/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * GDI Bitmap Functions * * Copyright 2010-2011 Marc-Andre Moreau * Copyright 2016 Armin Novak * Copyright 2016 Thincast Technologies GmbH * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "brush.h" #include "clipping.h" #include "../gdi/gdi.h" #define TAG FREERDP_TAG("gdi.bitmap") /** * Get pixel at the given coordinates.\n * @msdn{dd144909} * @param hdc device context * @param nXPos pixel x position * @param nYPos pixel y position * @return pixel color */ INLINE UINT32 gdi_GetPixel(HGDI_DC hdc, UINT32 nXPos, UINT32 nYPos) { HGDI_BITMAP hBmp = (HGDI_BITMAP)hdc->selectedObject; BYTE* data = &(hBmp->data[(nYPos * hBmp->scanline) + nXPos * GetBytesPerPixel(hBmp->format)]); return ReadColor(data, hBmp->format); } INLINE BYTE* gdi_GetPointer(HGDI_BITMAP hBmp, UINT32 X, UINT32 Y) { UINT32 bpp = GetBytesPerPixel(hBmp->format); return &hBmp->data[(Y * hBmp->width * bpp) + X * bpp]; } /** * Set pixel at the given coordinates.\n * @msdn{dd145078} * @param hdc device context * @param X pixel x position * @param Y pixel y position * @param crColor new pixel color * @return */ static INLINE UINT32 gdi_SetPixelBmp(HGDI_BITMAP hBmp, UINT32 X, UINT32 Y, UINT32 crColor) { BYTE* p = &hBmp->data[(Y * hBmp->scanline) + X * GetBytesPerPixel(hBmp->format)]; WriteColor(p, hBmp->format, crColor); return crColor; } INLINE UINT32 gdi_SetPixel(HGDI_DC hdc, UINT32 X, UINT32 Y, UINT32 crColor) { HGDI_BITMAP hBmp = (HGDI_BITMAP)hdc->selectedObject; return gdi_SetPixelBmp(hBmp, X, Y, crColor); } /** * Create a new bitmap with the given width, height, color format and pixel buffer.\n * @msdn{dd183485} * @param nWidth width * @param nHeight height * @param cBitsPerPixel bits per pixel * @param data pixel buffer * @param fkt_free The function used for deallocation of the buffer, NULL for none. * @return new bitmap */ HGDI_BITMAP gdi_CreateBitmap(UINT32 nWidth, UINT32 nHeight, UINT32 format, BYTE* data) { return gdi_CreateBitmapEx(nWidth, nHeight, format, 0, data, _aligned_free); } HGDI_BITMAP gdi_CreateBitmapEx(UINT32 nWidth, UINT32 nHeight, UINT32 format, UINT32 stride, BYTE* data, void (*fkt_free)(void*)) { HGDI_BITMAP hBitmap = (HGDI_BITMAP)calloc(1, sizeof(GDI_BITMAP)); if (!hBitmap) return NULL; hBitmap->objectType = GDIOBJECT_BITMAP; hBitmap->format = format; if (stride > 0) hBitmap->scanline = stride; else hBitmap->scanline = nWidth * GetBytesPerPixel(hBitmap->format); hBitmap->width = nWidth; hBitmap->height = nHeight; hBitmap->data = data; hBitmap->free = fkt_free; return hBitmap; } /** * Create a new bitmap of the given width and height compatible with the current device context.