/* * Chan_Misdn -- Channel Driver for Asterisk * * Interface to mISDN * * Copyright (C) 2004, Christian Richter * * Christian Richter * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License */ /*! \file * \brief Interface to mISDN * \author Christian Richter */ /*** MODULEINFO extended ***/ #include #include #include #include "isdn_lib_intern.h" #include "isdn_lib.h" enum event_response_e (*cb_event)(enum event_e event, struct misdn_bchannel *bc, void *user_data); void (*cb_log)(int level, int port, char *tmpl, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4))); int (*cb_jb_empty)(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, char *buffer, int len); /* * Define ARRAY_LEN() because I cannot * #include "asterisk/utils.h" */ #define ARRAY_LEN(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0])) #include "asterisk/causes.h" void misdn_join_conf(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, int conf_id); void misdn_split_conf(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, int conf_id); int misdn_lib_get_l2_up(struct misdn_stack *stack); struct misdn_stack *get_misdn_stack(void); int misdn_lib_port_is_pri(int port) { struct misdn_stack *stack=get_misdn_stack(); for ( ; stack; stack=stack->next) { if (stack->port == port) { return stack->pri; } } return -1; } int misdn_lib_port_is_nt(int port) { struct misdn_stack *stack=get_misdn_stack(); for ( ; stack; stack=stack->next) { if (stack->port == port) { return stack->nt; } } return -1; } void misdn_make_dummy(struct misdn_bchannel *dummybc, int port, int l3id, int nt, int channel) { memset (dummybc,0,sizeof(struct misdn_bchannel)); dummybc->port=port; if (l3id==0) dummybc->l3_id = MISDN_ID_DUMMY; else dummybc->l3_id=l3id; dummybc->nt=nt; dummybc->dummy=1; dummybc->channel=channel; } int misdn_lib_port_block(int port) { struct misdn_stack *stack=get_misdn_stack(); for ( ; stack; stack=stack->next) { if (stack->port == port) { stack->blocked=1; return 0; } } return -1; } int misdn_lib_port_unblock(int port) { struct misdn_stack *stack=get_misdn_stack(); for ( ; stack; stack=stack->next) { if (stack->port == port) { stack->blocked=0; return 0; } } return -1; } int misdn_lib_is_port_blocked(int port) { struct misdn_stack *stack=get_misdn_stack(); for ( ; stack; stack=stack->next) { if (stack->port == port) { return stack->blocked; } } return -1; } int misdn_lib_is_ptp(int port) { struct misdn_stack *stack=get_misdn_stack(); for ( ; stack; stack=stack->next) { if (stack->port == port) return stack->ptp; } return -1; } int misdn_lib_get_maxchans(int port) { struct misdn_stack *stack=get_misdn_stack(); for ( ; stack; stack=stack->next) { if (stack->port == port) { if (stack->pri) return 30; else return 2; } } return -1; } struct misdn_stack *get_stack_by_bc(struct misdn_bchannel *bc) { struct misdn_stack *stack = get_misdn_stack(); if (!bc) return NULL; for ( ; stack; stack = stack->next) { if (bc->port == stack->port) return stack; } return NULL; } void get_show_stack_details(int port, char *buf) { struct misdn_stack *stack = get_misdn_stack(); for (; stack; stack = stack->next) { if (stack->port == port) { break; } } if (stack) { sprintf(buf, "* Port %2d Type %s Prot. %s L2Link %s L1Link:%s Blocked:%d", stack->port, stack->nt ? "NT" : "TE", stack->ptp ? "PTP" : "PMP", (stack->nt && !stack->ptp) ? "UNKN" : stack->l2link ? "UP " : "DOWN", stack->l1link ? "UP " : "DOWN", stack->blocked); } else { buf[0] = 0; } } static int nt_err_cnt =0 ; enum global_states { MISDN_INITIALIZING, MISDN_INITIALIZED } ; static enum global_states global_state=MISDN_INITIALIZING; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "isdn_lib.h" struct misdn_lib { /*! \brief mISDN device handle returned by mISDN_open() */ int midev; pthread_t event_thread; pthread_t event_handler_thread; void *user_data; msg_queue_t activatequeue; sem_t new_msg; struct misdn_stack *stack_list; } ; #ifndef ECHOCAN_ON #define ECHOCAN_ON 123 #define ECHOCAN_OFF 124 #endif #define MISDN_DEBUG 0 void misdn_tx_jitter(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, int len); struct misdn_bchannel *find_bc_by_l3id(struct misdn_stack *stack, unsigned long l3id); int manager_isdn_handler(iframe_t *frm ,msg_t *msg); int misdn_lib_port_restart(int port); int misdn_lib_pid_restart(int pid); extern struct isdn_msg msgs_g[]; #define ISDN_PID_L3_B_USER 0x430000ff #define ISDN_PID_L4_B_USER 0x440000ff /* #define MISDN_IBUF_SIZE 1024 */ #define MISDN_IBUF_SIZE 512 /* Fine Tuning of Inband Signalling time */ #define TONE_ALERT_CNT 41 /* 1 Sec */ #define TONE_ALERT_SILENCE_CNT 200 /* 4 Sec */ #define TONE_BUSY_CNT 20 /* ? */ #define TONE_BUSY_SILENCE_CNT 48 /* ? */ static int entity; static struct misdn_lib *glob_mgr; static char tone_425_flip[TONE_425_SIZE]; static char tone_silence_flip[TONE_SILENCE_SIZE]; static void misdn_lib_isdn_event_catcher(void *arg); static int handle_event_nt(void *dat, void *arg); void stack_holder_add(struct misdn_stack *stack, struct misdn_bchannel *holder); void stack_holder_remove(struct misdn_stack *stack, struct misdn_bchannel *holder); struct misdn_bchannel *stack_holder_find(struct misdn_stack *stack, unsigned long l3id); /* from isdn_lib.h */ /* user iface */ void te_lib_destroy(int midev) ; struct misdn_bchannel *manager_find_bc_by_pid(int pid); void manager_ph_control_block(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, int c1, void *c2, int c2_len); void manager_clean_bc(struct misdn_bchannel *bc ); void manager_bchannel_setup (struct misdn_bchannel *bc); void manager_bchannel_cleanup (struct misdn_bchannel *bc); void ec_chunk( struct misdn_bchannel *bc, unsigned char *rxchunk, unsigned char *txchunk, int chunk_size); /* end */ int bchdev_echocancel_activate(struct misdn_bchannel* dev); void bchdev_echocancel_deactivate(struct misdn_bchannel* dev); /* end */ static char *bearer2str(int cap) { static char *bearers[]={ "Speech", "Audio 3.1k", "Unres Digital", "Res Digital", "Unknown Bearer" }; switch (cap) { case INFO_CAPABILITY_SPEECH: return bearers[0]; break; case INFO_CAPABILITY_AUDIO_3_1K: return bearers[1]; break; case INFO_CAPABILITY_DIGITAL_UNRESTRICTED: return bearers[2]; break; case INFO_CAPABILITY_DIGITAL_RESTRICTED: return bearers[3]; break; default: return bearers[4]; break; } } static char flip_table[256]; static void init_flip_bits(void) { int i,k; for (i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++) { unsigned char sample = 0 ; for (k = 0; k<8; k++) { if ( i & 1 << k ) sample |= 0x80 >> k; } flip_table[i] = sample; } } static char * flip_buf_bits ( char * buf , int len) { int i; char * start = buf; for (i = 0 ; i < len; i++) { buf[i] = flip_table[(unsigned char)buf[i]]; } return start; } static msg_t *create_l2msg(int prim, int dinfo, int size) /* NT only */ { int i = 0; msg_t *dmsg; while(i < 10) { dmsg = prep_l3data_msg(prim, dinfo, size, 256, NULL); if (dmsg) return(dmsg); if (!i) printf("cannot allocate memory, trying again...