ts...>> {
using type = T<Ts...>;
template <template <class...> class T, class D>
using apply_t = typename apply<T, D>::type;
template <int, class T>
struct tuple_type {
explicit tuple_type(const T &object) : value(object) {}
T value;
template <class, class...>
struct tuple_impl;
template <int... Ns, class... Ts>
struct tuple_impl<index_sequence<Ns...>, Ts...> : tuple_type<Ns, Ts>... {
explicit tuple_impl(Ts... ts) : tuple_type<Ns, Ts>(ts)... {}
template <>
struct tuple_impl<index_sequence<0>> {
template <class... Ts>
using tuple = tuple_impl<make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Ts)>, Ts...>;
template <int N, class T>
T &get_by_id(tuple_type<N, T> *object) {
return static_cast<tuple_type<N, T> &>(*object).value;
struct init {};
struct pool_type_base {
template <class T>
struct pool_type : pool_type_base {
explicit pool_type(T object) : value{object} {}
template <class TObject>
pool_type(init i, TObject object) : value{i, object} {}
T value;
template <class T>
struct missing_ctor_parameter {
static constexpr auto value = false;
auto operator()() const { return T{}(); }
template <class U, __BOOST_SML_REQUIRES(!aux::is_base_of<pool_type_base, U>::value && aux::is_constructible<U>::value)>
operator U() {
return {};
#if !defined(_MSC_VER)
template <class TMissing, __BOOST_SML_REQUIRES(!aux::is_base_of<pool_type_base, TMissing>::value)>
operator TMissing &() const {
"State Machine is missing a constructor parameter! Check out the `missing_ctor_parameter` error to see the "
"missing type.");
template <class T>
missing_ctor_parameter<T> try_get(...) {
return {};
template <class T>
T try_get(const pool_type<T> *object) {
return object->value;
template <class T>
const T &try_get(const pool_type<const T &> *object) {
return object->value;
template <class T>
T &try_get(const pool_type<T &> *object) {
return object->value;
template <class T, class TPool>
T &get(TPool &p) {
return static_cast<pool_type<T> &>(p).value;
template <class T, class TPool>
const T &cget(const TPool &p) {
return static_cast<const pool_type<T> &>(p).value;
template <class... Ts>
struct pool : pool_type<Ts>... {
using boost_di_inject__ = type_list<Ts...>;
pool() = default;
explicit pool(Ts... ts) : pool_type<Ts>(ts)... {}
template <class... TArgs>
pool(init, const pool<TArgs...> &p) : pool_type<Ts>(try_get<aux::remove_const_t<aux::remove_reference_t<Ts>>>(&p))... {}
template <class... TArgs>
pool(const pool<TArgs...> &p) : pool_type<Ts>(init{}, p)... {}
template <>
struct pool<> {
using boost_di_inject__ = type_list<>;
pool() = default;
template <class... Ts>
explicit pool(Ts &&...) {}
template <int, class>
struct type_id_type {};
template <class, class...>
struct type_id_impl;
template <int... Ns, class... Ts>
struct type_id_impl<index_sequence<Ns...>, Ts...> : type_id_type<Ns, Ts>... {};
template <class... Ts>
struct type_id : type_id_impl<make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Ts)>, Ts...> {};
template <class R, class T, int N>
constexpr R get_id(type_id_type<N, T> *) {
return static_cast<R>(N);
template <template <class...> class, class T>
struct is : false_type {};
template <template <class...> class T, class... Ts>
struct is<T, T<Ts...>> : true_type {};
template <class>
struct size;
template <template <class...> class T, class... Ts>
struct size<T<Ts...>> {
static constexpr auto value = sizeof...(Ts);
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
constexpr int max_impl() { return 0; }
constexpr int max_impl(int r) { return r; }
constexpr int max_impl(int r, int i) { return r > i ? r : i; }
constexpr int max_impl(int r, int i, int ints...) { return i > r ? max_impl(i, ints) : max_impl(r, ints); }
template <int... Ts>
constexpr int max() {
return max_impl(Ts...);
template <int... Ts>
constexpr int max() {
int max = 0;
(void)swallow{0, (Ts > max ? max = Ts : max)...};
return max;
template <class TExpr, class = void>
struct zero_wrapper : TExpr {
explicit zero_wrapper(const TExpr &expr) : TExpr(expr) {}
const TExpr &get() const { return *this; }
template <class, class>
struct zero_wrapper_impl;
template <class TExpr, class... TArgs>
struct zero_wrapper_impl<TExpr, type_list<TArgs...>> {
auto operator()(TArgs... args) const { return reinterpret_cast<const TExpr &>(*this)(args...); }
template <class TExpr>
struct zero_wrapper<TExpr, void_t<decltype(+declval<TExpr>())>>
: zero_wrapper_impl<TExpr, function_traits_t<decltype(&TExpr::operator())>> {
template <class... Ts>
zero_wrapper(Ts &&...) {}
const TExpr &get() const { return reinterpret_cast<const TExpr &>(*this); }
namespace detail {
template <class, int N, int... Ns>
auto get_type_name(const char *ptr, index_sequence<Ns...>) {
static const char str[] = {ptr[N + Ns]..., 0};
return str;
template <class T>
const char *get_type_name() {
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
return detail::get_type_name<T, 34>(__FUNCSIG__, make_index_sequence<sizeof(__FUNCSIG__) - 34 - 8>{});
#elif defined(__clang__)
return detail::get_type_name<T, 58>(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, make_index_sequence<sizeof(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__) - 58 - 2>{});
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
return detail::get_type_name<T, 63>(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, make_index_sequence<sizeof(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__) - 63 - 2>{});
template <class T, T...>
struct string;
template <char... Chrs>
struct string<char, Chrs...> {
using type = string;
static auto c_str() {
static constexpr char str[] = {Chrs..., 0};
return str;
template <class T>
struct string<T> {
using type = T;
static auto c_str() { return c_str_impl((T *)0); }
template <class U>
static decltype(U::c_str()) c_str_impl(U *) {
return U::c_str();
static auto c_str_impl(...) { return get_type_name<T>(); }
namespace back {
namespace policies {
struct defer_queue_policy__ {};
template <template <class...> class T>
struct defer_queue : aux::pair<back::policies::defer_queue_policy__, defer_queue<T>> {
template <class U>
using rebind = T<U>;
namespace back {
template <class... Ts>
class queue_event {
using ids_t = aux::type_id<Ts...>;
static constexpr auto alignment = aux::max<alignof(Ts)...>();
static constexpr auto size = aux::max<sizeof(Ts)...>();
template <class T>
static void dtor_impl(aux::byte *data) {
reinterpret_cast<T *>(data)->~T();
template <class T>
static void move_impl(aux::byte (&data)[size], queue_event &&other) {
new (&data) T(static_cast<T &&>(*reinterpret_cast<T *>(;
queue_event(queue_event &&other) : id(, dtor(other.dtor), move(other.move) {
move(data, static_cast<queue_event &&>(other));
queue_event(const queue_event &) = delete;
queue_event &operator=(const queue_event &) = delete;
template <class T>
queue_event(T object) {
id = aux::get_id<int, T>((ids_t *)0);
dtor = &dtor_impl<T>;
move = &move_impl<T>;
new (&data) T(static_cast<T &&>(object));
~queue_event() { dtor(data); }
alignas(alignment) aux::byte data[size];
int id = -1;
void (*dtor)(aux::byte *);
void (*move)(aux::byte (&)[size], queue_event &&);
template <class TEvent>
class queue_event_call {
using call_t = void (*)(void *, const TEvent &);
queue_event_call() = default;
explicit queue_event_call(const call_t &call) : call{call} {}
call_t call{};
template <class... TEvents>
struct queue_handler : queue_event_call<TEvents>... {
queue_handler() = default;
template <class TQueue, class = typename TQueue::container_type>
explicit queue_handler(TQueue &queue)
: queue_event_call<TEvents>(queue_handler::push_impl<TQueue, TEvents>)..., queue_{&queue} {}
template <class TEvent>
void operator()(const TEvent &event) {
static_cast<queue_event_call<TEvent> *>(this)->call(queue_, event);
template <class TQueue, class TEvent>
static auto push_impl(void *queue, const TEvent &event) {
static_cast<TQueue *>(queue)->push(event);
void *queue_{};
namespace back {
struct _ {};
struct initial {};
struct unexpected {};
struct entry_exit {};
struct terminate_state {
static auto c_str() { return "terminate"; }
struct internal_event {
static auto c_str() { return "internal_event"; }
struct anonymous : internal_event {
static auto c_str() { return "anonymous"; }
template <class T, class TEvent = T>
struct on_entry : internal_event, entry_exit {
static auto c_str() { return "on_entry"; }
explicit on_entry(const TEvent &event = {}) : event_(event) {}
const TEvent &event_;
template <class T, class TEvent = T>
struct on_exit : internal_event, entry_exit {
static auto c_str() { return "on_exit"; }
explicit on_exit(const TEvent &event = {}) : event_(event) {}
const TEvent &event_;
template <class T, class TException = T>
struct exception : internal_event {
using type = TException;
explicit exception(const TException &exception = {}) : exception_(exception) {}
const TException &exception_;
template <class T, class TEvent = T>
struct unexpected_event : internal_event, unexpected {
explicit unexpected_event(const TEvent &event = {}) : event_(event) {}
const TEvent &event_;
template <class TEvent>
struct event_type {
using event_t = TEvent;
using generic_t = TEvent;
using mapped_t = void;
template <class TEvent>
struct event_type<exception<TEvent>> {
using event_t = TEvent;
using generic_t = exception<TEvent>;
using mapped_t = void;
template <class TEvent, class T>
struct event_type<unexpected_event<T, TEvent>> {
using event_t = TEvent;
using generic_t = unexpected_event<T>;
using mapped_t = void;
template <class TEvent, class T>
struct event_type<on_entry<T, TEvent>> {
using event_t = TEvent;
using generic_t = on_entry<T>;
using mapped_t = on_entry<T, TEvent>;
template <class TEvent, class T>
struct event_type<on_exit<T, TEvent>> {
using event_t = TEvent;
using generic_t = on_exit<T>;
using mapped_t = on_exit<T, TEvent>;
template <class TEvent>
using get_event_t = typename event_type<TEvent>::event_t;
template <class TEvent>
using get_generic_t = typename event_type<TEvent>::generic_t;
template <class TEvent>
using get_mapped_t = typename event_type<TEvent>::mapped_t;
template <class... TEvents>
struct process : queue_handler<TEvents...> {
using queue_handler<TEvents...>::queue_handler;
template <class... TEvents>
struct defer : queue_handler<TEvents...> {
using queue_handler<TEvents...>::queue_handler;
namespace back {
template <class>
class sm;
template <class>
struct sm_impl;
template <class, class...>
struct sm_policy;
template <class TEvent>
using get_event = aux::conditional_t<aux::is_base_of<internal_event, TEvent>::value, aux::type_list<>, aux::type_list<TEvent>>;
template <class, class, class TEvent>
struct get_all_events_impl {
using type = get_event<TEvent>;
template <class TSrc, class TDst, class TEvent>
struct get_all_events_impl<TSrc, TDst, unexpected_event<TEvent>> {
using type = aux::type_list<TEvent>;
template <class TSrc, class TDst, class TEvent>
struct get_all_events_impl<sm<TSrc>, TDst, TEvent> {
using type = aux::join_t<get_event<TEvent>, typename sm<TSrc>::events>;
template <class TSrc, class TDst, class TEvent>
struct get_all_events_impl<TSrc, sm<TDst>, TEvent> {
using type = aux::join_t<get_event<TEvent>, typename sm<TDst>::events>;
template <class TSrc, class TDst, class TEvent>
struct get_all_events_impl<sm<TSrc>, sm<TDst>, TEvent> {
using type = aux::join_t<get_event<TEvent>, typename sm<TSrc>::events, typename sm<TDst>::events>;
template <class, class TEvent>
struct get_sub_internal_events_impl {
using type = aux::conditional_t<aux::is_base_of<internal_event, TEvent>::value, aux::type_list<TEvent>, aux::type_list<>>;
template <class T, class TEvent>
struct get_sub_internal_events_impl<sm<T>, TEvent> {