\n * @msdn{dd183488} * @param hdc device context * @param nWidth width * @param nHeight height * @return new bitmap */ HGDI_BITMAP gdi_CreateCompatibleBitmap(HGDI_DC hdc, UINT32 nWidth, UINT32 nHeight) { HGDI_BITMAP hBitmap = (HGDI_BITMAP)calloc(1, sizeof(GDI_BITMAP)); if (!hBitmap) return NULL; hBitmap->objectType = GDIOBJECT_BITMAP; hBitmap->format = hdc->format; hBitmap->width = nWidth; hBitmap->height = nHeight; hBitmap->data = _aligned_malloc(nWidth * nHeight * GetBytesPerPixel(hBitmap->format) * 1ULL, 16); hBitmap->free = _aligned_free; if (!hBitmap->data) { free(hBitmap); return NULL; } hBitmap->scanline = nWidth * GetBytesPerPixel(hBitmap->format); return hBitmap; } static BOOL op_not(UINT32* stack, UINT32* stackp) { if (!stack || !stackp) return FALSE; if (*stackp < 1) return FALSE; stack[(*stackp) - 1] = ~stack[(*stackp) - 1]; return TRUE; } static BOOL op_and(UINT32* stack, UINT32* stackp) { if (!stack || !stackp) return FALSE; if (*stackp < 2) return FALSE; (*stackp)--; stack[(*stackp) - 1] &= stack[(*stackp)]; return TRUE; } static BOOL op_or(UINT32* stack, UINT32* stackp) { if (!stack || !stackp) return FALSE; if (*stackp < 2) return FALSE; (*stackp)--; stack[(*stackp) - 1] |= stack[(*stackp)]; return TRUE; } static BOOL op_xor(UINT32* stack, UINT32* stackp) { if (!stack || !stackp) return FALSE; if (*stackp < 2) return FALSE; (*stackp)--; stack[(*stackp) - 1] ^= stack[(*stackp)]; return TRUE; } static UINT32 process_rop(UINT32 src, UINT32 dst, UINT32 pat, const char* rop, UINT32 format) { DWORD stack[10] = { 0 }; DWORD stackp = 0; while (*rop != '\0') { char op = *rop++; switch (op) { case '0': stack[stackp++] = FreeRDPGetColor(format, 0, 0, 0, 0xFF); break; case '1': stack[stackp++] = FreeRDPGetColor(format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF); break; case 'D': stack[stackp++] = dst; break; case 'S': stack[stackp++] = src; break; case 'P': stack[stackp++] = pat; break; case 'x': op_xor(stack, &stackp); break; case 'a': op_and(stack, &stackp); break; case 'o': op_or(stack, &stackp); break; case 'n': op_not(stack, &stackp); break; default: break; } } return stack[0]; } static INLINE BOOL BitBlt_write(HGDI_DC hdcDest, HGDI_DC hdcSrc, INT32 nXDest, INT32 nYDest, INT32 nXSrc, INT32 nYSrc, INT32 x, INT32 y, BOOL useSrc, BOOL usePat, UINT32 style, const char* rop, const gdiPalette* palette) { UINT32 dstColor; UINT32 colorA; UINT32 colorB = 0; UINT32 colorC = 0; const INT32 dstX = nXDest + x; const INT32 dstY = nYDest + y; BYTE* dstp = gdi_get_bitmap_pointer(hdcDest, dstX, dstY); if (!dstp) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "dstp=%p", (void*)dstp); return FALSE; } colorA = ReadColor(dstp, hdcDest->format); if (useSrc) { const BYTE* srcp = gdi_get_bitmap_pointer(hdcSrc, nXSrc + x, nYSrc + y); if (!srcp) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "srcp=%p", (void*)srcp); return FALSE; } colorC = ReadColor(srcp, hdcSrc->format); colorC = FreeRDPConvertColor(colorC, hdcSrc->format, hdcDest->format, palette); } if (usePat) { switch (style) { case GDI_BS_SOLID: colorB = hdcDest->brush->color; break; case GDI_BS_HATCHED: case GDI_BS_PATTERN: { const BYTE* patp = gdi_get_brush_pointer(hdcDest, nXDest + x, nYDest + y); if (!patp) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "patp=%p", (void*)patp); return FALSE; } colorB = ReadColor(patp, hdcDest->format); } break; default: break; } } dstColor = process_rop(colorC, colorA, colorB, rop, hdcDest->format); return WriteColor(dstp, hdcDest->format, dstColor); } static BOOL adjust_src_coordinates(HGDI_DC hdcSrc, INT32 nWidth, INT32 nHeight, INT32* px, INT32* py) { HGDI_BITMAP hSrcBmp; INT32 nXSrc, nYSrc; if (!hdcSrc || (nWidth < 0) || (nHeight < 0) || !px || !py) return FALSE; hSrcBmp = (HGDI_BITMAP)hdcSrc->selectedObject; nXSrc = *px; nYSrc = *py; if (!hSrcBmp) return FALSE; if (nYSrc < 0) { nYSrc = 0; nHeight = nHeight + nYSrc; } if ((nXSrc) < 0) { nXSrc = 0; nWidth = nWidth + nXSrc; } if (hSrcBmp->width < (nXSrc + nWidth)) nXSrc = hSrcBmp->width - nWidth; if (hSrcBmp->height < (nYSrc + nHeight)) nYSrc = hSrcBmp->height - nHeight; if ((nXSrc < 0) || (nYSrc < 0)) return FALSE; *px = nXSrc; *py = nYSrc; return TRUE; } static BOOL adjust_src_dst_coordinates(HGDI_DC hdcDest, INT32* pnXSrc, INT32* pnYSrc, INT32* pnXDst, INT32* pnYDst, INT32* pnWidth, INT32* pnHeight) { HGDI_BITMAP hDstBmp; volatile INT32 diffX, diffY; volatile INT32 nXSrc, nYSrc; volatile INT32 nXDst, nYDst, nWidth, nHeight; if (!hdcDest || !pnXSrc || !pnYSrc || !pnXDst || !pnYDst || !pnWidth || !pnHeight) return FALSE; hDstBmp = (HGDI_BITMAP)hdcDest->selectedObject; nXSrc = *pnXSrc; nYSrc = *pnYSrc; nXDst = *pnXDst; nYDst = *pnYDst; nWidth = *pnWidth; nHeight = *pnHeight; if (!hDstBmp) return FALSE; if (nXDst < 0) { nXSrc -= nXDst; nWidth += nXDst; nXDst = 0; } if (nYDst < 0) { nYSrc -= nYDst; nHeight += nYDst; nYDst = 0; } diffX = hDstBmp->width - nXDst - nWidth; if (diffX < 0) nWidth += diffX; diffY = hDstBmp->height - nYDst - nHeight; if (diffY < 0) nHeight += diffY; if ((nXDst < 0) || (nYDst < 0) || (nWidth < 0) || (nHeight < 0)) { nXDst = 0; nYDst = 0; nWidth = 0; nHeight = 0; } *pnXSrc = nXSrc; *pnYSrc = nYSrc; *pnXDst = nXDst; *pnYDst = nYDst; *pnWidth = nWidth; *pnHeight = nHeight; return TRUE; } static BOOL BitBlt_process(HGDI_DC hdcDest, INT32 nXDest, INT32 nYDest, INT32 nWidth, INT32 nHeight, HGDI_DC hdcSrc, INT32 nXSrc, INT32 nYSrc, const char* rop, const gdiPalette* palette) { INT32 x, y; UINT32 style = 0; BOOL useSrc = FALSE; BOOL usePat = FALSE; const char* iter = rop; while (*iter != '\0') { switch (*iter++) { case 'P': usePat = TRUE; break; case 'S': useSrc = TRUE; break; default: break; } } if (!hdcDest) return FALSE; if (!adjust_src_dst_coordinates(hdcDest, &nXSrc, &nYSrc, &nXDest, &nYDest, &nWidth, &nHeight)) return FALSE; if (useSrc && !hdcSrc) return FALSE; if (useSrc) { if (!adjust_src_coordinates(hdcSrc, nWidth, nHeight, &nXSrc, &nYSrc)) return FALSE; } if (usePat) { style = gdi_GetBrushStyle(hdcDest); switch (style) { case GDI_BS_SOLID: case GDI_BS_HATCHED: case GDI_BS_PATTERN: break; default: WLog_ERR(TAG, "Invalid brush!!"); return FALSE; } } if ((nXDest > nXSrc) && (nYDest > nYSrc)) { for (y = nHeight - 1; y >= 0; y--) { for (x = nWidth - 1; x >= 0; x--) { if (!BitBlt_write(hdcDest, hdcSrc, nXDest, nYDest, nXSrc, nYSrc, x, y, useSrc, usePat, style, rop, palette)) return FALSE; } } } else if (nXDest > nXSrc) { for (y = 0; y < nHeight; y++) { for (x = nWidth - 1; x >= 0; x--) { if (!BitBlt_write(hdcDest, hdcSrc, nXDest, nYDest, nXSrc, nYSrc, x, y, useSrc, usePat, style, rop, palette)) return FALSE; } } } else if (nYDest > nYSrc) { for (y = nHeight - 1; y >= 0; y--) { for (x = 0; x < nWidth; x++) { if (!BitBlt_write(hdcDest, hdcSrc, nXDest, nYDest, nXSrc, nYSrc, x, y, useSrc, usePat, style, rop, palette)) return FALSE; } } } else { for (y = 0; y < nHeight; y++) { for (x = 0; x < nWidth; x++) { if (!BitBlt_write(hdcDest, hdcSrc, nXDest, nYDest, nXSrc, nYSrc, x, y, useSrc, usePat, style, rop, palette)) return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } /** * Perform a bit blit operation on the given pixel buffers.\n * @msdn{dd183370} * @param hdcDest destination device context * @param nXDest destination x1 * @param nYDest destination y1 * @param nWidth width * @param nHeight height * @param hdcSrc source device context * @param nXSrc source x1 * @param nYSrc source y1 * @param rop raster operation code * @return 0 on failure, non-zero otherwise */ BOOL gdi_BitBlt(HGDI_DC hdcDest, INT32 nXDest, INT32 nYDest, INT32 nWidth, INT32 nHeight, HGDI_DC hdcSrc, INT32 nXSrc, INT32 nYSrc, DWORD rop, const gdiPalette* palette) { HGDI_BITMAP hSrcBmp, hDstBmp; if (!hdcDest) return FALSE; if (!gdi_ClipCoords(hdcDest, &nXDest, &nYDest, &nWidth, &nHeight, &nXSrc, &nYSrc)) return TRUE; /* Check which ROP should be performed. * Some specific ROP are used heavily and are resource intensive, * add optimized versions for these here. * * For all others fall back to the generic implementation. */ switch (rop) { case GDI_SRCCOPY: if (!hdcSrc) return FALSE; if (!adjust_src_dst_coordinates(hdcDest, &nXSrc, &nYSrc, &nXDest, &nYDest, &nWidth, &nHeight)) return FALSE; if (!adjust_src_coordinates(hdcSrc, nWidth, nHeight, &nXSrc, &nYSrc)) return FALSE; hSrcBmp = (HGDI_BITMAP)hdcSrc->selectedObject; hDstBmp = (HGDI_BITMAP)hdcDest->selectedObject; if (!hSrcBmp || !hDstBmp) return FALSE; if (!freerdp_image_copy(hDstBmp->data, hDstBmp->format, hDstBmp->scanline, nXDest, nYDest, nWidth, nHeight, hSrcBmp->data, hSrcBmp->format, hSrcBmp->scanline, nXSrc, nYSrc, palette, FREERDP_FLIP_NONE)) return FALSE; break; case GDI_DSTCOPY: hSrcBmp = (HGDI_BITMAP)hdcDest->selectedObject; hDstBmp = (HGDI_BITMAP)hdcDest->selectedObject; if (!adjust_src_dst_coordinates(hdcDest, &nXSrc, &nYSrc, &nXDest, &nYDest, &nWidth, &nHeight)) return FALSE; if (!adjust_src_coordinates(hdcDest, nWidth, nHeight, &nXSrc, &nYSrc)) return FALSE; if (!hSrcBmp || !hDstBmp) return FALSE; if (!freerdp_image_copy(hDstBmp->data, hDstBmp->format, hDstBmp->scanline, nXDest, nYDest, nWidth, nHeight, hSrcBmp->data, hSrcBmp->format, hSrcBmp->scanline, nXSrc, nYSrc, palette, FREERDP_FLIP_NONE)) return FALSE; break; default: if (!BitBlt_process(hdcDest, nXDest, nYDest, nWidth, nHeight, hdcSrc, nXSrc, nYSrc, gdi_rop_to_string(rop), palette)) return FALSE; break; } if (!gdi_InvalidateRegion(hdcDest, nXDest, nYDest, nWidth, nHeight)) return FALSE; return TRUE; }