\n"); i++; usleep(300000); } printf("cannot allocate memory, system overloaded.\n"); exit(-1); } msg_t *create_l3msg(int prim, int mt, int dinfo, int size, int ntmode) { int i = 0; msg_t *dmsg; Q931_info_t *qi; iframe_t *frm; if (!ntmode) size = sizeof(Q931_info_t)+2; while(i < 10) { if (ntmode) { dmsg = prep_l3data_msg(prim, dinfo, size, 256, NULL); if (dmsg) { return(dmsg); } } else { dmsg = alloc_msg(size+256+mISDN_HEADER_LEN+DEFAULT_HEADROOM); if (dmsg) { memset(msg_put(dmsg,size+mISDN_HEADER_LEN), 0, size+mISDN_HEADER_LEN); frm = (iframe_t *)dmsg->data; frm->prim = prim; frm->dinfo = dinfo; qi = (Q931_info_t *)(dmsg->data + mISDN_HEADER_LEN); qi->type = mt; return(dmsg); } } if (!i) printf("cannot allocate memory, trying again...\n"); i++; usleep(300000); } printf("cannot allocate memory, system overloaded.\n"); exit(-1); } static int send_msg (int midev, struct misdn_bchannel *bc, msg_t *dmsg) { iframe_t *frm = (iframe_t *)dmsg->data; struct misdn_stack *stack=get_stack_by_bc(bc); if (!stack) { cb_log(0,bc->port,"send_msg: IEK!! no stack\n "); return -1; } frm->addr = (stack->upper_id | FLG_MSG_DOWN); frm->dinfo = bc->l3_id; frm->len = (dmsg->len) - mISDN_HEADER_LEN; cb_log(4,stack->port,"Sending msg, prim:%x addr:%x dinfo:%x\n",frm->prim,frm->addr,frm->dinfo); mISDN_write(midev, dmsg->data, dmsg->len, TIMEOUT_1SEC); free_msg(dmsg); return 0; } static int mypid=1; int misdn_cap_is_speech(int cap) /** Poor mans version **/ { if ( (cap != INFO_CAPABILITY_DIGITAL_UNRESTRICTED) && (cap != INFO_CAPABILITY_DIGITAL_RESTRICTED) ) return 1; return 0; } int misdn_inband_avail(struct misdn_bchannel *bc) { if (!bc->early_bconnect) { /* We have opted to never receive any available inband recorded messages */ return 0; } switch (bc->progress_indicator) { case INFO_PI_INBAND_AVAILABLE: case INFO_PI_CALL_NOT_E2E_ISDN: case INFO_PI_CALLED_NOT_ISDN: return 1; default: return 0; } return 0; } static void dump_chan_list(struct misdn_stack *stack) { int i; for (i = 0; i <= stack->b_num; ++i) { cb_log(6, stack->port, "Idx:%d stack->cchan:%d in_use:%d Chan:%d\n", i, stack->channels[i], stack->bc[i].in_use, i + 1); } #if defined(AST_MISDN_ENHANCEMENTS) for (i = MAX_BCHANS + 1; i < ARRAY_LEN(stack->bc); ++i) { if (stack->bc[i].in_use) { cb_log(6, stack->port, "Idx:%d stack->cchan:%d REGISTER Chan:%d in_use\n", i, stack->channels[i], i + 1); } } #endif /* defined(AST_MISDN_ENHANCEMENTS) */ } void misdn_dump_chanlist(void) { struct misdn_stack *stack=get_misdn_stack(); for ( ; stack; stack=stack->next) { dump_chan_list(stack); } } static int set_chan_in_stack(struct misdn_stack *stack, int channel) { cb_log(4,stack->port,"set_chan_in_stack: %d\n",channel); dump_chan_list(stack); if (1 <= channel && channel <= ARRAY_LEN(stack->channels)) { if (!stack->channels[channel-1]) stack->channels[channel-1] = 1; else { cb_log(4,stack->port,"channel already in use:%d\n", channel ); return -1; } } else { cb_log(0,stack->port,"couldn't set channel %d in\n", channel ); return -1; } return 0; } static int find_free_chan_in_stack(struct misdn_stack *stack, struct misdn_bchannel *bc, int channel, int dec) { int i; int chan = 0; int bnums; if (bc->channel_found) { return 0; } bc->channel_found = 1; #if defined(AST_MISDN_ENHANCEMENTS) if (bc->is_register_pool) { pthread_mutex_lock(&stack->st_lock); for (i = MAX_BCHANS + 1; i < ARRAY_LEN(stack->channels); ++i) { if (!stack->channels[i]) { chan = i + 1; cb_log(3, stack->port, " --> found REGISTER chan: %d\n", chan); break; } } } else #endif /* defined(AST_MISDN_ENHANCEMENTS) */ { cb_log(5, stack->port, "find_free_chan: req_chan:%d\n", channel); if (channel < 0 || channel > MAX_BCHANS) { cb_log(0, stack->port, " !! out of bound call to find_free_chan_in_stack! (ch:%d)\n", channel); return 0; } --channel; pthread_mutex_lock(&stack->st_lock); bnums = stack->pri ? stack->b_num : stack->b_num - 1; if (dec) { for (i = bnums; i >= 0; --i) { if (i != 15 && (channel < 0 || i == channel)) { /* skip E1 D channel ;) and work with chan preselection */ if (!stack->channels[i]) { chan = i + 1; cb_log(3, stack->port, " --> found chan%s: %d\n", channel >= 0 ? " (preselected)" : "", chan); break; } } } } else { for (i = 0; i <= bnums; ++i) { if (i != 15 && (channel < 0 || i == channel)) { /* skip E1 D channel ;) and work with chan preselection */ if (!stack->channels[i]) { chan = i + 1; cb_log(3, stack->port, " --> found chan%s: %d\n", channel >= 0 ? " (preselected)" : "", chan); break; } } } } } if (!chan) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&stack->st_lock); cb_log(1, stack->port, " !! NO FREE CHAN IN STACK\n"); dump_chan_list(stack); bc->out_cause = AST_CAUSE_NORMAL_CIRCUIT_CONGESTION; return -1; } if (set_chan_in_stack(stack, chan) < 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&stack->st_lock); cb_log(0, stack->port, "Channel Already in use:%d\n", chan); bc->out_cause = AST_CAUSE_REQUESTED_CHAN_UNAVAIL; return -1; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&stack->st_lock); bc->channel = chan; return 0; } /*! * \internal * \brief Release a B channel to the allocation pool. * * \param stack Which port stack B channel belongs. * \param channel B channel to release. (Range 1-MAX_BCHANS representing B1-Bn) * * \note * Must be called after clean_up_bc() to make sure that the media stream is * no longer connected. */ static void empty_chan_in_stack(struct misdn_stack *stack, int channel) { if (channel < 1 || ARRAY_LEN(stack->channels) < channel) { cb_log(0, stack->port, "empty_chan_in_stack: cannot empty channel %d\n", channel); return; } cb_log(4, stack->port, "empty_chan_in_stack: %d\n", channel); stack->channels[channel - 1] = 0; dump_chan_list(stack); } char *bc_state2str(enum bchannel_state state) { int i; struct