using type = aux::join_t<aux::type_list<TEvent>, typename sm_impl<T>::sub_internal_events_t>;
template <class... Ts>
using get_all_events =
aux::join_t<typename get_all_events_impl<typename Ts::src_state, typename Ts::dst_state, typename Ts::event>::type...>;
template <class... Ts>
using get_sub_internal_events =
aux::join_t<typename get_sub_internal_events_impl<typename Ts::src_state, typename Ts::event>::type...>;
template <class... Ts>
using get_events = aux::type_list<typename Ts::event...>;
template <class T>
struct get_exception : aux::type_list<> {};
template <class T>
struct get_exception<exception<T>> : aux::type_list<exception<T>> {};
template <class... Ts>
using get_exceptions = aux::join_t<typename get_exception<Ts>::type...>;
template <class... Ts>
using get_states = aux::join_t<aux::type_list<typename Ts::src_state, typename Ts::dst_state>...>;
template <class... Ts>
using get_initial_states =
aux::join_t<typename aux::conditional<Ts::initial, aux::type_list<typename Ts::src_state>, aux::type_list<>>::type...>;
template <class... Ts>
using get_history_states = aux::join_t<
typename aux::conditional<!Ts::history && Ts::initial, aux::type_list<typename Ts::src_state>, aux::type_list<>>::type...>;
template <class>
struct get_sub_sm : aux::type_list<> {};
template <class T>
struct get_sub_sm<sm<T>> : aux::join_t<aux::type_list<T>, typename sm<T>::state_machines> {};
template <class... Ts>
using get_sub_sms = aux::join_t<typename get_sub_sm<Ts>::type...>;
template <class... Ts>
using get_sm_t = aux::type_list<typename Ts::sm...>;
template <class... Ts>
using get_non_empty_t =
aux::join_t<typename aux::conditional<aux::is_empty<Ts>::value, aux::type_list<>, aux::type_list<Ts>>::type...>;
template <class... Ts>
using merge_deps = aux::join_t<typename Ts::deps...>;
template <class>
struct sub_sm;
template <class T>
struct sub_sm<sm_impl<sm_policy<T>>> {
template <class U, class... TPolicies>
static sm_impl<sm_policy<T, aux::identity<U>, TPolicies...>> &get(
aux::pool_type<sm_impl<sm_policy<T, aux::identity<U>, TPolicies...>>> *object) {
return static_cast<aux::pool_type<sm_impl<sm_policy<T, aux::identity<U>, TPolicies...>>> &>(*object).value;
template <class... TPolicies>
static sm_impl<sm_policy<T, TPolicies...>> &get(aux::pool_type<sm_impl<sm_policy<T, TPolicies...>>> *object) {
return static_cast<aux::pool_type<sm_impl<sm_policy<T, TPolicies...>>> &>(*object).value;
template <class... TPolicies>
static const sm_impl<sm_policy<T, TPolicies...>> &cget(const aux::pool_type<sm_impl<sm_policy<T, TPolicies...>>> *object) {
return static_cast<const aux::pool_type<sm_impl<sm_policy<T, TPolicies...>>> &>(*object).value;
template <class T, class U>
struct sub_sm<sm_impl<sm_policy<T, aux::identity<U>>>> {
template <class... TPolicies>
static sm_impl<sm_policy<T, aux::identity<U>, TPolicies...>> &get(
aux::pool_type<sm_impl<sm_policy<T, aux::identity<U>, TPolicies...>>> *object) {
return static_cast<aux::pool_type<sm_impl<sm_policy<T, aux::identity<U>, TPolicies...>>> &>(*object).value;
template <class... TPolicies>
static const sm_impl<sm_policy<T, aux::identity<U>, TPolicies...>> &cget(
const aux::pool_type<sm_impl<sm_policy<T, aux::identity<U>, TPolicies...>>> *object) {
return static_cast<const aux::pool_type<sm_impl<sm_policy<T, aux::identity<U>, TPolicies...>>> &>(*object).value;
template <class T, class... TPolicies>
struct rebind_impl {
using type = sm_policy<T, TPolicies...>;
template <class T, class... TDetails, class... TPolicies>
struct rebind_impl<sm_policy<T, TDetails...>, TPolicies...> {
using type = sm_policy<T, TDetails..., TPolicies...>;
template <class T, class... TDetails, class... TPolicies>
struct rebind_impl<sm<sm_policy<T, TDetails...>>, TPolicies...> {
using type = sm_policy<T, TDetails..., TPolicies...>;
template <class, class>
struct convert_to_sm;
template <class T, class... Ts>
struct convert_to_sm<T, aux::type_list<Ts...>> {
using type = aux::type_list<sm_impl<T>, sm_impl<typename T::template rebind<Ts>>...>;
namespace back {
template <class>
class sm;
template <class>
struct sm_impl;
template <class...>
struct transitions;
template <class...>
struct transitions_sub;
template <class T, class... Ts>
struct transitions<T, Ts...> {
template <class TEvent, class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
static bool execute(const TEvent &event, SM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, typename SM::state_t &current_state) {
if (aux::get<T>(sm.transitions_).execute(event, sm, deps, subs, current_state, typename SM::has_entry_exits{})) {
return true;
return transitions<Ts...>::execute(event, sm, deps, subs, current_state);
template <class T>
struct transitions<T> {
template <class TEvent, class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
static bool execute(const TEvent &event, SM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, typename SM::state_t &current_state) {
return execute_impl(event, sm, deps, subs, current_state);
template <class TEvent, class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
static bool execute_impl(const TEvent &event, SM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, typename SM::state_t &current_state) {
return aux::get<T>(sm.transitions_).execute(event, sm, deps, subs, current_state, typename SM::has_entry_exits{});
template <class _, class TEvent, class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
static bool execute_impl(const on_exit<_, TEvent> &event, SM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs,
typename SM::state_t &current_state) {
aux::get<T>(sm.transitions_).execute(event, sm, deps, subs, current_state, typename SM::has_entry_exits{});
return false;
template <>
struct transitions<aux::true_type> {
template <class TEvent, class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
static bool execute(const TEvent &event, SM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, typename SM::state_t &current_state) {
sm.process_internal_event(unexpected_event<TEvent>{event}, deps, subs, current_state);
return false;
template <>
struct transitions<aux::false_type> {
template <class TEvent, class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
static bool execute(const TEvent &, SM &, TDeps &, TSubs &, typename SM::state_t &) {
return false;
template <class TSM, class T, class... Ts>
struct transitions_sub<sm<TSM>, T, Ts...> {
template <class TEvent, class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
static bool execute(const TEvent &event, SM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, typename SM::state_t &current_state) {
return execute_impl(event, sm, deps, subs, current_state);
template <class, class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
static bool execute(const anonymous &event, SM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, typename SM::state_t &current_state) {
if (sub_sm<sm_impl<TSM>>::cget(&subs).is_terminated()) {
const auto handled = sub_sm<sm_impl<TSM>>::get(&subs).process_event(event, deps, subs);
return handled ? handled : transitions<T, Ts...>::execute(event, sm, deps, subs, current_state);
return false;
template <class TEvent, class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
static bool execute_impl(const TEvent &event, SM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, typename SM::state_t &current_state) {
const auto handled = sub_sm<sm_impl<TSM>>::get(&subs).process_event(event, deps, subs);
return handled ? handled : transitions<T, Ts...>::execute(event, sm, deps, subs, current_state);
template <class _, class TEvent, class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
static bool execute_impl(const back::on_entry<_, TEvent> &event, SM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs,
typename SM::state_t &current_state) {
transitions<T, Ts...>::execute(event, sm, deps, subs, current_state);
sub_sm<sm_impl<TSM>>::get(&subs).process_event(event, deps, subs);
return true;
template <class TSM>
struct transitions_sub<sm<TSM>> {
template <class TEvent, class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
static bool execute(const TEvent &event, SM &, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, typename SM::state_t &) {
sub_sm<sm_impl<TSM>>::get(&subs).template process_event<TEvent>(event, deps, subs);
return true;
namespace back {
template <class>
class sm;
template <class>
struct state;
template <class>
struct event;
template <class...>
struct transitions;
template <class...>
struct transitions_sub;
template <class, class>
struct state_mappings;
template <class S, class... Ts>
struct state_mappings<S, aux::type_list<Ts...>> {
using element_type = state<S>;
using types = aux::type_list<Ts...>;
template <class, class>
struct event_mappings;
template <class E, class... Ts>
struct event_mappings<E, aux::inherit<Ts...>> {
using element_type = event<E>;
using types = aux::type_list<Ts...>;
template <class...>
struct unique_mappings;
template <class, class...>
struct unique_mappings_impl;
template <class... Ts>
using unique_mappings_t = typename unique_mappings<Ts...>::type;
template <class, class, class, class R>
struct get_mapping : aux::type_list<R> {};
template <class E, class T, class R>
struct get_mapping<event<E>, event<E>, T, R>
: aux::type_list<event_mappings<E, aux::apply_t<unique_mappings_t, aux::join_t<typename R::types, typename T::types>>>> {};
template <class S, class T, class R>
struct get_mapping<state<S>, state<S>, T, R>
: aux::type_list<state_mappings<S, aux::join_t<typename R::types, typename T::types>>> {};
template <class T, class... Ts>
struct extend_mapping : aux::join_t<typename get_mapping<typename T::element_type, typename Ts::element_type, T, Ts>::type...> {
template <class T, class... Ts>
using extend_mapping_t = aux::apply_t<aux::inherit, typename extend_mapping<T, Ts...>::type>;
template <bool, class, class...>
struct conditional_mapping;
template <class T1, class T2, class... Rs, class... Ts>
struct conditional_mapping<true, aux::type<T1, aux::inherit<Rs...>>, T2, Ts...> {
using type = unique_mappings_impl<aux::type<aux::inherit<T1>, extend_mapping_t<T2, Rs...>>, Ts...>;
template <class T1, class T2, class... Rs, class... Ts>
struct conditional_mapping<false, aux::type<T1, aux::inherit<Rs...>>, T2, Ts...> {
using type =
unique_mappings_impl<aux::type<aux::inherit<T1, aux::type<typename T2::element_type>>, aux::inherit<T2, Rs...>>, Ts...>;
template <class T1, class T2, class... Rs, class... Ts>
struct unique_mappings_impl<aux::type<T1, aux::inherit<Rs...>>, T2, Ts...>
: conditional_mapping<aux::is_base_of<aux::type<typename T2::element_type>, T1>::value, aux::type<T1, aux::inherit<Rs...>>,
T2, Ts...>::type {};
template <class T1, class Rs>
struct unique_mappings_impl<aux::type<T1, Rs>> : aux::apply_t<aux::inherit, Rs> {};
template <class... Ts>
struct unique_mappings : unique_mappings_impl<aux::type<aux::none_type, aux::inherit<>>, Ts...> {};
template <class T>
struct unique_mappings<T> : aux::inherit<T> {};
template <class, class...>
struct mappings;
template <class... Ts>
struct mappings<aux::pool<Ts...>>
: unique_mappings_t<
event_mappings<typename Ts::event, aux::inherit<state_mappings<typename Ts::src_state, aux::type_list<Ts>>>>...> {};
template <class T>
using mappings_t = typename mappings<T>::type;
template <class, class TUnexpected>
transitions<TUnexpected> get_state_mapping_impl(...);
template <class T, class, class... Ts>
transitions<Ts...> get_state_mapping_impl(state_mappings<T, aux::type_list<Ts...>> *);
template <class T, class TMappings, class TUnexpected>
struct get_state_mapping {
using type = decltype(get_state_mapping_impl<T, TUnexpected>((TMappings *)0));