bchan_state_s { char *n; enum bchannel_state s; } states[] = { {"BCHAN_CLEANED", BCHAN_CLEANED }, {"BCHAN_EMPTY", BCHAN_EMPTY}, {"BCHAN_ACTIVATED", BCHAN_ACTIVATED}, {"BCHAN_BRIDGED", BCHAN_BRIDGED}, {"BCHAN_RELEASE", BCHAN_RELEASE}, {"BCHAN_ERROR", BCHAN_ERROR} }; for (i=0; i< sizeof(states)/sizeof(struct bchan_state_s); i++) if ( states[i].s == state) return states[i].n; return "UNKNOWN"; } void bc_state_change(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, enum bchannel_state state) { cb_log(5,bc->port,"BC_STATE_CHANGE: l3id:%x from:%s to:%s\n", bc->l3_id, bc_state2str(bc->bc_state), bc_state2str(state) ); switch (state) { case BCHAN_ACTIVATED: if (bc->next_bc_state == BCHAN_BRIDGED) { misdn_join_conf(bc, bc->conf_id); bc->next_bc_state = BCHAN_EMPTY; return; } default: bc->bc_state=state; break; } } static void bc_next_state_change(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, enum bchannel_state state) { cb_log(5,bc->port,"BC_NEXT_STATE_CHANGE: from:%s to:%s\n", bc_state2str(bc->next_bc_state), bc_state2str(state) ); bc->next_bc_state=state; } /*! * \internal * \brief Empty the B channel record of most call data. * * \param bc B channel record to empty of most call data. * * \note * Sets the last_used time and must be called before clearing bc->in_use. */ static void empty_bc(struct misdn_bchannel *bc) { bc->caller.presentation = 0; /* allowed */ bc->caller.number_plan = NUMPLAN_ISDN; bc->caller.number_type = NUMTYPE_UNKNOWN; bc->caller.name[0] = 0; bc->caller.number[0] = 0; bc->caller.subaddress[0] = 0; bc->connected.presentation = 0; /* allowed */ bc->connected.number_plan = NUMPLAN_ISDN; bc->connected.number_type = NUMTYPE_UNKNOWN; bc->connected.name[0] = 0; bc->connected.number[0] = 0; bc->connected.subaddress[0] = 0; bc->redirecting.from.presentation = 0; /* allowed */ bc->redirecting.from.number_plan = NUMPLAN_ISDN; bc->redirecting.from.number_type = NUMTYPE_UNKNOWN; bc->redirecting.from.name[0] = 0; bc->redirecting.from.number[0] = 0; bc->redirecting.from.subaddress[0] = 0; bc->redirecting.to.presentation = 0; /* allowed */ bc->redirecting.to.number_plan = NUMPLAN_ISDN; bc->redirecting.to.number_type = NUMTYPE_UNKNOWN; bc->redirecting.to.name[0] = 0; bc->redirecting.to.number[0] = 0; bc->redirecting.to.subaddress[0] = 0; bc->redirecting.reason = mISDN_REDIRECTING_REASON_UNKNOWN; bc->redirecting.count = 0; bc->redirecting.to_changed = 0; bc->dummy=0; bc->bframe_len=0; bc->cw= 0; bc->dec=0; bc->channel = 0; bc->sending_complete = 0; bc->restart_channel=0; bc->conf_id = 0; bc->need_more_infos = 0; bc->send_dtmf=0; bc->nodsp=0; bc->nojitter=0; bc->time_usec=0; bc->rxgain=0; bc->txgain=0; bc->crypt=0; bc->curptx=0; bc->curprx=0; bc->crypt_key[0] = 0; bc->generate_tone=0; bc->tone_cnt=0; bc->active = 0; bc->early_bconnect = 1; #ifdef MISDN_1_2 *bc->pipeline = 0; #else bc->ec_enable = 0; bc->ec_deftaps = 128; #endif bc->AOCD_need_export = 0; bc->orig=0; bc->cause = AST_CAUSE_NORMAL_CLEARING; bc->out_cause = AST_CAUSE_NORMAL_CLEARING; bc->display_connected = 0; /* none */ bc->display_setup = 0; /* none */ bc->outgoing_colp = 0;/* pass */ bc->presentation = 0; /* allowed */ bc->set_presentation = 0; bc->notify_description_code = mISDN_NOTIFY_CODE_INVALID; bc->progress_coding=0; bc->progress_location=0; bc->progress_indicator=0; #if defined(AST_MISDN_ENHANCEMENTS) bc->div_leg_3_rx_wanted = 0; bc->div_leg_3_tx_pending = 0; #endif /* defined(AST_MISDN_ENHANCEMENTS) */ /** Set Default Bearer Caps **/ bc->capability=INFO_CAPABILITY_SPEECH; bc->law=INFO_CODEC_ALAW; bc->mode=0; bc->rate=0x10; bc->user1=0; bc->urate=0; bc->hdlc=0; bc->dialed.number_plan = NUMPLAN_ISDN; bc->dialed.number_type = NUMTYPE_UNKNOWN; bc->dialed.number[0] = 0; bc->dialed.subaddress[0] = 0; bc->info_dad[0] = 0; bc->display[0] = 0; bc->infos_pending[0] = 0; bc->uu[0]=0; bc->uulen=0; bc->fac_in.Function = Fac_None; bc->fac_out.Function = Fac_None; bc->te_choose_channel = 0; bc->channel_found= 0; gettimeofday(&bc->last_used, NULL); } static int clean_up_bc(struct misdn_bchannel *bc) { int ret=0; unsigned char buff[32]; struct misdn_stack * stack; cb_log(3, bc->port, "$$$ CLEANUP CALLED pid:%d\n", bc->pid); stack=get_stack_by_bc(bc); if (!stack) return -1; switch (bc->bc_state ) { case BCHAN_CLEANED: cb_log(5, stack->port, "$$$ Already cleaned up bc with stid :%x\n", bc->b_stid); return -1; default: break; } cb_log(2, stack->port, "$$$ Cleaning up bc with stid :%x pid:%d\n", bc->b_stid, bc->pid); manager_ec_disable(bc); manager_bchannel_deactivate(bc); mISDN_write_frame(stack->midev, buff, bc->layer_id|FLG_MSG_TARGET|FLG_MSG_DOWN, MGR_DELLAYER | REQUEST, 0, 0, NULL, TIMEOUT_1SEC); bc->b_stid = 0; bc_state_change(bc, BCHAN_CLEANED); return ret; } static void clear_l3(struct misdn_stack *stack) { int i; if (global_state == MISDN_INITIALIZED) { for (i = 0; i <= stack->b_num; ++i) { cb_event(EVENT_CLEANUP, &stack->bc[i], NULL); empty_bc(&stack->bc[i]); clean_up_bc(&stack->bc[i]); empty_chan_in_stack(stack, i + 1); stack->bc[i].in_use = 0; } #if defined(AST_MISDN_ENHANCEMENTS) for (i = MAX_BCHANS + 1; i < ARRAY_LEN(stack->bc); ++i) { empty_bc(&stack->bc[i]); empty_chan_in_stack(stack, i + 1); stack->bc[i].in_use = 0; } #endif /* defined(AST_MISDN_ENHANCEMENTS) */ } } static int new_te_id = 0; static int misdn_lib_get_l1_down(struct misdn_stack *stack) { /* Pull Up L1 */ iframe_t act; act.prim = PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST; act.addr = stack->upper_id | FLG_MSG_DOWN; act.dinfo = 0; act.len = 0; cb_log(1, stack->port, "SENDING PH_DEACTIVATE | REQ\n"); return mISDN_write(stack->midev, &act, mISDN_HEADER_LEN+act.len, TIMEOUT_1SEC); } static int misdn_lib_get_l2_down(struct misdn_stack *stack) { if (stack->ptp && stack->nt) { msg_t *dmsg; /* L2 */ dmsg = create_l2msg(DL_RELEASE| REQUEST, 0, 0); pthread_mutex_lock(&stack->nstlock); if (stack->nst.manager_l3(&stack->nst, dmsg)) free_msg(dmsg); pthread_mutex_unlock(&stack->nstlock); } else if (!stack->nt) { iframe_t act; act.prim = DL_RELEASE| REQUEST; act.addr = (stack->upper_id |FLG_MSG_DOWN) ; act.dinfo = 0; act.len = 0; return mISDN_write(stack->midev, &act, mISDN_HEADER_LEN+act.len, TIMEOUT_1SEC); } /* cannot deestablish L2 for NT PTMP to unknown TE TEIs */ return 0; } static int misdn_lib_get_l1_up(struct misdn_stack *stack) { /* Pull Up L1 */ iframe_t act; act.prim = PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST; act.addr = stack->upper_id | FLG_MSG_DOWN; act.dinfo = 0; act.len = 0; cb_log(1, stack->port, "SENDING PH_ACTIVATE | REQ\n"); return mISDN_write(stack->midev, &act, mISDN_HEADER_LEN+act.len, TIMEOUT_1SEC); } int misdn_lib_get_l2_up(struct misdn_stack *stack) { if (stack->ptp && stack->nt) { msg_t *dmsg; /* L2 */ dmsg = create_l2msg(DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST, 0, 0); pthread_mutex_lock(&stack->nstlock); if (stack->nst.manager_l3(&stack->nst, dmsg)) free_msg(dmsg); pthread_mutex_unlock(&stack->nstlock); } else if (!stack->nt) { iframe_t act; act.prim = DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST; act.addr = (stack->upper_id |FLG_MSG_DOWN) ; act.dinfo = 0; act.len = 0; return mISDN_write(stack->midev, &act, mISDN_HEADER_LEN+act.len, TIMEOUT_1SEC); } /* cannot establish L2 for NT PTMP to unknown TE TEIs */ return 0; } static int misdn_lib_get_short_status(struct misdn_stack *stack) { iframe_t act; act.prim = MGR_SHORTSTATUS | REQUEST; act.addr = (stack->upper_id | MSG_BROADCAST) ; act.dinfo = SSTATUS_BROADCAST_BIT | SSTATUS_ALL; act.len = 0; return mISDN_write(stack->midev, &act, mISDN_HEADER_LEN+act.len, TIMEOUT_1SEC); } static int create_process(int midev, struct misdn_bchannel *bc) { iframe_t ncr; int l3_id; int proc_id; struct misdn_stack *stack; stack = get_stack_by_bc(bc); if (stack->nt) { if (find_free_chan_in_stack(stack, bc, bc->channel_preselected ? bc->channel : 0, 0) < 0) { return -1; } cb_log(4, stack->port, " --> found channel: %d\n", bc->channel); for (proc_id = 0; proc_id < MAXPROCS; ++proc_id) { if (stack->procids[proc_id] == 0) { break; } } if (proc_id == MAXPROCS) { cb_log(0, stack->port, "Couldn't Create New ProcId.\n"); return -1; } stack->procids[proc_id] = 1; l3_id = 0xff00 | proc_id; bc->l3_id = l3_id; cb_log(3, stack->port, " --> new_l3id %x\n", l3_id); } else { if ((stack->pri && stack->ptp) || bc->te_choose_channel) { /* we know exactly which channels are in use */ if (find_free_chan_in_stack(stack, bc, bc->channel_preselected ? bc->channel : 0, bc->dec) < 0) { return -1; } cb_log(2, stack->port, " --> found channel: %d\n", bc->channel); } else { /* other phones could have made a call also on this port (ptmp) */ bc->channel = 0xff; } /* if we are in te-mode, we need to create a process first */ if (++new_te_id > 0xffff) { new_te_id = 0x0001; } l3_id = (entity << 16) | new_te_id; bc->l3_id = l3_id; cb_log(3, stack->port, "--> new_l3id %x\n", l3_id); /* send message */ ncr.prim = CC_NEW_CR | REQUEST; ncr.addr = (stack->upper_id | FLG_MSG_DOWN); ncr.dinfo = l3_id; ncr.len = 0; mISDN_write(midev, &ncr, mISDN_HEADER_LEN + ncr.len, TIMEOUT_1SEC); } return l3_id; } static int setup_bc(struct misdn_bchannel *bc) { unsigned char buff[1025]; int midev; int channel; int b_stid; int i; mISDN_pid_t pid; int ret; struct misdn_stack *stack=get_stack_by_bc(bc); if (!stack) { cb_log(0, bc->port, "setup_bc: NO STACK FOUND!!\n"); return -1; } midev = stack->midev; channel = bc->channel - 1 - (bc->channel > 16); b_stid = stack->b_stids[channel >= 0 ? channel : 0]; switch (bc->bc_state) { case BCHAN_CLEANED: break; default: cb_log(4, stack->port, "$$$ bc already setup stid :%x (state:%s)\n", b_stid, bc_state2str(bc->bc_state) ); return -1; } cb_log(5, stack->port, "$$$ Setting up bc with stid :%x\n", b_stid); /*check if the b_stid is already initialized*/ for (i=0; i <= stack->b_num; i++) { if (stack->bc[i].b_stid == b_stid) { cb_log(0, bc->port, "setup_bc: b_stid:%x already in use !!!\n", b_stid); return -1; } } if (b_stid <= 0) { cb_log(0, stack->port," -- Stid <=0 at the moment in channel:%d\n",channel); bc_state_change(bc,BCHAN_ERROR); return 1; } bc->b_stid = b_stid; { layer_info_t li; memset(&li, 0, sizeof(li)); li.object_id = -1; li.extentions = 0; li.st = bc->b_stid; /* given idx */ #define MISDN_DSP #ifndef MISDN_DSP bc->nodsp=1; #endif if ( bc->hdlc || bc->nodsp) { cb_log(4, stack->port,"setup_bc: without dsp\n"); { int l = sizeof(li.name); strncpy(li.name, "B L3", l); li.name[l-1] = 0; } li.pid.layermask = ISDN_LAYER((3)); li.pid.protocol[3] = ISDN_PID_L3_B_USER; bc->layer=3; } else { cb_log(4, stack->port,"setup_bc: with dsp\n"); { int l = sizeof(li.name); strncpy(li.name, "B L4", l); li.name[l-1] = 0; } li.pid.layermask = ISDN_LAYER((4)); li.pid.protocol[4] = ISDN_PID_L4_B_USER; bc->layer=4; } ret = mISDN_new_layer(midev, &li); if (ret ) { cb_log(0, stack->port,"New Layer Err: %d %s\n",ret,strerror(errno)); bc_state_change(bc,BCHAN_ERROR); return(-EINVAL); } bc->layer_id = li.id; } memset(&pid, 0, sizeof(pid)); cb_log(4, stack->port," --> Channel is %d\n", bc->channel); if (bc->nodsp && !bc->hdlc) { cb_log(2, stack->port," --> TRANSPARENT Mode (no DSP, no HDLC)\n"); pid.protocol[1] = ISDN_PID_L1_B_64TRANS; pid.protocol[2] = ISDN_PID_L2_B_TRANS; pid.protocol[3] = ISDN_PID_L3_B_USER; pid.layermask = ISDN_LAYER((1)) | ISDN_LAYER((2)) | ISDN_LAYER((3)); } else if ( bc->hdlc ) { cb_log(2, stack->port," --> HDLC Mode\n"); pid.protocol[1] = ISDN_PID_L1_B_64HDLC ; pid.protocol[2] = ISDN_PID_L2_B_TRANS ; pid.protocol[3] = ISDN_PID_L3_B_USER; pid.layermask = ISDN_LAYER((1)) | ISDN_LAYER((2)) | ISDN_LAYER((3)) ; } else { cb_log(2, stack->port," --> TRANSPARENT Mode\n"); pid.protocol[1] = ISDN_PID_L1_B_64TRANS; pid.protocol[2] = ISDN_PID_L2_B_TRANS; pid.protocol[3] = ISDN_PID_L3_B_DSP; pid.protocol[4] = ISDN_PID_L4_B_USER; pid.layermask = ISDN_LAYER((1)) | ISDN_LAYER((2)) | ISDN_LAYER((3)) | ISDN_LAYER((4)); } ret = mISDN_set_stack(midev, bc->b_stid, &pid); if (ret){ cb_log(0, stack->port,"$$$ Set Stack Err: %d %s\n",ret,strerror(errno)); mISDN_write_frame(midev, buff, bc->layer_id, MGR_DELLAYER | REQUEST, 0, 0, NULL, TIMEOUT_1SEC); bc_state_change(bc,BCHAN_ERROR); cb_event(EVENT_BCHAN_ERROR, bc, glob_mgr->user_data); return(-EINVAL); } ret = mISDN_get_setstack_ind(midev, bc->layer_id); if (ret) { cb_log(0, stack->port,"$$$ Set StackIND Err: %d %s\n",ret,strerror(errno)); mISDN_write_frame(midev, buff, bc->layer_id, MGR_DELLAYER | REQUEST, 0, 0, NULL, TIMEOUT_1SEC); bc_state_change(bc,BCHAN_ERROR); cb_event(EVENT_BCHAN_ERROR, bc, glob_mgr->user_data); return(-EINVAL); } ret = mISDN_get_layerid(midev, bc->b_stid, bc->layer) ; bc->addr = ret>0? ret : 0; if (!bc->addr) { cb_log(0, stack->port,"$$$ Get Layerid Err: %d %s\n",ret,strerror(errno)); mISDN_write_frame(midev, buff, bc->layer_id, MGR_DELLAYER | REQUEST, 0, 0, NULL, TIMEOUT_1SEC); bc_state_change(bc,BCHAN_ERROR); cb_event(EVENT_BCHAN_ERROR, bc, glob_mgr->user_data); return (-EINVAL); } manager_bchannel_activate(bc); bc_state_change(bc,BCHAN_ACTIVATED); return 0; } /** IFACE **/ static int init_bc(struct misdn_stack *stack, struct misdn_bchannel *bc, int midev, int port, int bidx) { if (!bc) { return -1; } cb_log(8, port, "Init.BC %d.