template <class S>
transitions_sub<S> get_sub_state_mapping_impl(...);
template <class T, class... Ts>
transitions_sub<T, Ts...> get_sub_state_mapping_impl(state_mappings<T, aux::type_list<Ts...>> *);
template <class T, class TMappings, class TUnexpected>
struct get_state_mapping<sm<T>, TMappings, TUnexpected> {
using type = decltype(get_sub_state_mapping_impl<sm<T>>((TMappings *)0));
template <class T, class TMappings, class TUnexpected>
using get_state_mapping_t = typename get_state_mapping<T, TMappings, TUnexpected>::type;
template <class>
transitions<aux::true_type> get_event_mapping_impl(...);
template <class T, class TMappings>
TMappings get_event_mapping_impl(event_mappings<T, TMappings> *);
template <class T, class... T1Mappings, class... T2Mappings>
unique_mappings_t<T1Mappings..., T2Mappings...> get_event_mapping_impl(event_mappings<T, aux::inherit<T1Mappings...>> *,
event_mappings<_, aux::inherit<T2Mappings...>> *);
template <class T, class TMappings>
struct get_event_mapping_impl_helper
: aux::conditional<aux::is_same<transitions<aux::true_type>, decltype(get_event_mapping_impl<_>((TMappings *)0))>::value,
decltype(get_event_mapping_impl<T>((TMappings *)0)),
decltype(get_event_mapping_impl<T>((TMappings *)0, (TMappings *)0))>::type {};
template <class T, class TMappings>
struct get_event_mapping_impl_helper<exception<T>, TMappings> : decltype(get_event_mapping_impl<exception<T>>((TMappings *)0)) {
template <class T1, class T2, class TMappings>
struct get_event_mapping_impl_helper<unexpected_event<T1, T2>, TMappings>
: decltype(get_event_mapping_impl<unexpected_event<T1, T2>>((TMappings *)0)) {};
template <class T1, class T2, class TMappings>
struct get_event_mapping_impl_helper<on_entry<T1, T2>, TMappings>
: decltype(get_event_mapping_impl<on_entry<T1, T2>>((TMappings *)0)) {};
template <class T1, class T2, class TMappings>
struct get_event_mapping_impl_helper<on_exit<T1, T2>, TMappings>
: decltype(get_event_mapping_impl<on_exit<T1, T2>>((TMappings *)0)) {};
template <class T, class TMappings>
using get_event_mapping_t = get_event_mapping_impl_helper<T, TMappings>;
namespace back {
namespace policies {
struct dispatch_policy__ {};
template <class T>
struct dispatch : aux::pair<dispatch_policy__, T> {
using type = T;
struct jump_table {
template <int, class TMappings, class sm_impl, class State, class TEvent, class TDeps, class TSubs>
static bool dispatch(sm_impl &, State &, const TEvent &, TDeps &, TSubs &, const aux::type_list<> &) {
return false;
template <int, class TMappings, class sm_impl, class State, class TEvent, class TDeps, class TSubs, class... TStates>
static bool dispatch(sm_impl &self, State &current_state, const TEvent &event, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs,
const aux::type_list<TStates...> &) {
using dispatch_table_t = bool (*)(const TEvent &, sm_impl &, TDeps &, TSubs &, State &);
constexpr static dispatch_table_t dispatch_table[__BOOST_SML_ZERO_SIZE_ARRAY_CREATE(sizeof...(TStates))] = {
&get_state_mapping_t<TStates, TMappings, typename sm_impl::has_unexpected_events>::template execute<TEvent, sm_impl,
TDeps, TSubs>...};
return dispatch_table[current_state](event, self, deps, subs, current_state);
struct branch_stm {
template <int, class TMappings, class sm_impl, class State, class TEvent, class TDeps, class TSubs>
static bool dispatch(sm_impl &, State &, const TEvent &, TDeps &, TSubs &, const aux::type_list<> &) {
return false;
template <int N, class TMappings, class sm_impl, class State, class TEvent, class TDeps, class TSubs, class TState,
class... TStates>
static bool dispatch(sm_impl &self, State &current_state, const TEvent &event, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs,
const aux::type_list<TState, TStates...> &) {
return current_state == N
? get_state_mapping_t<TState, TMappings, typename sm_impl::has_unexpected_events>::template execute<
TEvent, sm_impl, TDeps, TSubs>(event, self, deps, subs, current_state)
: dispatch<N + 1, TMappings>(self, current_state, event, deps, subs, aux::type_list<TStates...>{});
struct switch_stm {
template <int, class TMappings, class sm_impl, class State, class TEvent, class TDeps, class TSubs>
static bool dispatch(sm_impl &, State &, const TEvent &, TDeps &, TSubs &, const aux::type_list<> &) {
return false;
template <int N, class TMappings, class sm_impl, class State, class TEvent, class TDeps, class TSubs, class TState,
class... TStates>
static bool dispatch(sm_impl &self, State &current_state, const TEvent &event, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs,
const aux::type_list<TState, TStates...> &) {
switch (current_state) {
case N:
return get_state_mapping_t<TState, TMappings, typename sm_impl::has_unexpected_events>::template execute<
TEvent, sm_impl, TDeps, TSubs>(event, self, deps, subs, current_state);
return dispatch<N + 1, TMappings>(self, current_state, event, deps, subs, aux::type_list<TStates...>{});
#if defined(__cpp_fold_expressions)
struct fold_expr {
template <class TMappings, auto... Ns, class sm_impl, class State, class TEvent, class TDeps, class TSubs, class... TStates>
static bool dispatch_impl(sm_impl &self, State &current_state, aux::index_sequence<Ns...>, const TEvent &event, TDeps &deps,
TSubs &subs, const aux::type_list<TStates...> &) {
return ((current_state == Ns
? get_state_mapping_t<TStates, TMappings, typename sm_impl::has_unexpected_events>::template execute<
TEvent, sm_impl, TDeps, TSubs>(event, self, deps, subs, current_state)
: false) ||
template <int N, class TMappings, class sm_impl, class State, class TEvent, class TDeps, class TSubs, class... TStates>
static bool dispatch(sm_impl &self, State &current_state, const TEvent &event, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs,
const aux::type_list<TStates...> &states) {
return dispatch_impl<TMappings>(self, current_state, aux::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(TStates)>{}, event, deps, subs,
namespace back {
template <class>
class sm;
template <class, class...>
struct sm_policy;
struct no_policy;
namespace policies {
struct logger_policy__ {};
template <class T>
struct logger : aux::pair<logger_policy__, logger<T>> {
using type = T;
template <class>
struct get_state_name;
template <class T>
struct get_state_name<aux::string<T>> {
using type = aux::string<T>;
template <class T, class... Ts>
struct get_state_name<aux::string<sm<sm_policy<T, Ts...>>>> {
using type = typename get_state_name<aux::string<sm_policy<T, Ts...>>>::type;
template <class T>
struct get_state_name<aux::string<sm_policy<T>>> {
using type = aux::string<T>;
template <class T, class TName>
struct get_state_name<aux::string<sm_policy<T, TName>>> {
using type = aux::string<T(typename TName::type)>;
template <class T>
using get_state_name_t = typename get_state_name<T>::type;
template <class, class TDeps, class TEvent>
void log_process_event(const aux::type<no_policy> &, TDeps &, const TEvent &) {}
template <class SM, class TLogger, class TDeps, class TEvent>
void log_process_event(const aux::type<TLogger> &, TDeps &deps, const TEvent &event) {
return static_cast<aux::pool_type<TLogger &> &>(deps).value.template log_process_event<SM>(event);
template <class, class TDeps, class TSrcState, class TDstState>
void log_state_change(const aux::type<no_policy> &, TDeps &, const TSrcState &, const TDstState &) {}
template <class SM, class TLogger, class TDeps, class TSrcState, class TDstState>
void log_state_change(const aux::type<TLogger> &, TDeps &deps, const TSrcState &, const TDstState &) {
return static_cast<aux::pool_type<TLogger &> &>(deps).value.template log_state_change<SM>(get_state_name_t<TSrcState>{},
template <class, class TDeps, class TAction, class TEvent>
void log_action(const aux::type<no_policy> &, TDeps &, const TAction &, const TEvent &) {}
template <class SM, class TLogger, class TDeps, class TAction, class TEvent>
void log_action(const aux::type<TLogger> &, TDeps &deps, const TAction &action, const TEvent &event) {
return static_cast<aux::pool_type<TLogger &> &>(deps).value.template log_action<SM>(action, event);
template <class SM, class TLogger, class TDeps, class TAction, class TEvent>
void log_action(const aux::type<TLogger> &, TDeps &deps, const aux::zero_wrapper<TAction> &action, const TEvent &event) {
return static_cast<aux::pool_type<TLogger &> &>(deps).value.template log_action<SM>(action.get(), event);
template <class, class TDeps, class TGuard, class TEvent>
void log_guard(const aux::type<no_policy> &, TDeps &, const TGuard &, const TEvent &, bool) {}
template <class SM, class TLogger, class TDeps, class TGuard, class TEvent>
void log_guard(const aux::type<TLogger> &, TDeps &deps, const TGuard &guard, const TEvent &event, bool result) {
return static_cast<aux::pool_type<TLogger &> &>(deps).value.template log_guard<SM>(guard, event, result);
template <class SM, class TLogger, class TDeps, class TGuard, class TEvent>
void log_guard(const aux::type<TLogger> &, TDeps &deps, const aux::zero_wrapper<TGuard> &guard, const TEvent &event,
bool result) {
return static_cast<aux::pool_type<TLogger &> &>(deps).value.template log_guard<SM>(guard.get(), event, result);
namespace back {
namespace policies {
struct process_queue_policy__ {};
template <template <class...> class T>
struct process_queue : aux::pair<back::policies::process_queue_policy__, process_queue<T>> {
template <class U>
using rebind = T<U>;
namespace back {
namespace policies {
struct testing_policy__ {};
struct testing : aux::pair<testing_policy__, testing> {};
namespace back {
namespace policies {
struct thread_safety_policy__ {
auto create_lock() { return *this; }
template <class TLock>
struct thread_safe : aux::pair<thread_safety_policy__, thread_safe<TLock>> {
using type = thread_safe;
auto create_lock() {
struct lock_guard {
explicit lock_guard(TLock &lock) : lock_{lock} { lock_.lock(); }
~lock_guard() { lock_.unlock(); }
TLock &lock_;
return lock_guard{lock};
TLock lock;
namespace back {
struct no_policy : policies::thread_safety_policy__ {
using type = no_policy;
template <class>
using rebind = no_policy;
template <class...>
using defer = no_policy;
template <class TDefault, class>
TDefault get_policy(...);
template <class, class T, class TPolicy>
TPolicy get_policy(aux::pair<T, TPolicy> *);
template <class SM, class... TPolicies>
struct sm_policy {
static_assert(aux::is_same<aux::remove_reference_t<SM>, SM>::value, "SM type can't have qualifiers");
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
using default_dispatch_policy = policies::jump_table;
#elif defined(__clang__)
using default_dispatch_policy = policies::jump_table;
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
using default_dispatch_policy = policies::branch_stm;
using sm = SM;
using thread_safety_policy =
decltype(get_policy<no_policy, policies::thread_safety_policy__>((aux::inherit<TPolicies...> *)0));
using defer_queue_policy = decltype(get_policy<no_policy, policies::defer_queue_policy__>((aux::inherit<TPolicies...> *)0));
using process_queue_policy =
decltype(get_policy<no_policy, policies::process_queue_policy__>((aux::inherit<TPolicies...> *)0));
using logger_policy = decltype(get_policy<no_policy, policies::logger_policy__>((aux::inherit<TPolicies...> *)0));
using testing_policy = decltype(get_policy<no_policy, policies::testing_policy__>((aux::inherit<TPolicies...> *)0));
using dispatch_policy =
decltype(get_policy<default_dispatch_policy, policies::dispatch_policy__>((aux::inherit<TPolicies...> *)0));
template <class T>
using rebind = typename rebind_impl<T, TPolicies...>::type;
namespace concepts {
struct callable_fallback {
void operator()();
template <class T>
aux::false_type test_callable(aux::non_type<void (callable_fallback::*)(), &T::operator()> *);
template <class>
aux::true_type test_callable(...);
template <class, class T>
struct callable
: decltype(test_callable<aux::inherit<aux::conditional_t<__is_class(T), T, aux::none_type>, callable_fallback>>(0)) {};
namespace concepts {
template <class T>
decltype(aux::declval<T>().operator()()) composable_impl(int);
template <class>
void composable_impl(...);
template <class T>
struct composable : aux::is<aux::pool, decltype(composable_impl<T>(0))> {};
#if !(defined(__cpp_exceptions) || defined(__EXCEPTIONS) || defined(_CPPUNWIND))
namespace back {
template <class TSM>
struct sm_impl : aux::conditional_t<aux::is_empty<typename TSM::sm>::value, aux::none_type, typename TSM::sm> {
using sm_t = typename TSM::sm;
using thread_safety_t = typename TSM::thread_safety_policy::type;
template <class T>
using defer_queue_t = typename TSM::defer_queue_policy::template rebind<T>;
template <class T>
using process_queue_t = typename TSM::process_queue_policy::template rebind<T>;
using logger_t = typename TSM::logger_policy::type;
using dispatch_t = typename TSM::dispatch_policy;
using transitions_t = decltype(aux::declval<sm_t>().operator()());
using states_t = aux::apply_t<aux::unique_t, aux::apply_t<get_states, transitions_t>>;
using states_ids_t = aux::apply_t<aux::type_id, states_t>;
using initial_states_t = aux::apply_t<aux::unique_t, aux::apply_t<get_initial_states, transitions_t>>;
using initial_states_ids_t = aux::apply_t<aux::type_id, initial_states_t>;
using history_states_t = aux::apply_t<get_history_states, transitions_t>;
using has_history_states =
aux::integral_constant<bool, aux::size<initial_states_t>::value != aux::size<history_states_t>::value>;
using sub_internal_events_t = aux::apply_t<get_sub_internal_events, transitions_t>;
using events_t = aux::apply_t<aux::unique_t, aux::join_t<sub_internal_events_t, aux::apply_t<get_events, transitions_t>>>;
using events_ids_t = aux::apply_t<aux::inherit, events_t>;
using has_unexpected_events = typename aux::is_base_of<unexpected, aux::apply_t<aux::inherit, events_t>>::type;
using has_entry_exits = typename aux::is_base_of<entry_exit, aux::apply_t<aux::inherit, events_t>>::type;
using defer_t = defer_queue_t<aux::apply_t<queue_event, events_t>>;
using process_t = process_queue_t<aux::apply_t<queue_event, events_t>>;
using deps = aux::apply_t<merge_deps, transitions_t>;
using state_t = aux::conditional_t<(aux::size<states_t>::value > 0xFF), unsigned short, aux::byte>;
static constexpr auto regions = aux::size<initial_states_t>::value;
static_assert(regions > 0, "At least one initial state is required");
using exceptions = aux::apply_t<aux::unique_t, aux::apply_t<get_exceptions, events_t>>;
using has_exceptions = aux::integral_constant<bool, (aux::size<exceptions>::value > 0)>;
struct mappings : mappings_t<transitions_t> {};
template <class TPool>
sm_impl(aux::init, const TPool &p) : sm_impl{p, aux::is_empty<sm_t>{}} {}
template <class TPool>
sm_impl(const TPool &p, aux::false_type) : sm_t{aux::try_get<sm_t>(&p)}, transitions_{(*this)()} {
initialize(typename sm_impl<TSM>::initial_states_t{});
template <class TPool>
sm_impl(const TPool &p, aux::true_type) : transitions_{aux::try_get<sm_t>(&p)()} {
initialize(typename sm_impl<TSM>::initial_states_t{});
template <class TEvent, class TDeps, class TSubs>
bool process_event(const TEvent &event, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs) {
policies::log_process_event<sm_t>(aux::type<logger_t>{}, deps, event);
const auto handled = process_event_impl<get_event_mapping_t<get_generic_t<TEvent>, mappings>>(
event, deps, subs, states_t{}, aux::make_index_sequence<regions>{});
const auto handled =
process_event_noexcept<get_event_mapping_t<get_generic_t<TEvent>, mappings>>(event, deps, subs, has_exceptions{});
process_internal_events(anonymous{}, deps, subs);
process_defer_events(deps, subs, handled, aux::type<defer_queue_t<TEvent>>{}, events_t{});
process_queued_events(deps, subs, aux::type<process_queue_t<TEvent>>{}, events_t{});
return handled;
void initialize(const aux::type_list<> &) {}
template <class TState>
void initialize(const aux::type_list<TState> &) {
current_state_[0] = aux::get_id<state_t, TState>((states_ids_t *)0);
template <class... TStates>
void initialize(const aux::type_list<TStates...> &) {
auto region = 0;
#if defined(__cpp_fold_expressions)
((current_state_[region++] = aux::get_id<state_t, TStates>((states_ids_t *)0)), ...);
(void)aux::swallow{0, (current_state_[region++] = aux::get_id<state_t, TStates>((states_ids_t *)0), 0)...};
template <class TDeps, class TSubs>
void start(TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs) {
process_internal_events(on_entry<_, initial>{}, deps, subs);
process_internal_events(anonymous{}, deps, subs);
process_queued_events(deps, subs, aux::type<process_queue_t<initial>>{}, events_t{});
template <class TEvent, class TDeps, class TSubs, class... Ts,
__BOOST_SML_REQUIRES(!aux::is_base_of<get_generic_t<TEvent>, events_ids_t>::value &&
!aux::is_base_of<get_mapped_t<TEvent>, events_ids_t>::value)>
bool process_internal_events(const TEvent &, TDeps &, TSubs &, Ts &&...) {
return false;
template <class TEvent, class TDeps, class TSubs,
__BOOST_SML_REQUIRES(aux::is_base_of<get_generic_t<TEvent>, events_ids_t>::value &&
!aux::is_base_of<get_mapped_t<TEvent>, events_ids_t>::value)>
bool process_internal_events(const TEvent &event, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs) {
policies::log_process_event<sm_t>(aux::type<logger_t>{}, deps, event);
return process_event_impl<get_event_mapping_t<get_generic_t<TEvent>, mappings>>(event, deps, subs, states_t{},
return process_event_noexcept<get_event_mapping_t<get_generic_t<TEvent>, mappings>>(event, deps, subs, has_exceptions{});
template <class TEvent, class TDeps, class TSubs,
__BOOST_SML_REQUIRES(aux::is_base_of<get_mapped_t<TEvent>, events_ids_t>::value)>
bool process_internal_events(const TEvent &event, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs) {
policies::log_process_event<sm_t>(aux::type<logger_t>{}, deps, event);
return process_event_impl<get_event_mapping_t<get_mapped_t<TEvent>, mappings>>(event, deps, subs, states_t{},
return process_event_noexcept<get_event_mapping_t<get_mapped_t<TEvent>, mappings>>(event, deps, subs, has_exceptions{});
template <class TEvent, class TDeps, class TSubs, class... Ts,
__BOOST_SML_REQUIRES(!aux::is_base_of<get_generic_t<TEvent>, events_ids_t>::value &&
!aux::is_base_of<get_mapped_t<TEvent>, events_ids_t>::value)>
bool process_internal_event(const TEvent &, TDeps &, TSubs &, Ts &&...) {
return false;
template <class TEvent, class TDeps, class TSubs,
__BOOST_SML_REQUIRES(aux::is_base_of<get_generic_t<TEvent>, events_ids_t>::value &&
!aux::is_base_of<get_mapped_t<TEvent>, events_ids_t>::value)>
bool process_internal_event(const TEvent &event, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, state_t &current_state) {
policies::log_process_event<sm_t>(aux::type<logger_t>{}, deps, event);
return process_event_impl<get_event_mapping_t<get_generic_t<TEvent>, mappings>>(event, deps, subs, states_t{},
return process_event_noexcept<get_event_mapping_t<get_generic_t<TEvent>, mappings>>(event, deps, subs, current_state,
template <class TEvent, class TDeps, class TSubs,
__BOOST_SML_REQUIRES(aux::is_base_of<get_mapped_t<TEvent>, events_ids_t>::value)>
bool process_internal_event(const TEvent &event, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, state_t &current_state) {
policies::log_process_event<sm_t>(aux::type<logger_t>{}, deps, event);
return process_event_impl<get_event_mapping_t<get_mapped_t<TEvent>, mappings>>(event, deps, subs, states_t{},
return process_event_noexcept<get_event_mapping_t<get_mapped_t<TEvent>, mappings>>(event, deps, subs, current_state,
template <class TMappings, class TEvent, class TDeps, class TSubs, class... TStates>
bool process_event_impl(const TEvent &event, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, const aux::type_list<TStates...> &states,
aux::index_sequence<0>) {
const auto lock = thread_safety_.create_lock();
return dispatch_t::template dispatch<0, TMappings>(*this, current_state_[0], event, deps, subs, states);
template <class TMappings, class TEvent, class TDeps, class TSubs, class... TStates, int... Ns>
bool process_event_impl(const TEvent &event, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, const aux::type_list<TStates...> &states,
aux::index_sequence<Ns...>) {
const auto lock = thread_safety_.create_lock();
auto handled = false;
#if defined(__cpp_fold_expressions)
return ((handled |= dispatch_t::template dispatch<0, TMappings>(*this, current_state_[Ns], event, deps, subs, states)),
(handled |= dispatch_t::template dispatch<0, TMappings>(*this, current_state_[Ns], event, deps, subs, states), 0)...};
return handled;
template <class TMappings, class TEvent, class TDeps, class TSubs, class... TStates>
bool process_event_impl(const TEvent &event, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, const aux::type_list<TStates...> &states,
state_t &current_state) {
const auto lock = thread_safety_.create_lock();
return dispatch_t::template dispatch<0, TMappings>(*this, current_state, event, deps, subs, states);
template <class TMappings, class TEvent, class TDeps, class TSubs>
bool process_event_noexcept(const TEvent &event, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, aux::false_type) noexcept {
return process_event_impl<TMappings>(event, deps, subs, states_t{}, aux::make_index_sequence<regions>{});
template <class TMappings, class TEvent, class TDeps, class TSubs>
bool process_event_noexcept(const TEvent &event, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, state_t &current_state, aux::false_type) noexcept {
return process_event_impl<TMappings>(event, deps, subs, states_t{}, current_state);
template <class TMappings, class TEvent, class TDeps, class TSubs>
bool process_event_noexcept(const TEvent &event, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, state_t &current_state, aux::true_type) noexcept {
try {
return process_event_impl<TMappings>(event, deps, subs, states_t{}, current_state);
} catch (...) {
return process_exception(deps, subs, exceptions{});
template <class TMappings, class TEvent, class TDeps, class TSubs>
bool process_event_noexcept(const TEvent &event, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, aux::true_type) {
try {
return process_event_impl<TMappings>(event, deps, subs, states_t{}, aux::make_index_sequence<regions>{});
} catch (...) {
return process_exception(deps, subs, exceptions{});
template <class TDeps, class TSubs>
bool process_exception(TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, const aux::type_list<> &) {
return process_internal_events(exception<_>{}, deps, subs);
template <class TDeps, class TSubs, class E, class... Es>
bool process_exception(TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, const aux::type_list<E, Es...> &) {
try {
} catch (const typename E::type &e) {
return process_internal_events(E{e}, deps, subs);
} catch (...) {
return process_exception(deps, subs, aux::type_list<Es...>{});
template <class TDeps, class TSubs, class... TEvents>
void process_defer_events(TDeps &, TSubs &, const bool, const aux::type<no_policy> &, const aux::type_list<TEvents...> &) {}
template <class TDeps, class TSubs, class TEvent>
bool process_event_no_defer(TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, const void *data) {
const auto &event = *static_cast<const TEvent *>(data);
policies::log_process_event<sm_t>(aux::type<logger_t>{}, deps, event);