\n",bidx); bc->send_lock = malloc(sizeof(struct send_lock)); /* XXX BUG! memory leak never freed */ if (!bc->send_lock) { return -1; } pthread_mutex_init(&bc->send_lock->lock, NULL); empty_bc(bc); bc->port=stack->port; bc_state_change(bc, BCHAN_CLEANED); bc->nt=stack->nt?1:0; bc->pri=stack->pri; { ibuffer_t* ibuf= init_ibuffer(MISDN_IBUF_SIZE); if (!ibuf) return -1; clear_ibuffer( ibuf); ibuf->rsem=malloc(sizeof(sem_t)); if (!ibuf->rsem) { return -1; } bc->astbuf=ibuf; if (sem_init(ibuf->rsem,1,0)<0) sem_init(ibuf->rsem,0,0); } #if 0 /* This code does not seem to do anything useful */ if (bidx <= stack->b_num) { unsigned char buff[1025]; iframe_t *frm = (iframe_t *) buff; stack_info_t *stinf; int ret; ret = mISDN_get_stack_info(midev, stack->port, buff, sizeof(buff)); if (ret < 0) { cb_log(0, port, "%s: Cannot get stack info for this port. (ret=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, ret); return -1; } stinf = (stack_info_t *)&frm->data.p; cb_log(8, port, " --> Child %x\n",stinf->child[bidx]); } #endif return 0; } static struct misdn_stack *stack_init(int midev, int port, int ptp) { int ret; unsigned char buff[1025]; iframe_t *frm = (iframe_t *)buff; stack_info_t *stinf; struct misdn_stack *stack; int i; layer_info_t li; stack = calloc(1, sizeof(struct misdn_stack)); if (!stack) { return NULL; } cb_log(8, port, "Init. Stack.\n"); stack->port=port; stack->midev=midev; stack->ptp=ptp; stack->holding=NULL; stack->pri=0; msg_queue_init(&stack->downqueue); pthread_mutex_init(&stack->st_lock, NULL); /* query port's requirements */ ret = mISDN_get_stack_info(midev, port, buff, sizeof(buff)); if (ret < 0) { cb_log(0, port, "%s: Cannot get stack info for this port. (ret=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, ret); free(stack); return(NULL); } stinf = (stack_info_t *)&frm->data.p; stack->d_stid = stinf->id; stack->b_num = stinf->childcnt; for (i=0; i<=stinf->childcnt; i++) stack->b_stids[i] = stinf->child[i]; switch(stinf->pid.protocol[0] & ~ISDN_PID_FEATURE_MASK) { case ISDN_PID_L0_TE_S0: cb_log(8, port, "TE Stack\n"); stack->nt=0; break; case ISDN_PID_L0_NT_S0: cb_log(8, port, "NT Stack\n"); stack->nt=1; break; case ISDN_PID_L0_TE_E1: cb_log(8, port, "TE S2M Stack\n"); stack->nt=0; stack->pri=1; break; case ISDN_PID_L0_NT_E1: cb_log(8, port, "NT S2M Stack\n"); stack->nt=1; stack->pri=1; break; default: cb_log(0, port, "this is a unknown port type 0x%08x\n", stinf->pid.protocol[0]); } if (!stack->nt) { if (stinf->pid.protocol[2] & ISDN_PID_L2_DF_PTP ) { stack->ptp = 1; } else { stack->ptp = 0; } } { int ret; int nt=stack->nt; memset(&li, 0, sizeof(li)); { int l = sizeof(li.name); strncpy(li.name,nt?"net l2":"user l4", l); li.name[l-1] = 0; } li.object_id = -1; li.extentions = 0; li.pid.protocol[nt?2:4] = nt?ISDN_PID_L2_LAPD_NET:ISDN_PID_L4_CAPI20; li.pid.layermask = ISDN_LAYER((nt?2:4)); li.st = stack->d_stid; ret = mISDN_new_layer(midev, &li); if (ret) { cb_log(0, port, "%s: Cannot add layer %d to this port.\n", __FUNCTION__, nt?2:4); free(stack); return(NULL); } ret = mISDN_register_layer(midev, stack->d_stid, li.id); if (ret) { cb_log(0,port,"Cannot register layer %d of this port.\n", nt?2:4); free(stack); return(NULL); } stack->lower_id = mISDN_get_layerid(midev, stack->d_stid, nt?1:3); if (stack->lower_id < 0) { cb_log(0, port, "%s: Cannot get layer(%d) id of this port.\n", __FUNCTION__, nt?1:3); free(stack); return(NULL); } stack->upper_id = mISDN_get_layerid(midev, stack->d_stid, nt?2:4); if (stack->upper_id < 0) { cb_log(0, port, "%s: Cannot get layer(%d) id of this port.\n", __FUNCTION__, nt?2:4); free(stack); return(NULL); } /* create nst (nt-mode only) */ if (nt) { memset(&stack->nst, 0, sizeof(net_stack_t)); memset(&stack->mgr, 0, sizeof(manager_t)); stack->mgr.nst = &stack->nst; stack->nst.manager = &stack->mgr; stack->nst.l3_manager = handle_event_nt; stack->nst.device = midev; stack->nst.cardnr = port; stack->nst.d_stid = stack->d_stid; stack->nst.feature = FEATURE_NET_HOLD; if (stack->ptp) stack->nst.feature |= FEATURE_NET_PTP; if (stack->pri) stack->nst.feature |= FEATURE_NET_CRLEN2 | FEATURE_NET_EXTCID; stack->nst.l1_id = stack->lower_id; /* never used */ stack->nst.l2_id = stack->upper_id; msg_queue_init(&stack->nst.down_queue); pthread_mutex_init(&stack->nstlock, NULL); Isdnl2Init(&stack->nst); Isdnl3Init(&stack->nst); } stack->l1link=0; stack->l2link=0; #if 0 if (!stack->nt) { misdn_lib_get_short_status(stack); } else { misdn_lib_get_l1_up(stack); if (!stack->ptp) misdn_lib_get_l1_up(stack); misdn_lib_get_l2_up(stack); } #endif misdn_lib_get_short_status(stack); misdn_lib_get_l1_up(stack); /* handle_l1 will start L2 for NT. */ if (!stack->nt) { misdn_lib_get_l2_up(stack); } } cb_log(8, port, "stack_init: lowerId:%x upperId:%x\n", stack->lower_id, stack->upper_id); return stack; } static void stack_destroy(struct misdn_stack *stack) { char buf[1024]; if (!stack) return; if (stack->nt) { pthread_mutex_destroy(&stack->nstlock); cleanup_Isdnl2(&stack->nst); cleanup_Isdnl3(&stack->nst); } if (stack->upper_id) mISDN_write_frame(stack->midev, buf, stack->upper_id, MGR_DELLAYER | REQUEST, 0, 0, NULL, TIMEOUT_1SEC); pthread_mutex_destroy(&stack->st_lock); } static struct misdn_stack * find_stack_by_addr(int addr) { struct misdn_stack *stack; for (stack = glob_mgr->stack_list; stack; stack = stack->next) { if ((stack->upper_id & STACK_ID_MASK) == (addr & STACK_ID_MASK)) { /* Found the stack */ break; } } return stack; } static struct misdn_stack *find_stack_by_port(int port) { struct misdn_stack *stack; for (stack = glob_mgr->stack_list; stack; stack = stack->next) { if (stack->port == port) { /* Found the stack */ break; } } return stack; } static struct misdn_stack *find_stack_by_mgr(manager_t *mgr_nt) { struct misdn_stack *stack; for (stack = glob_mgr->stack_list; stack; stack = stack->next) { if (&stack->mgr == mgr_nt) { /* Found the stack */ break; } } return stack; } static struct misdn_bchannel *find_bc_by_masked_l3id(struct misdn_stack *stack, unsigned long l3id, unsigned long mask) { int i; for (i = 0; i <= stack->b_num; ++i) { if (stack->bc[i].in_use && (stack->bc[i].l3_id & mask) == (l3id & mask)) { return &stack->bc[i]; } } #if defined(AST_MISDN_ENHANCEMENTS) /* Search the B channel records for a REGISTER signaling link. */ for (i = MAX_BCHANS + 1; i < ARRAY_LEN(stack->bc); ++i) { if (stack->bc[i].in_use && (stack->bc[i].l3_id & mask) == (l3id & mask)) { return &stack->bc[i]; } } #endif /* defined(AST_MISDN_ENHANCEMENTS) */ return stack_holder_find(stack, l3id); } struct misdn_bchannel *find_bc_by_l3id(struct misdn_stack *stack, unsigned long l3id) { int i; for (i = 0; i <= stack->b_num; ++i) { if (stack->bc[i].in_use && stack->bc[i].l3_id == l3id) { return &stack->bc[i]; } } #if defined(AST_MISDN_ENHANCEMENTS) /* Search the B channel records for a REGISTER signaling link. */ for (i = MAX_BCHANS + 1; i < ARRAY_LEN(stack->bc); ++i) { if (stack->bc[i].in_use && stack->bc[i].l3_id == l3id) { return &stack->bc[i]; } } #endif /* defined(AST_MISDN_ENHANCEMENTS) */ return stack_holder_find(stack, l3id); } static struct misdn_bchannel *find_bc_by_addr(unsigned long addr) { struct misdn_stack *stack; int i; for (stack = glob_mgr->stack_list; stack; stack = stack->next) { for (i = 0; i <= stack->b_num; i++) { if (stack->bc[i].in_use && ((stack->bc[i].addr & STACK_ID_MASK) == (addr & STACK_ID_MASK) || stack->bc[i].layer_id == addr)) { return &stack->bc[i]; } } } return NULL; } static struct misdn_bchannel *find_bc_by_confid(unsigned long confid) { struct misdn_stack *stack; int i; for (stack = glob_mgr->stack_list; stack; stack = stack->next) { for (i = 0; i <= stack->b_num; i++) { if (stack->bc[i].in_use && stack->bc[i].conf_id == confid) { return &stack->bc[i]; } } } return NULL; } static int handle_event_te(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, enum event_e event, iframe_t *frm) { struct misdn_stack *stack=get_stack_by_bc(bc); switch (event) { case EVENT_CONNECT_ACKNOWLEDGE: setup_bc(bc); if ( *bc->crypt_key ) { cb_log(4, stack->port, "ENABLING BLOWFISH channel:%d caller%d:\"%s\" <%s> dialed%d:%s\n", bc->channel, bc->caller.number_type, bc->caller.name, bc->caller.number, bc->dialed.number_type, bc->dialed.number); manager_ph_control_block(bc, BF_ENABLE_KEY, bc->crypt_key, strlen(bc->crypt_key) ); } if (misdn_cap_is_speech(bc->capability)) { if ( !bc->nodsp) manager_ph_control(bc, DTMF_TONE_START, 0); manager_ec_enable(bc); if ( bc->txgain != 0 ) { cb_log(4, stack->port, "--> Changing txgain to %d\n", bc->txgain); manager_ph_control(bc, VOL_CHANGE_TX, bc->txgain); } if ( bc->rxgain != 0 ) { cb_log(4, stack->port, "--> Changing rxgain to %d\n", bc->rxgain); manager_ph_control(bc, VOL_CHANGE_RX, bc->rxgain); } } break; case EVENT_CONNECT: if ( *bc->crypt_key ) { cb_log(4, stack->port, "ENABLING BLOWFISH channel:%d caller%d:\"%s\" <%s> dialed%d:%s\n", bc->channel, bc->caller.number_type, bc->caller.name, bc->caller.number, bc->dialed.number_type, bc->dialed.number); manager_ph_control_block(bc, BF_ENABLE_KEY, bc->crypt_key, strlen(bc->crypt_key) ); } case EVENT_ALERTING: case EVENT_PROGRESS: case EVENT_PROCEEDING: case EVENT_SETUP_ACKNOWLEDGE: case EVENT_SETUP: { if (bc->channel == 0xff || bc->channel<=0) bc->channel=0; if (find_free_chan_in_stack(stack, bc, bc->channel, 0)<0){ if (!stack->pri && !stack->ptp) { bc->cw=1; break; } if (!bc->channel) { cb_log(0, stack->port, "Any Channel Requested, but we have no more!!\n"); } else { cb_log(0, stack->port, "Requested Channel Already in Use releasing this call with cause %d!!!!\n", bc->out_cause); } /* when the channel is already in use, we can't * simply clear it, we need to make sure that * it will still be marked as in_use in the * available channels list.*/ bc->channel=0; misdn_lib_send_event(bc,EVENT_RELEASE_COMPLETE); return -1; } if (event != EVENT_SETUP) { setup_bc(bc); } break; } case EVENT_RELEASE_COMPLETE: case EVENT_RELEASE: break; default: break; } return 0; } static int handle_cr ( struct misdn_stack *stack, iframe_t *frm) { struct misdn_bchannel dummybc; struct misdn_bchannel *bc; int channel; if (!stack) return -1; switch (frm->prim) { case CC_NEW_CR|INDICATION: cb_log(7, stack->port, " --> lib: NEW_CR Ind with l3id:%x on this port.\n",frm->dinfo); bc = misdn_lib_get_free_bc(stack->port, 0, 1, 0); if (!bc) { cb_log(0, stack->port, " --> !! lib: No free channel!\n"); return -1; } cb_log(7, stack->port, " --> new_process: New L3Id: %x\n",frm->dinfo); bc->l3_id=frm->dinfo; return 1; case CC_NEW_CR|CONFIRM: return 1; case CC_NEW_CR|REQUEST: return 1; case CC_RELEASE_CR|REQUEST: return 1; case CC_RELEASE_CR|CONFIRM: break; case CC_RELEASE_CR|INDICATION: cb_log(4, stack->port, " --> lib: RELEASE_CR Ind with l3id:%x\n", frm->dinfo); bc = find_bc_by_l3id(stack, frm->dinfo); if (!bc) { cb_log(4, stack->port, " --> Didn't find BC so temporarily creating dummy BC (l3id:%x) on this port.\n", frm->dinfo); misdn_make_dummy(&dummybc, stack->port, frm->dinfo, stack->nt, 0); bc = &dummybc; } channel = bc->channel; cb_log(4, stack->port, " --> lib: CLEANING UP l3id: %x\n", frm->dinfo); /* bc->pid = 0; */ bc->need_disconnect = 0; bc->need_release = 0; bc->need_release_complete = 0; cb_event(EVENT_CLEANUP, bc, glob_mgr->user_data); empty_bc(bc); clean_up_bc(bc); if (channel > 0) empty_chan_in_stack(stack, channel); bc->in_use = 0; dump_chan_list(stack); if (bc->stack_holder) { cb_log(4, stack->port, "REMOVING Holder\n"); stack_holder_remove(stack, bc); free(bc); } return 1; default: break; } return 0; } /* Empties bc if it's reserved (no SETUP out yet) */ void misdn_lib_release(struct misdn_bchannel *bc) { int channel; struct misdn_stack *stack=get_stack_by_bc(bc); if (!stack) { cb_log(1,0,"misdn_release: No Stack found\n"); return; } channel = bc->channel; empty_bc(bc); clean_up_bc(bc); if (channel > 0) { empty_chan_in_stack(stack, channel); } bc->in_use=0; } int misdn_lib_get_port_up (int port) { /* Pull Up L1 */ struct misdn_stack *stack; for (stack=glob_mgr->stack_list; stack; stack=stack->next) { if (stack->port == port) { if (!stack->l1link) misdn_lib_get_l1_up(stack); /* handle_l1 will start L2 for NT. */ if (!stack->l2link && !stack->nt) { misdn_lib_get_l2_up(stack); } return 0; } } return 0; } int misdn_lib_get_port_down (int port) { /* Pull Down L1 */ struct misdn_stack *stack; for (stack=glob_mgr->stack_list; stack; stack=stack->next) { if (stack->port == port) { if (stack->l2link) misdn_lib_get_l2_down(stack); misdn_lib_get_l1_down(stack); return 0; } } return 0; } int misdn_lib_port_up(int port, int check) { struct misdn_stack *stack; for (stack=glob_mgr->stack_list; stack; stack=stack->next) { if (stack->port == port) { if (stack->blocked) { cb_log(0,port, "Port Blocked:%d L2:%d L1:%d\n", stack->blocked, stack->l2link, stack->l1link); return -1; } if (stack->ptp ) { if (stack->l1link && stack->l2link) { return 1; } else { cb_log(1,port, "Port Down L2:%d L1:%d\n", stack->l2link, stack->l1link); return 0; } } else { if ( !check || stack->l1link ) return 1; else { cb_log(1,port, "Port down PMP\n"); return 0; } } } } return -1; } static int release_cr(struct misdn_stack *stack, mISDNuser_head_t *hh) { struct misdn_bchannel *bc=find_bc_by_l3id(stack, hh->dinfo); struct misdn_bchannel dummybc; iframe_t frm; /* fake te frm to remove callref from global callreflist */ frm.dinfo = hh->dinfo; frm.addr=stack->upper_id | FLG_MSG_DOWN; frm.prim = CC_RELEASE_CR|INDICATION; cb_log(4, stack->port, " --> CC_RELEASE_CR: Faking Release_cr for %x l3id:%x\n",frm.addr, frm.dinfo); /** removing procid **/ if (!bc) { cb_log(4, stack->port, " --> Didn't find BC so temporarily creating dummy BC (l3id:%x) on this port.\n", hh->dinfo); misdn_make_dummy(&dummybc, stack->port, hh->dinfo, stack->nt, 0); bc=&dummybc; } if ((bc->l3_id & 0xff00) == 0xff00) { cb_log(4, stack->port, " --> Removing Process Id:%x on this port.\n", bc->l3_id & 0xff); stack->procids[bc->l3_id & 0xff] = 0; } if (handle_cr(stack, &frm)<0) { } return 0 ; } static int handle_event_nt(void *dat, void *arg) { struct misdn_bchannel dummybc; struct misdn_bchannel *bc; manager_t *mgr = (manager_t *)dat; msg_t *msg = (msg_t *)arg; msg_t *dmsg; mISDNuser_head_t *hh; struct misdn_stack *stack; enum event_e event; int reject=0; int l3id; int channel; int tmpcause; if (!msg || !mgr) return(-EINVAL); stack = find_stack_by_mgr(mgr); hh=(mISDNuser_head_t*)msg->data; /* * When we are called from the mISDNuser lib, the nstlock is held and it * must be held when we return. We unlock here because the lib may be * entered again recursively. */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&stack->nstlock); cb_log(5, stack->port, " --> lib: prim %x dinfo %x\n",hh->prim, hh->dinfo); switch(hh->prim) { case CC_RETRIEVE|INDICATION: { struct misdn_bchannel *hold_bc; iframe_t frm; /* fake te frm to add callref to global callreflist */ frm.dinfo = hh->dinfo; frm.addr=stack->upper_id | FLG_MSG_DOWN; frm.prim = CC_NEW_CR|INDICATION; if (handle_cr( stack, &frm)< 0) { goto ERR_NO_CHANNEL; } bc = find_bc_by_l3id(stack, hh->dinfo); hold_bc = stack_holder_find(stack, bc->l3_id); cb_log(4, stack->port, "bc_l3id:%x holded_bc_l3id:%x\n",bc->l3_id, hold_bc->l3_id); if (hold_bc) { cb_log(4, stack->port, "REMOVING Holder\n"); /* swap the backup to our new channel back */ stack_holder_remove(stack, hold_bc); memcpy(bc, hold_bc, sizeof(*bc)); free(hold_bc); bc->holded=0; bc->b_stid=0; } break; } case CC_SETUP | CONFIRM: l3id = *((int *) (msg->data + mISDNUSER_HEAD_SIZE)); cb_log(4, stack->port, " --> lib: Event_ind:SETUP CONFIRM [NT] : new L3ID is %x\n", l3id); bc = find_bc_by_l3id(stack, hh->dinfo); if (bc) { cb_log (2, bc->port, "I IND :CC_SETUP|CONFIRM: old l3id:%x new l3id:%x\n", bc->l3_id, l3id); bc->l3_id = l3id; cb_event(EVENT_NEW_L3ID, bc, glob_mgr->user_data); } else { cb_log(4, stack->port, "Bc Not found (after SETUP CONFIRM)\n"); } free_msg(msg); pthread_mutex_lock(&stack->nstlock); return 0; case CC_SETUP | INDICATION: bc = misdn_lib_get_free_bc(stack->port, 0, 1, 0); if (!bc) { goto ERR_NO_CHANNEL; } cb_log(4, stack->port, " --> new_process: New L3Id: %x\n",hh->dinfo); bc->l3_id=hh->dinfo; break; #if defined(AST_MISDN_ENHANCEMENTS) case CC_REGISTER | CONFIRM: l3id = *((int *) (msg->data + mISDNUSER_HEAD_SIZE)); cb_log(4, stack->port, " --> lib: Event_ind:REGISTER CONFIRM [NT] : new L3ID is %x\n", l3id); bc = find_bc_by_l3id(stack, hh->dinfo); if (bc) { cb_log (2, bc->port, "I IND :CC_REGISTER|CONFIRM: old l3id:%x new l3id:%x\n", bc->l3_id, l3id); bc->l3_id = l3id; } else { cb_log(4, stack->port, "Bc Not found (after REGISTER CONFIRM)\n"); } free_msg(msg); pthread_mutex_lock(&stack->nstlock); return 0; #endif /* defined(AST_MISDN_ENHANCEMENTS) */ #if defined(AST_MISDN_ENHANCEMENTS) case CC_REGISTER | INDICATION: bc = misdn_lib_get_register_bc(stack->port); if (!bc) { goto ERR_NO_CHANNEL; } cb_log(4, stack->port, " --> new_process: New L3Id: %x\n",hh->dinfo); bc->l3_id=hh->dinfo; break; #endif /* defined(AST_MISDN_ENHANCEMENTS) */ case CC_CONNECT_ACKNOWLEDGE|INDICATION: break; case CC_ALERTING|INDICATION: case CC_PROCEEDING|INDICATION: case CC_SETUP_ACKNOWLEDGE|INDICATION: case CC_CONNECT|INDICATION: break; case CC_DISCONNECT|INDICATION: bc = find_bc_by_l3id(stack, hh->dinfo); if (!bc) { bc=find_bc_by_masked_l3id(stack, hh->dinfo, 0xffff0000); if (bc) { int myprocid=bc->l3_id&0x0000ffff; hh->dinfo=(hh->dinfo&0xffff0000)|myprocid; cb_log(3,stack->port,"Reject dinfo: %x cause:%d\n",hh->dinfo,bc->cause); reject=1; } } break; case CC_FACILITY|INDICATION: bc = find_bc_by_l3id(stack, hh->dinfo); if (!bc) { bc=find_bc_by_masked_l3id(stack, hh->dinfo, 0xffff0000); if (bc) { int myprocid=bc->l3_id&0x0000ffff; hh->dinfo=(hh->dinfo&0xffff0000)|myprocid; cb_log(4,bc->port,"Repaired reject Bug, new dinfo: %x\n",hh->dinfo); } } break; case CC_RELEASE_COMPLETE|INDICATION: break; case CC_SUSPEND|INDICATION: cb_log(4, stack->port, " --> Got Suspend, sending Reject for now\n"); dmsg = create_l3msg(CC_SUSPEND_REJECT | REQUEST,MT_SUSPEND_REJECT, hh->dinfo,sizeof(RELEASE_COMPLETE_t), 1); pthread_mutex_lock(&stack->nstlock); stack->nst.manager_l3(&stack->nst, dmsg); free_msg(msg); return 0; case CC_RESUME|INDICATION: break; case CC_RELEASE|CONFIRM: bc = find_bc_by_l3id(stack, hh->dinfo); if (bc) { cb_log(1, stack->port, "CC_RELEASE|CONFIRM (l3id:%x), sending RELEASE_COMPLETE\n", hh->dinfo); misdn_lib_send_event(bc, EVENT_RELEASE_COMPLETE); } break; case CC_RELEASE|INDICATION: break; case CC_RELEASE_CR|INDICATION: release_cr(stack, hh); free_msg(msg); pthread_mutex_lock(&stack->nstlock); return 0; case CC_NEW_CR|INDICATION: /* Got New CR for bchan, for now I handle this one in */ /* connect_ack, Need to be changed */ l3id = *((int *) (msg->data + mISDNUSER_HEAD_SIZE)); bc = find_bc_by_l3id(stack, hh->dinfo); if (!bc) { cb_log(0, stack->port, " --> In NEW_CR: didn't found bc ??