const auto handled = process_event_impl<get_event_mapping_t<TEvent, mappings>>(event, deps, subs, states_t{},
const auto handled = process_event_noexcept<get_event_mapping_t<TEvent, mappings>>(event, deps, subs, has_exceptions{});
if (handled) {
return handled;
template <class TDeps, class TSubs, class TDeferQueue, class... TEvents>
void process_defer_events(TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, const bool handled, const aux::type<TDeferQueue> &,
const aux::type_list<TEvents...> &) {
if (handled) {
auto size = defer_.size();
using dispatch_table_t = bool (sm_impl::*)(TDeps &, TSubs &, const void *);
const static dispatch_table_t dispatch_table[__BOOST_SML_ZERO_SIZE_ARRAY_CREATE(sizeof...(TEvents))] = {
&sm_impl::process_event_no_defer<TDeps, TSubs, TEvents>...};
while (size-- && (this->*dispatch_table[defer_.front().id])(deps, subs, defer_.front().data))
template <class TDeps, class TSubs, class... TEvents>
void process_queued_events(TDeps &, TSubs &, const aux::type<no_policy> &, const aux::type_list<TEvents...> &) {}
template <class TDeps, class TSubs, class TEvent>
bool process_event_no_queue(TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, const void *data) {
const auto &event = *static_cast<const TEvent *>(data);
policies::log_process_event<sm_t>(aux::type<logger_t>{}, deps, event);
return process_event_impl<get_event_mapping_t<TEvent, mappings>>(event, deps, subs, states_t{},
return process_event_noexcept<get_event_mapping_t<TEvent, mappings>>(event, deps, subs, has_exceptions{});
template <class TDeps, class TSubs, class TDeferQueue, class... TEvents>
void process_queued_events(TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, const aux::type<TDeferQueue> &, const aux::type_list<TEvents...> &) {
using dispatch_table_t = bool (sm_impl::*)(TDeps &, TSubs &, const void *);
const static dispatch_table_t dispatch_table[__BOOST_SML_ZERO_SIZE_ARRAY_CREATE(sizeof...(TEvents))] = {
&sm_impl::process_event_no_queue<TDeps, TSubs, TEvents>...};
while (!process_.empty()) {
(this->*dispatch_table[process_.front().id])(deps, subs, process_.front().data);
template <class TVisitor, class... TStates>
void visit_current_states(const TVisitor &visitor, const aux::type_list<TStates...> &, aux::index_sequence<0>) const {
using dispatch_table_t = void (*)(const TVisitor &);
const static dispatch_table_t dispatch_table[__BOOST_SML_ZERO_SIZE_ARRAY_CREATE(sizeof...(TStates))] = {
&sm_impl::visit_state<TVisitor, TStates>...};
template <class TVisitor, class... TStates, int... Ns>
void visit_current_states(const TVisitor &visitor, const aux::type_list<TStates...> &, aux::index_sequence<Ns...>) const {
using dispatch_table_t = void (*)(const TVisitor &);
const static dispatch_table_t dispatch_table[__BOOST_SML_ZERO_SIZE_ARRAY_CREATE(sizeof...(TStates))] = {
&sm_impl::visit_state<TVisitor, TStates>...};
#if defined(__cpp_fold_expressions)
(dispatch_table[current_state_[Ns]](visitor), ...);
(void)aux::swallow{0, (dispatch_table[current_state_[Ns]](visitor), 0)...};
template <class TVisitor, class TState>
static void visit_state(const TVisitor &visitor) {
bool is_terminated() const { return is_terminated_impl(aux::make_index_sequence<regions>{}); }
bool is_terminated_impl(aux::index_sequence<0>) const {
return current_state_[0] == aux::get_id<state_t, terminate_state>((states_ids_t *)0);
template <int... Ns>
bool is_terminated_impl(aux::index_sequence<Ns...>) const {
#if defined(__cpp_fold_expressions)
return ((current_state_[Ns] == aux::get_id<state_t, terminate_state>((states_ids_t *)0)) && ...);
auto result = true;
0, (current_state_[Ns] == aux::get_id<state_t, terminate_state>((states_ids_t *)0) ? result : (result = false))...};
return result;
transitions_t transitions_;
state_t current_state_[regions];
thread_safety_t thread_safety_;
defer_t defer_;
process_t process_;
template <class TSM>
class sm {
using sm_t = typename TSM::sm;
using logger_t = typename TSM::logger_policy::type;
using logger_dep_t =
aux::conditional_t<aux::is_same<no_policy, logger_t>::value, aux::type_list<>, aux::type_list<logger_t &>>;
using transitions_t = decltype(aux::declval<sm_t>().operator()());
static_assert(concepts::composable<sm_t>::value, "Composable constraint is not satisfied!");
using states = aux::apply_t<aux::unique_t, aux::apply_t<get_states, transitions_t>>;
using state_machines = aux::apply_t<get_sub_sms, states>;
using events = aux::apply_t<aux::unique_t, aux::apply_t<get_all_events, transitions_t>>;
using transitions = aux::apply_t<aux::type_list, transitions_t>;
using sm_all_t = aux::apply_t<get_non_empty_t, aux::join_t<aux::type_list<sm_t>, aux::apply_t<get_sm_t, state_machines>>>;
using sub_sms_t = aux::apply_t<aux::pool, typename convert_to_sm<TSM, aux::apply_t<get_sub_sms, states>>::type>;
using deps = aux::apply_t<merge_deps, transitions_t>;
using deps_t =
aux::apply_t<aux::unique_t, aux::join_t<deps, sm_all_t, logger_dep_t, aux::apply_t<merge_deps, sub_sms_t>>>>;
struct events_ids : aux::apply_t<aux::inherit, events> {};
sm() : deps_{aux::init{}, aux::pool<>{}}, sub_sms_{aux::pool<>{}} { aux::get<sm_impl<TSM>>(sub_sms_).start(deps_, sub_sms_); }
template <class... TDeps, __BOOST_SML_REQUIRES((sizeof...(TDeps) > 0) && aux::is_unique_t<TDeps...>::value)>
explicit sm(TDeps &&... deps) : deps_{aux::init{}, aux::pool<TDeps...>{deps...}}, sub_sms_{aux::pool<TDeps...>{deps...}} {
aux::get<sm_impl<TSM>>(sub_sms_).start(deps_, sub_sms_);
sm(aux::init, deps_t &deps) : deps_{deps}, sub_sms_{deps} { aux::get<sm_impl<TSM>>(sub_sms_).start(deps_, sub_sms_); }
sm(sm &&other) : deps_{other.deps_}, sub_sms_{other.deps_} {}
sm(const sm &) = delete;
sm &operator=(const sm &) = delete;
template <class TEvent, __BOOST_SML_REQUIRES(aux::is_base_of<TEvent, events_ids>::value)>
void process_event(const TEvent &event) {
aux::get<sm_impl<TSM>>(sub_sms_).process_event(event, deps_, sub_sms_);
template <class TEvent, __BOOST_SML_REQUIRES(!aux::is_base_of<TEvent, events_ids>::value)>
void process_event(const TEvent &event) {
aux::get<sm_impl<TSM>>(sub_sms_).process_event(unexpected_event<_, TEvent>{event}, deps_, sub_sms_);
template <class T = aux::identity<sm_t>, class TVisitor, __BOOST_SML_REQUIRES(concepts::callable<void, TVisitor>::value)>
void visit_current_states(const TVisitor &visitor) const {
using type = typename T::type;
using sm_impl_t = sm_impl<typename TSM::template rebind<type>>;
using states_t = typename sm_impl_t::states_t;
constexpr auto regions = sm_impl_t::regions;
aux::cget<sm_impl_t>(sub_sms_).visit_current_states(visitor, states_t{}, aux::make_index_sequence<regions>{});
template <class T = aux::identity<sm_t>, class TState>
bool is(const TState &) const {
using type = typename T::type;
using sm_impl_t = sm_impl<typename TSM::template rebind<type>>;
using state_t = typename sm_impl_t::state_t;
using states_ids_t = typename sm_impl_t::states_ids_t;
return aux::get_id<state_t, typename TState::type>((states_ids_t *)0) == aux::cget<sm_impl_t>(sub_sms_).current_state_[0];
template <class T = aux::identity<sm_t>, template <class...> class TState>
bool is(const TState<terminate_state> &) const {
using type = typename T::type;
using sm_impl_t = sm_impl<typename TSM::template rebind<type>>;
using state_t = typename sm_impl_t::state_t;
using states_ids_t = typename sm_impl_t::states_ids_t;
auto result = false;
visit_current_states<T>([&](auto state) {
result |= (aux::get_id<state_t, terminate_state>((states_ids_t *)0) ==
aux::get_id<state_t, typename decltype(state)::type>((states_ids_t *)0));
return result;
template <class T = aux::identity<sm_t>, class... TStates,
__BOOST_SML_REQUIRES(sizeof...(TStates) == sm_impl<typename TSM::template rebind<typename T::type>>::regions)>
bool is(const TStates &...) const {
using type = typename T::type;
using sm_impl_t = sm_impl<typename TSM::template rebind<type>>;
using states_ids_t = typename sm_impl_t::states_ids_t;
using state_t = typename sm_impl_t::state_t;
auto result = true;
auto i = 0;
state_t state_ids[] = {aux::get_id<state_t, typename TStates::type>((states_ids_t *)0)...};
visit_current_states<T>([&](auto state) {
result &= (aux::get_id<state_t, typename decltype(state)::type>((states_ids_t *)0) == state_ids[i++]);
return result;
template <class T = aux::identity<sm_t>, class... TStates,
__BOOST_SML_REQUIRES(!aux::is_same<no_policy, typename TSM::testing_policy>::value && aux::always<T>::value)>
void set_current_states(const TStates &...) {
using type = typename T::type;
using sm_impl_t = sm_impl<typename TSM::template rebind<type>>;
using states_ids_t = typename sm_impl_t::states_ids_t;
using state_t = typename sm_impl_t::state_t;
auto &sm = aux::get<sm_impl<TSM>>(sub_sms_);
auto region = 0;
#if defined(__cpp_fold_expressions)
((sm.current_state_[region++] = aux::get_id<state_t, typename TStates::type>((states_ids_t *)0)), ...);
(sm.current_state_[region++] = aux::get_id<state_t, typename TStates::type>((states_ids_t *)0), 0)...};
template <class T>
operator T &() {
return aux::get<sm_impl<typename TSM::template rebind<T>>>(sub_sms_);
template <class T>
operator const T &() {
return aux::cget<sm_impl<typename TSM::template rebind<T>>>(sub_sms_);
deps_t deps_;
sub_sms_t sub_sms_;
namespace front {
struct operator_base {};
struct action_base {};
template <class, class>
aux::type_list<action_base> args1__(...);
template <class T, class E>
auto args1__(int) -> aux::function_traits_t<decltype(&T::operator())>;
template <class T, class E>
auto args__(int) -> aux::function_traits_t<decltype(&T::__BOOST_SML_TEMPLATE_KEYWORD operator()<back::get_event_t<E>>)>;
template <class T, class E>
auto args__(...) -> decltype(args1__<T, E>(0));
template <class T, class E>
using args_t = decltype(args__<T, E>(0));
template <class T, class TEvent, class TSM, class TDeps>
decltype(auto) get_arg(const aux::type<T> &, const TEvent &, TSM &, TDeps &deps) {
return aux::get<T>(deps);
template <class TEvent, class TSM, class TDeps>
decltype(auto) get_arg(const aux::type<TEvent> &, const TEvent &event, TSM &, TDeps &) {
return event;
template <class TEvent, class TSM, class TDeps>
decltype(auto) get_arg(const aux::type<const TEvent &> &, const TEvent &event, TSM &, TDeps &) {
return event;
template <class T, class TEvent, class TSM, class TDeps>
decltype(auto) get_arg(const aux::type<const TEvent &> &, const back::unexpected_event<T, TEvent> &event, TSM &, TDeps &) {
return event.event_;
template <class T, class TEvent, class TSM, class TDeps>
decltype(auto) get_arg(const aux::type<const TEvent &> &, const back::on_entry<T, TEvent> &event, TSM &, TDeps &) {
return event.event_;
template <class T, class TEvent, class TSM, class TDeps>
decltype(auto) get_arg(const aux::type<const TEvent &> &, const back::on_exit<T, TEvent> &event, TSM &, TDeps &) {
return event.event_;
template <class T, class TEvent, class TSM, class TDeps>
decltype(auto) get_arg(const aux::type<const TEvent &> &, const back::exception<T, TEvent> &event, TSM &, TDeps &) {
return event.exception_;
template <class... TEvents, class TEvent, class TSM, class TDeps>
decltype(auto) get_arg(const aux::type<back::defer<TEvents...>> &, const TEvent, TSM &sm, TDeps &) {
return back::defer<TEvents...>{sm.defer_};
template <class... TEvents, class TEvent, class TSM, class TDeps>
decltype(auto) get_arg(const aux::type<back::process<TEvents...>> &, const TEvent, TSM &sm, TDeps &) {
return back::process<TEvents...>{sm.process_};
template <class, class, class>
struct call;
template <class TEvent>
struct call<TEvent, aux::type_list<>, back::no_policy> {
template <class T, class TSM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
static auto execute(T object, const TEvent &, TSM &, TDeps &, TSubs &) {
return object();
template <class TEvent, class TLogger>
struct call<TEvent, aux::type_list<>, TLogger> {
template <class T, class TSM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
static auto execute(T object, const TEvent &event, TSM &, TDeps &deps, TSubs &) {
using result_type = decltype(object());
return execute_impl<typename TSM::sm_t>(aux::type<result_type>{}, object, event, deps);
template <class TSM, class T, class TDeps>
static auto execute_impl(const aux::type<bool> &, T object, const TEvent &event, TDeps &deps) {
const auto result = object();
back::policies::log_guard<TSM>(aux::type<TLogger>{}, deps, object, event, result);
return result;
template <class TSM, class T, class TDeps>
static auto execute_impl(const aux::type<void> &, T object, const TEvent &event, TDeps &deps) {
back::policies::log_action<TSM>(aux::type<TLogger>{}, deps, object, event);
template <class TEvent>
struct call<TEvent, aux::type_list<TEvent>, back::no_policy> {
template <class T, class TSM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
static auto execute(T object, const TEvent &event, TSM &, TDeps &, TSubs &) {
return object(event);
template <class TEvent, class TLogger>
struct call<TEvent, aux::type_list<TEvent>, TLogger> {
template <class T, class TSM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
static auto execute(T object, const TEvent &event, TSM &, TDeps &deps, TSubs &) {
using result_type = decltype(object(event));
return execute_impl<typename TSM::sm_t>(aux::type<result_type>{}, object, event, deps);
template <class TSM, class T, class TDeps>
static auto execute_impl(const aux::type<bool> &, T object, const TEvent &event, TDeps &deps) {
const auto result = object(event);
back::policies::log_guard<TSM>(aux::type<TLogger>{}, deps, object, event, result);
return result;
template <class TSM, class T, class TDeps>
static auto execute_impl(const aux::type<void> &, T object, const TEvent &event, TDeps &deps) {
back::policies::log_action<TSM>(aux::type<TLogger>{}, deps, object, event);
template <class TEvent>
struct call<TEvent, aux::type_list<action_base>, back::no_policy> {
template <class T, class TSM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
static auto execute(T object, const TEvent &event, TSM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs) {
return object(event, sm, deps, subs);
template <class TEvent, class TLogger>
struct call<TEvent, aux::type_list<action_base>, TLogger> {
template <class T, class TSM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
static auto execute(T object, const TEvent &event, TSM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs) {
return object(event, sm, deps, subs);
template <class TEvent, class... Ts>
struct call<TEvent, aux::type_list<Ts...>, back::no_policy> {
template <class T, class TSM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
static auto execute(T object, const TEvent &event, TSM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &) {
return object(get_arg(aux::type<Ts>{}, event, sm, deps)...);
template <class TEvent, class... Ts, class TLogger>
struct call<TEvent, aux::type_list<Ts...>, TLogger> {
template <class T, class TSM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
static auto execute(T object, const TEvent &event, TSM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &) {
using result_type = decltype(object(get_arg(aux::type<Ts>{}, event, sm, deps)...));
return execute_impl<typename TSM::sm_t>(aux::type<result_type>{}, object, event, sm, deps);
template <class TSM, class T, class SM, class TDeps>
static auto execute_impl(const aux::type<bool> &, T object, const TEvent &event, SM &sm, TDeps &deps) {
const auto result = object(get_arg(aux::type<Ts>{}, event, sm, deps)...);
back::policies::log_guard<TSM>(aux::type<TLogger>{}, deps, object, event, result);
return result;
template <class TSM, class T, class SM, class TDeps>
static auto execute_impl(const aux::type<void> &, T object, const TEvent &event, SM &sm, TDeps &deps) {
back::policies::log_action<TSM>(aux::type<TLogger>{}, deps, object, event);
object(get_arg(aux::type<Ts>{}, event, sm, deps)...);
template <class... Ts>
class seq_ : operator_base {
explicit seq_(Ts... ts) : a(ts...) {}
template <class TEvent, class TSM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
void operator()(const TEvent &event, TSM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs) {
for_all(aux::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Ts)>{}, event, sm, deps, subs);
template <int... Ns, class TEvent, class TSM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
void for_all(const aux::index_sequence<Ns...> &, const TEvent &event, TSM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs) {
#if defined(__cpp_fold_expressions)
(call<TEvent, args_t<Ts, TEvent>, typename TSM::logger_t>::execute(aux::get_by_id<Ns>(&a), event, sm, deps, subs), ...);
0, (call<TEvent, args_t<Ts, TEvent>, typename TSM::logger_t>::execute(aux::get_by_id<Ns>(&a), event, sm, deps, subs),
aux::tuple<Ts...> a;
template <class... Ts>
class and_ : operator_base {
explicit and_(Ts... ts) : g(ts...) {}
template <class TEvent, class TSM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
auto operator()(const TEvent &event, TSM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs) {
return for_all(aux::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Ts)>{}, event, sm, deps, subs);
template <int... Ns, class TEvent, class TSM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
auto for_all(const aux::index_sequence<Ns...> &, const TEvent &event, TSM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs) {
#if defined(__cpp_fold_expressions)
return (call<TEvent, args_t<Ts, TEvent>, typename TSM::logger_t>::execute(aux::get_by_id<Ns>(&g), event, sm, deps, subs) &&
auto result = true;
(void)aux::swallow{0, (result && call<TEvent, args_t<Ts, TEvent>, typename TSM::logger_t>::execute(aux::get_by_id<Ns>(&g),
event, sm, deps, subs)
? result
: (result = false))...};
return result;
aux::tuple<Ts...> g;
template <class... Ts>
class or_ : operator_base {
explicit or_(Ts... ts) : g(ts...) {}
template <class TEvent, class TSM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
auto operator()(const TEvent &event, TSM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs) {
return for_all(aux::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Ts)>{}, event, sm, deps, subs);
template <int... Ns, class TEvent, class TSM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
auto for_all(const aux::index_sequence<Ns...> &, const TEvent &event, TSM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs) {
#if defined(__cpp_fold_expressions)
return (call<TEvent, args_t<Ts, TEvent>, typename TSM::logger_t>::execute(aux::get_by_id<Ns>(&g), event, sm, deps, subs) ||
auto result = false;
(void)aux::swallow{0, (result || call<TEvent, args_t<Ts, TEvent>, typename TSM::logger_t>::execute(aux::get_by_id<Ns>(&g),
event, sm, deps, subs)
? (result = true)
: result)...};
return result;
aux::tuple<Ts...> g;
template <class T>
class not_ : operator_base {
explicit not_(T t) : g(t) {}
template <class TEvent, class TSM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
auto operator()(const TEvent &event, TSM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs) {
return !call<TEvent, args_t<T, TEvent>, typename TSM::logger_t>::execute(g, event, sm, deps, subs);
T g;
template <class T, __BOOST_SML_REQUIRES(concepts::callable<bool, T>::value)>
auto operator!(const T &t) {
return front::not_<aux::zero_wrapper<T>>(aux::zero_wrapper<T>{t});
template <class T1, class T2, __BOOST_SML_REQUIRES(concepts::callable<bool, T1>::value &&concepts::callable<bool, T2>::value)>
auto operator&&(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2) {
return front::and_<aux::zero_wrapper<T1>, aux::zero_wrapper<T2>>(aux::zero_wrapper<T1>{t1}, aux::zero_wrapper<T2>{t2});
template <class T1, class T2, __BOOST_SML_REQUIRES(concepts::callable<bool, T1>::value &&concepts::callable<bool, T2>::value)>
auto operator||(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2) {
return front::or_<aux::zero_wrapper<T1>, aux::zero_wrapper<T2>>(aux::zero_wrapper<T1>{t1}, aux::zero_wrapper<T2>{t2});
template <class T1, class T2, __BOOST_SML_REQUIRES(concepts::callable<void, T1>::value &&concepts::callable<void, T2>::value)>
auto operator,(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2) {
return front::seq_<aux::zero_wrapper<T1>, aux::zero_wrapper<T2>>(aux::zero_wrapper<T1>{t1}, aux::zero_wrapper<T2>{t2});
namespace front {
namespace actions {
struct defer : action_base {
template <class TEvent, class TSM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
void operator()(const TEvent &event, TSM &sm, TDeps &, TSubs &) {
using testing = back::policies::testing;
template <class T>
using logger = back::policies::logger<T>;
template <class T>
using thread_safe = back::policies::thread_safe<T>;
template <class T>
using dispatch = back::policies::dispatch<T>;
template <template <class...> class T>
using defer_queue = back::policies::defer_queue<T>;
template <template <class...> class T>
using process_queue = back::policies::process_queue<T>;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
template <class T, class... TPolicies, class T__ = aux::remove_reference_t<decltype(aux::declval<T>())>>
using sm = back::sm<back::sm_policy<T__, TPolicies...>>;
template <class T, class... TPolicies>
using sm = back::sm<back::sm_policy<T, TPolicies...>>;
namespace concepts {
aux::false_type transitional_impl(...);
template <class T>
auto transitional_impl(T &&t) -> aux::always<typename T::dst_state, typename T::src_state, typename T::event, typename T::deps,
decltype(T::initial), decltype(T::history)>;
template <class T>
struct transitional : decltype(transitional_impl(aux::declval<T>())) {};
namespace front {
namespace actions {
struct process {
template <class TEvent>
class process_impl : public action_base {
explicit process_impl(const TEvent &event) : event(event) {}
template <class T, class TSM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
void operator()(const T &, TSM &sm, TDeps &, TSubs &) {
TEvent event;
template <class TEvent>
auto operator()(const TEvent &event) {
return process_impl<TEvent>{event};
namespace front {
template <class, class>
struct transition_eg;
template <class, class>
struct transition_ea;
template <class TEvent>
struct event {
template <class T, __BOOST_SML_REQUIRES(concepts::callable<bool, T>::value)>
auto operator[](const T &t) const {
return transition_eg<event, aux::zero_wrapper<T>>{*this, aux::zero_wrapper<T>{t}};
template <class T, __BOOST_SML_REQUIRES(concepts::callable<void, T>::value)>
auto operator/(const T &t) const {
return transition_ea<event, aux::zero_wrapper<T>>{*this, aux::zero_wrapper<T>{t}};
auto operator()() const { return TEvent{}; }
namespace front {
struct initial_state {};
struct history_state {};
template <class...>
struct transition;
template <class, class>
struct transition_sa;
template <class, class>
struct transition_sg;
template <class, class>
struct transition_eg;
template <class>
struct state;
template <class TState>
struct state_impl {
template <class T>
auto operator<=(const T &t) const {
return transition<TState, T>{static_cast<const TState &>(*this), t};
template <class T>
auto operator+(const T &t) const {
return transition<TState, T>{static_cast<const TState &>(*this), t};
template <class T, __BOOST_SML_REQUIRES(concepts::callable<bool, T>::value)>
auto operator[](const T &t) const {
return transition_sg<TState, aux::zero_wrapper<T>>{static_cast<const TState &>(*this), aux::zero_wrapper<T>{t}};
template <class T, __BOOST_SML_REQUIRES(concepts::callable<void, T>::value)>
auto operator/(const T &t) const {
return transition_sa<TState, aux::zero_wrapper<T>>{static_cast<const TState &>(*this), aux::zero_wrapper<T>{t}};
template <class TState>
struct state : state_impl<state<TState>> {
using type = TState;
static constexpr auto initial = false;
static constexpr auto history = false;
auto operator*() const { return state<TState(initial_state)>{}; }
auto operator()(const initial_state &) const { return state<TState(initial_state)>{}; }
auto operator()(const history_state &) const { return state<TState(history_state)>{}; }
template <class... Ts>
auto operator()(const state<Ts> &...) const {
return state<TState(Ts...)>{};
template <class T>
auto operator=(const T &t) const {
return transition<T, state>{t, *this};
template <class T>
auto sm() const {
return state<back::sm<back::sm_policy<T, aux::identity<TState>>>>{};
template <class TState>
struct state<TState(initial_state)> : state_impl<state<TState(initial_state)>> {
using type = TState;
static constexpr auto initial = true;
static constexpr auto history = false;
template <class T>
auto operator=(const T &t) const {
return transition<T, state>{t, *this};
template <class TState>
struct state<TState(history_state)> : state_impl<state<TState(history_state)>> {
using type = TState;
static constexpr auto initial = true;
static constexpr auto history = true;
template <class T>
auto operator=(const T &t) const {
return transition<T, state>{t, *this};
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
template <class T, class T__ = aux::remove_reference_t<decltype(aux::declval<T>())>, class = void>
struct state_sm {
using type = state<T>;
template <class T, class T__>
struct state_sm<T, T__, aux::enable_if_t<concepts::composable<T__>::value>> {
using type = state<back::sm<back::sm_policy<T__>>>;
template <class T, class = void>
struct state_sm {
using type = state<T>;
template <class T>
struct state_sm<T, aux::enable_if_t<concepts::composable<T>::value>> {
using type = state<back::sm<back::sm_policy<T>>>;
namespace front {
struct internal {};
template <class, class>
struct ignore;
template <class E, class... Ts>
struct ignore<E, aux::type_list<Ts...>> {
template <class T>
struct non_events {
using type =
aux::conditional_t<aux::is_same<back::get_event_t<E>, aux::remove_const_t<aux::remove_reference_t<T>>>::value ||
aux::is_same<T, action_base>::value,
aux::type_list<>, aux::type_list<T>>;
using type = aux::join_t<typename non_events<Ts>::type...>;
template <class T, class E, class = void>
struct get_deps {
using type = typename ignore<E, args_t<T, E>>::type;
template <class T, class E>
using get_deps_t = typename get_deps<T, E>::type;
template <template <class...> class T, class... Ts, class E>
struct get_deps<T<Ts...>, E, aux::enable_if_t<aux::is_base_of<operator_base, T<Ts...>>::value>> {
using type = aux::join_t<get_deps_t<Ts, E>...>;
struct always {
bool operator()() const { return true; }
struct none {
void operator()() {}
template <class...>
struct transition;
template <class E, class G>
struct transition<front::event<E>, G> {
template <class T>
auto operator/(const T &t) const {
return transition<front::event<E>, G, aux::zero_wrapper<T>>{e, g, aux::zero_wrapper<T>{t}};
front::event<E> e;
G g;
template <class E, class G, class A>
struct transition<front::event<E>, G, A> {
front::event<E> e;
G g;
A a;
template <class S2, class G, class A>
struct transition<state<S2>, G, A> : transition<state<internal>, state<S2>, front::event<back::anonymous>, G, A> {
using transition<state<internal>, state<S2>, front::event<back::anonymous>, G, A>::g;
using transition<state<internal>, state<S2>, front::event<back::anonymous>, G, A>::a;
transition(const G &g, const A &a) : transition<state<internal>, state<S2>, front::event<back::anonymous>, G, A>{g, a} {}
template <class T>
auto operator=(const T &) const {
return transition<T, state<S2>, front::event<back::anonymous>, G, A>{g, a};
template <class S1, class S2>
struct transition<state<S1>, state<S2>> : transition<state<S1>, state<S2>, front::event<back::anonymous>, always, none> {
transition(const state<S1> &, const state<S2> &)
: transition<state<S1>, state<S2>, front::event<back::anonymous>, always, none>{always{}, none{}} {}
template <class S2, class G>
struct transition_sg<state<S2>, G> : transition<state<internal>, state<S2>, front::event<back::anonymous>, G, none> {
using transition<state<internal>, state<S2>, front::event<back::anonymous>, G, none>::g;
transition_sg(const state<S2> &, const G &g)
: transition<state<internal>, state<S2>, front::event<back::anonymous>, G, none>{g, none{}} {}
template <class T>
auto operator/(const T &t) const {
return transition<state<S2>, G, aux::zero_wrapper<T>>{g, aux::zero_wrapper<T>{t}};
template <class T>
auto operator=(const T &) const {
return transition<T, state<S2>, front::event<back::anonymous>, G, none>{g, none{}};
template <class S2, class A>
struct transition_sa<state<S2>, A> : transition<state<internal>, state<S2>, front::event<back::anonymous>, always, A> {
using transition<state<internal>, state<S2>, front::event<back::anonymous>, always, A>::a;
transition_sa(const state<S2> &, const A &a)
: transition<state<internal>, state<S2>, front::event<back::anonymous>, always, A>{always{}, a} {}
template <class T>
auto operator=(const T &) const {
return transition<T, state<S2>, front::event<back::anonymous>, always, A>{always{}, a};
template <class S2, class E>
struct transition<state<S2>, front::event<E>> {
template <class T>
auto operator=(const T &) const {
return transition<T, state<S2>, front::event<E>, always, none>{always{}, none{}};
const state<S2> &s2;
front::event<E> e;
template <class E, class G>
struct transition_eg<front::event<E>, G> {
template <class T>
auto operator/(const T &t) const {
return transition<front::event<E>, G, aux::zero_wrapper<T>>{e, g, aux::zero_wrapper<T>{t}};
front::event<E> e;
G g;
template <class E, class A>
struct transition_ea<front::event<E>, A> {
front::event<E> e;
A a;
template <class S1, class S2, class G, class A>
struct transition<state<S1>, transition<state<S2>, G, A>>
: transition<state<S1>, state<S2>, front::event<back::anonymous>, G, A> {
transition(const state<S1> &, const transition<state<S2>, G, A> &t)
: transition<state<S1>, state<S2>, front::event<back::anonymous>, G, A>{t.g, t.a} {}
template <class S1, class E, class G, class A>
struct transition<state<S1>, transition<front::event<E>, G, A>>
: transition<state<internal>, state<S1>, front::event<E>, G, A> {
using transition<state<internal>, state<S1>, front::event<E>, G, A>::g;
using transition<state<internal>, state<S1>, front::event<E>, G, A>::a;
transition(const state<S1> &, const transition<front::event<E>, G, A> &t)
: transition<state<internal>, state<S1>, front::event<E>, G, A>{t.g, t.a} {}
template <class T>
auto operator=(const T &) const {
return transition<T, state<S1>, front::event<E>, G, A>{g, a};
template <class S1, class S2, class E>
struct transition<state<S1>, transition<state<S2>, front::event<E>>>
: transition<state<S1>, state<S2>, front::event<E>, always, none> {
transition(const state<S1> &, const transition<state<S2>, front::event<E>> &)
: transition<state<S1>, state<S2>, front::event<E>, always, none>{always{}, none{}} {}
template <class S1, class S2, class G>
struct transition<state<S1>, transition_sg<state<S2>, G>>
: transition<state<S1>, state<S2>, front::event<back::anonymous>, G, none> {
transition(const state<S1> &, const transition_sg<state<S2>, G> &t)
: transition<state<S1>, state<S2>, front::event<back::anonymous>, G, none>{t.g, none{}} {}
template <class S1, class S2, class A>
struct transition<state<S1>, transition_sa<state<S2>, A>>
: transition<state<S1>, state<S2>, front::event<back::anonymous>, always, A> {
transition(const state<S1> &, const transition_sa<state<S2>, A> &t)
: transition<state<S1>, state<S2>, front::event<back::anonymous>, always, A>{always{}, t.a} {}
template <class S2, class E, class G>
struct transition<state<S2>, transition_eg<front::event<E>, G>>
: transition<state<internal>, state<S2>, front::event<E>, G, none> {
using transition<state<internal>, state<S2>, front::event<E>, G, none>::g;
transition(const state<S2> &, const transition_eg<front::event<E>, G> &t)
: transition<state<internal>, state<S2>, front::event<E>, G, none>{t.g, none{}} {}
template <class T>
auto operator=(const T &) const {
return transition<T, state<S2>, front::event<E>, G, none>{g, none{}};
template <class S1, class S2, class E, class G>
struct transition<state<S1>, transition<state<S2>, transition_eg<front::event<E>, G>>>
: transition<state<S1>, state<S2>, front::event<E>, G, none> {
transition(const state<S1> &, const transition<state<S2>, transition_eg<front::event<E>, G>> &t)
: transition<state<S1>, state<S2>, front::event<E>, G, none>{t.g, none{}} {}
template <class S2, class E, class A>
struct transition<state<S2>, transition_ea<front::event<E>, A>>
: transition<state<internal>, state<S2>, front::event<E>, always, A> {
using transition<state<internal>, state<S2>, front::event<E>, always, A>::a;
transition(const state<S2> &, const transition_ea<front::event<E>, A> &t)
: transition<state<internal>, state<S2>, front::event<E>, always, A>{always{}, t.a} {}
template <class T>
auto operator=(const T &) const {
return transition<T, state<S2>, front::event<E>, always, A>{always{}, a};
template <class S1, class S2, class E, class A>
struct transition<state<S1>, transition<state<S2>, transition_ea<front::event<E>, A>>>
: transition<state<S1>, state<S2>, front::event<E>, always, A> {
transition(const state<S1> &, const transition<state<S2>, transition_ea<front::event<E>, A>> &t)
: transition<state<S1>, state<S2>, front::event<E>, always, A>{always{}, t.a} {}
template <class S1, class S2, class E, class G, class A>
struct transition<state<S1>, transition<state<S2>, transition<front::event<E>, G, A>>>
: transition<state<S1>, state<S2>, front::event<E>, G, A> {
transition(const state<S1> &, const transition<state<S2>, transition<front::event<E>, G, A>> &t)
: transition<state<S1>, state<S2>, front::event<E>, G, A>{t.g, t.a} {}
template <class T, class TSubs, class... Ts, class... THs>
void update_composite_states(TSubs &subs, aux::true_type, const aux::type_list<THs...> &) {
using state_t = typename T::state_t;
auto &sm = back::sub_sm<T>::get(&subs);
#if defined(__cpp_fold_expressions)
((sm.current_state_[aux::get_id<state_t, THs>((typename T::initial_states_ids_t *)0)] =
aux::get_id<state_t, THs>((typename T::states_ids_t *)0)),
(void)aux::swallow{0, (sm.current_state_[aux::get_id<state_t, THs>((typename T::initial_states_ids_t *)0)] =
aux::get_id<state_t, THs>((typename T::states_ids_t *)0),
template <class T, class TSubs, class... Ts>
void update_composite_states(TSubs &subs, aux::false_type, Ts &&...) {
back::sub_sm<T>::get(&subs).initialize(typename T::initial_states_t{});
template <class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs, class TSrcState, class TDstState>
void update_current_state(SM &, TDeps &deps, TSubs &, typename SM::state_t &current_state,
const typename SM::state_t &new_state, const TSrcState &, const TDstState &) {
back::policies::log_state_change<typename SM::sm_t>(aux::type<typename SM::logger_t>{}, deps,
aux::string<typename TSrcState::type>{},
aux::string<typename TDstState::type>{});
current_state = new_state;
template <class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs, class TSrcState, class T>
void update_current_state(SM &, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, typename SM::state_t &current_state,
const typename SM::state_t &new_state, const TSrcState &, const state<back::sm<T>> &) {
back::policies::log_state_change<typename SM::sm_t>(aux::type<typename SM::logger_t>{}, deps,
aux::string<typename TSrcState::type>{}, aux::string<T>{});
current_state = new_state;
update_composite_states<back::sm_impl<T>>(subs, typename back::sm_impl<T>::has_history_states{},
typename back::sm_impl<T>::history_states_t{});
template <class S1, class S2, class E, class G, class A>
struct transition<state<S1>, state<S2>, front::event<E>, G, A> {
static constexpr auto initial = state<S2>::initial;
static constexpr auto history = state<S2>::history;
using src_state = typename state<S2>::type;
using dst_state = typename state<S1>::type;
using event = E;
using guard = G;
using action = A;
using deps = aux::apply_t<aux::unique_t, aux::join_t<get_deps_t<G, E>, get_deps_t<A, E>>>;
transition(const G &g, const A &a) : g(g), a(a) {}
template <class TEvent, class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
bool execute(const TEvent &event, SM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, typename SM::state_t &current_state, aux::true_type) {
if (call<TEvent, args_t<G, TEvent>, typename SM::logger_t>::execute(g, event, sm, deps, subs)) {
sm.process_internal_event(back::on_exit<back::_, TEvent>{event}, deps, subs, current_state);
update_current_state(sm, deps, subs, current_state,
aux::get_id<typename SM::state_t, dst_state>((typename SM::states_ids_t *)0), state<src_state>{},
call<TEvent, args_t<A, TEvent>, typename SM::logger_t>::execute(a, event, sm, deps, subs);
sm.process_internal_event(back::on_entry<back::_, TEvent>{event}, deps, subs, current_state);
return true;
return false;
template <class TEvent, class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
bool execute(const TEvent &event, SM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, typename SM::state_t &current_state, aux::false_type) {
if (call<TEvent, args_t<G, TEvent>, typename SM::logger_t>::execute(g, event, sm, deps, subs)) {
update_current_state(sm, deps, subs, current_state,
aux::get_id<typename SM::state_t, dst_state>((typename SM::states_ids_t *)0), state<src_state>{},
call<TEvent, args_t<A, TEvent>, typename SM::logger_t>::execute(a, event, sm, deps, subs);
return true;
return false;
G g;
A a;
template <class S2, class E, class G, class A>
struct transition<state<internal>, state<S2>, front::event<E>, G, A> {
static constexpr auto initial = state<S2>::initial;
static constexpr auto history = state<S2>::history;
using src_state = typename state<S2>::type;
using dst_state = internal;
using event = E;
using guard = G;
using action = A;
using deps = aux::apply_t<aux::unique_t, aux::join_t<get_deps_t<G, E>, get_deps_t<A, E>>>;
transition(const G &g, const A &a) : g(g), a(a) {}
template <class TEvent, class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs, class... Ts>
bool execute(const TEvent &event, SM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, typename SM::state_t &, Ts &&...) {
if (call<TEvent, args_t<G, TEvent>, typename SM::logger_t>::execute(g, event, sm, deps, subs)) {
call<TEvent, args_t<A, TEvent>, typename SM::logger_t>::execute(a, event, sm, deps, subs);
return true;
return false;
G g;
A a;
template <class S1, class S2, class E, class A>
struct transition<state<S1>, state<S2>, front::event<E>, always, A> {
static constexpr auto initial = state<S2>::initial;
static constexpr auto history = state<S2>::history;
using src_state = typename state<S2>::type;
using dst_state = typename state<S1>::type;
using event = E;
using guard = always;
using action = A;
using deps = aux::apply_t<aux::unique_t, get_deps_t<A, E>>;
transition(const always &, const A &a) : a(a) {}
template <class TEvent, class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
bool execute(const TEvent &event, SM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, typename SM::state_t &current_state, aux::true_type) {
sm.process_internal_event(back::on_exit<back::_, TEvent>{event}, deps, subs, current_state);
update_current_state(sm, deps, subs, current_state,
aux::get_id<typename SM::state_t, dst_state>((typename SM::states_ids_t *)0), state<src_state>{},
call<TEvent, args_t<A, TEvent>, typename SM::logger_t>::execute(a, event, sm, deps, subs);
sm.process_internal_event(back::on_entry<back::_, TEvent>{event}, deps, subs, current_state);
return true;
template <class TEvent, class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
bool execute(const TEvent &event, SM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, typename SM::state_t &current_state, aux::false_type) {
update_current_state(sm, deps, subs, current_state,
aux::get_id<typename SM::state_t, dst_state>((typename SM::states_ids_t *)0), state<src_state>{},
call<TEvent, args_t<A, TEvent>, typename SM::logger_t>::execute(a, event, sm, deps, subs);
return true;
A a;
template <class S2, class E, class A>
struct transition<state<internal>, state<S2>, front::event<E>, always, A> {
static constexpr auto initial = state<S2>::initial;
static constexpr auto history = state<S2>::history;
using src_state = typename state<S2>::type;
using dst_state = internal;
using event = E;
using guard = always;
using action = A;
using deps = aux::apply_t<aux::unique_t, get_deps_t<A, E>>;
transition(const always &, const A &a) : a(a) {}
template <class TEvent, class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs, class... Ts>
bool execute(const TEvent &event, SM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, typename SM::state_t &, Ts &&...) {
call<TEvent, args_t<A, TEvent>, typename SM::logger_t>::execute(a, event, sm, deps, subs);
return true;
A a;
template <class S1, class S2, class E, class G>
struct transition<state<S1>, state<S2>, front::event<E>, G, none> {
static constexpr auto initial = state<S2>::initial;
static constexpr auto history = state<S2>::history;
using src_state = typename state<S2>::type;
using dst_state = typename state<S1>::type;
using event = E;
using guard = G;
using action = none;
using deps = aux::apply_t<aux::unique_t, get_deps_t<G, E>>;
transition(const G &g, const none &) : g(g) {}
template <class TEvent, class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
bool execute(const TEvent &event, SM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, typename SM::state_t &current_state, aux::true_type) {
if (call<TEvent, args_t<G, TEvent>, typename SM::logger_t>::execute(g, event, sm, deps, subs)) {
sm.process_internal_event(back::on_exit<back::_, TEvent>{event}, deps, subs, current_state);
update_current_state(sm, deps, subs, current_state,
aux::get_id<typename SM::state_t, dst_state>((typename SM::states_ids_t *)0), state<src_state>{},
sm.process_internal_event(back::on_entry<back::_, TEvent>{event}, deps, subs, current_state);
return true;
return false;
template <class TEvent, class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
bool execute(const TEvent &event, SM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, typename SM::state_t &current_state, aux::false_type) {
if (call<TEvent, args_t<G, TEvent>, typename SM::logger_t>::execute(g, event, sm, deps, subs)) {
update_current_state(sm, deps, subs, current_state,
aux::get_id<typename SM::state_t, dst_state>((typename SM::states_ids_t *)0), state<src_state>{},
return true;
return false;
G g;
template <class S2, class E, class G>
struct transition<state<internal>, state<S2>, front::event<E>, G, none> {
static constexpr auto initial = state<S2>::initial;
static constexpr auto history = state<S2>::history;
using src_state = typename state<S2>::type;
using dst_state = internal;
using event = E;
using guard = G;
using action = none;
using deps = aux::apply_t<aux::unique_t, get_deps_t<G, E>>;
transition(const G &g, const none &) : g(g) {}
template <class TEvent, class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs, class... Ts>
bool execute(const TEvent &event, SM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, typename SM::state_t &, Ts &&...) {
return call<TEvent, args_t<G, TEvent>, typename SM::logger_t>::execute(g, event, sm, deps, subs);
G g;
template <class S1, class S2, class E>
struct transition<state<S1>, state<S2>, front::event<E>, always, none> {
static constexpr auto initial = state<S2>::initial;
static constexpr auto history = state<S2>::history;
using src_state = typename state<S2>::type;
using dst_state = typename state<S1>::type;
using event = E;
using guard = always;
using action = none;
using deps = aux::type_list<>;
transition(const always &, const none &) {}
template <class TEvent, class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
bool execute(const TEvent &event, SM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, typename SM::state_t &current_state, aux::true_type) {
sm.process_internal_event(back::on_exit<back::_, TEvent>{event}, deps, subs, current_state);
update_current_state(sm, deps, subs, current_state,
aux::get_id<typename SM::state_t, dst_state>((typename SM::states_ids_t *)0), state<src_state>{},
sm.process_internal_event(back::on_entry<back::_, TEvent>{event}, deps, subs, current_state);
return true;
template <class TEvent, class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs>
bool execute(const TEvent &, SM &sm, TDeps &deps, TSubs &subs, typename SM::state_t &current_state, aux::false_type) {
update_current_state(sm, deps, subs, current_state,
aux::get_id<typename SM::state_t, dst_state>((typename SM::states_ids_t *)0), state<src_state>{},
return true;
template <class S2, class E>
struct transition<state<internal>, state<S2>, front::event<E>, always, none> {
static constexpr auto initial = state<S2>::initial;
static constexpr auto history = state<S2>::history;
using src_state = typename state<S2>::type;
using dst_state = internal;
using event = E;
using guard = always;
using action = none;
using deps = aux::type_list<>;
transition(const always &, const none &) {}
template <class TEvent, class SM, class TDeps, class TSubs, class... Ts>
bool execute(const TEvent &, SM &, TDeps &, TSubs &, typename SM::state_t &, Ts &&...) {
return true;
using _ = back::_;
template <class TEvent>
front::event<TEvent> event __BOOST_SML_VT_INIT;
template <class TEvent>
__BOOST_SML_UNUSED front::event<back::on_entry<_, TEvent>> on_entry __BOOST_SML_VT_INIT;
template <class TEvent>
__BOOST_SML_UNUSED front::event<back::on_exit<_, TEvent>> on_exit __BOOST_SML_VT_INIT;
template <class TEvent>
front::event<back::unexpected_event<TEvent>> unexpected_event __BOOST_SML_VT_INIT;
template <class T>
front::event<back::exception<T>> exception __BOOST_SML_VT_INIT;
using anonymous = back::anonymous;
using initial = back::initial;
template <class T>
typename front::state_sm<T>::type state __BOOST_SML_VT_INIT;
#if !defined(_MSC_VER)
template <class T, T... Chrs>
auto operator""_s() {
return front::state<aux::string<T, Chrs...>>{};
template <class T, T... Chrs>
auto operator""_e() {
return event<aux::string<T, Chrs...>>;
__BOOST_SML_UNUSED static front::state<back::terminate_state> X;
__BOOST_SML_UNUSED static front::history_state H;
__BOOST_SML_UNUSED static front::actions::defer defer;
__BOOST_SML_UNUSED static front::actions::process process;
template <class... Ts, __BOOST_SML_REQUIRES(aux::is_same<aux::bool_list<aux::always<Ts>::value...>,
auto make_transition_table(Ts... ts) {
return aux::pool<Ts...>{ts...};
#if defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#undef __has_builtin
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#undef __has_builtin
#undef __has_builtin__make_integer_seq