\n"); pthread_mutex_lock(&stack->nstlock); return -1; } if (((l3id&0xff00)!=0xff00) && ((bc->l3_id&0xff00)==0xff00)) { cb_log(4, stack->port, " --> Removing Process Id:%x on this port.\n", 0xff&bc->l3_id); stack->procids[bc->l3_id&0xff] = 0 ; } cb_log(4, stack->port, "lib: Event_ind:CC_NEW_CR : very new L3ID is %x\n",l3id ); bc->l3_id =l3id; if (!bc->is_register_pool) { cb_event(EVENT_NEW_L3ID, bc, glob_mgr->user_data); } free_msg(msg); pthread_mutex_lock(&stack->nstlock); return 0; case DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION: case DL_ESTABLISH | CONFIRM: cb_log(3, stack->port, "%% GOT L2 Activate Info.\n"); if (stack->ptp && stack->l2link) { cb_log(0, stack->port, "%% GOT L2 Activate Info. but we're activated already.. this l2 is faulty, blocking port\n"); cb_event(EVENT_PORT_ALARM, &stack->bc[0], glob_mgr->user_data); } if (stack->ptp && !stack->restart_sent) { /* make sure we restart the interface of the * other side */ stack->restart_sent=1; misdn_lib_send_restart(stack->port, -1); } /* when we get the L2 UP, the L1 is UP definitely too*/ stack->l2link = 1; stack->l2upcnt=0; free_msg(msg); pthread_mutex_lock(&stack->nstlock); return 0; case DL_RELEASE | INDICATION: case DL_RELEASE | CONFIRM: cb_log(3, stack->port, "%% GOT L2 DeActivate Info.\n"); if (stack->ptp) { if (stack->l2upcnt>3) { cb_log(0 , stack->port, "!!! Could not Get the L2 up after 3 Attempts!!!\n"); } else { if (stack->l1link) { misdn_lib_get_l2_up(stack); stack->l2upcnt++; } } } stack->l2link = 0; free_msg(msg); pthread_mutex_lock(&stack->nstlock); return 0; default: break; } /* Parse Events and fire_up to App. */ event = isdn_msg_get_event(msgs_g, msg, 1); bc = find_bc_by_l3id(stack, hh->dinfo); if (!bc) { cb_log(4, stack->port, " --> Didn't find BC so temporarily creating dummy BC (l3id:%x).\n", hh->dinfo); misdn_make_dummy(&dummybc, stack->port, hh->dinfo, stack->nt, 0); bc = &dummybc; } isdn_msg_parse_event(msgs_g, msg, bc, 1); switch (event) { case EVENT_SETUP: if (bc->channel <= 0 || bc->channel == 0xff) { bc->channel = 0; } if (find_free_chan_in_stack(stack, bc, bc->channel, 0) < 0) { goto ERR_NO_CHANNEL; } break; case EVENT_RELEASE: case EVENT_RELEASE_COMPLETE: channel = bc->channel; tmpcause = bc->cause; empty_bc(bc); bc->cause = tmpcause; clean_up_bc(bc); if (channel > 0) empty_chan_in_stack(stack, channel); bc->in_use = 0; break; default: break; } if(!isdn_get_info(msgs_g, event, 1)) { cb_log(4, stack->port, "Unknown Event Ind: prim %x dinfo %x\n", hh->prim, hh->dinfo); } else { if (reject) { switch(bc->cause) { case AST_CAUSE_USER_BUSY: cb_log(1, stack->port, "Siemens Busy reject..\n"); break; default: break; } } cb_event(event, bc, glob_mgr->user_data); } free_msg(msg); pthread_mutex_lock(&stack->nstlock); return 0; ERR_NO_CHANNEL: cb_log(4, stack->port, "Patch from MEIDANIS:Sending RELEASE_COMPLETE %x (No free Chan for you..)\n", hh->dinfo); dmsg = create_l3msg(CC_RELEASE_COMPLETE | REQUEST, MT_RELEASE_COMPLETE, hh->dinfo, sizeof(RELEASE_COMPLETE_t), 1); pthread_mutex_lock(&stack->nstlock); stack->nst.manager_l3(&stack->nst, dmsg); free_msg(msg); return 0; } static int handle_timers(msg_t* msg) { iframe_t *frm= (iframe_t*)msg->data; struct misdn_stack *stack; /* Timer Stuff */ switch (frm->prim) { case MGR_INITTIMER | CONFIRM: case MGR_ADDTIMER | CONFIRM: case MGR_DELTIMER | CONFIRM: case MGR_REMOVETIMER | CONFIRM: free_msg(msg); return(1); } if (frm->prim==(MGR_TIMER | INDICATION) ) { for (stack = glob_mgr->stack_list; stack; stack = stack->next) { itimer_t *it; if (!stack->nt) continue; it = stack->nst.tlist; /* find timer */ for(it=stack->nst.tlist; it; it=it->next) { if (it->id == (int)frm->addr) break; } if (it) { mISDN_write_frame(stack->midev, msg->data, frm->addr, MGR_TIMER | RESPONSE, 0, 0, NULL, TIMEOUT_1SEC); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_TIMER_RUNING, (long unsigned int *)&it->Flags); pthread_mutex_lock(&stack->nstlock); it->function(it->data); pthread_mutex_unlock(&stack->nstlock); free_msg(msg); return 1; } } cb_log(0, 0, "Timer Msg without Timer ??\n"); free_msg(msg); return 1; } return 0; } void misdn_lib_tone_generator_start(struct misdn_bchannel *bc) { bc->generate_tone=1; } void misdn_lib_tone_generator_stop(struct misdn_bchannel *bc) { bc->generate_tone=0; } static int do_tone(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, int len) { bc->tone_cnt=len; if (bc->generate_tone) { cb_event(EVENT_TONE_GENERATE, bc, glob_mgr->user_data); if ( !bc->nojitter ) { misdn_tx_jitter(bc,len); } return 1; } return 0; } #ifdef MISDN_SAVE_DATA static void misdn_save_data(int id, char *p1, int l1, char *p2, int l2) { char n1[32],n2[32]; FILE *rx, *tx; sprintf(n1,"/tmp/misdn-rx-%d.raw",id); sprintf(n2,"/tmp/misdn-tx-%d.raw",id); rx = fopen(n1,"a+"); tx = fopen(n2,"a+"); if (!rx || !tx) { cb_log(0,0,"Couldn't open files: %s\n",strerror(errno)); if (rx) fclose(rx); if (tx) fclose(tx); return ; } fwrite(p1,1,l1,rx); fwrite(p2,1,l2,tx); fclose(rx); fclose(tx); } #endif void misdn_tx_jitter(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, int len) { char buf[4096 + mISDN_HEADER_LEN]; char *data=&buf[mISDN_HEADER_LEN]; iframe_t *txfrm= (iframe_t*)buf; int jlen, r; jlen=cb_jb_empty(bc,data,len); if (jlen) { #ifdef MISDN_SAVE_DATA misdn_save_data((bc->port*100+bc->channel), data, jlen, bc->bframe, bc->bframe_len); #endif flip_buf_bits( data, jlen); if (jlen < len) { cb_log(1, bc->port, "Jitterbuffer Underrun. Got %d of expected %d\n", jlen, len); } txfrm->prim = DL_DATA|REQUEST; txfrm->dinfo = 0; txfrm->addr = bc->addr|FLG_MSG_DOWN; /* | IF_DOWN; */ txfrm->len =jlen; cb_log(9, bc->port, "Transmitting %d samples 2 misdn\n", txfrm->len); r=mISDN_write( glob_mgr->midev, buf, txfrm->len + mISDN_HEADER_LEN, 8000 ); } else { #define MISDN_GEN_SILENCE #ifdef MISDN_GEN_SILENCE int cnt=len/TONE_SILENCE_SIZE; int rest=len%TONE_SILENCE_SIZE; int i; for (i=0; iprim = DL_DATA|REQUEST; txfrm->dinfo = 0; txfrm->addr = bc->addr|FLG_MSG_DOWN; /* | IF_DOWN; */ txfrm->len =len; cb_log(5, bc->port, "Transmitting %d samples of silence to misdn\n", len); r=mISDN_write( glob_mgr->midev, buf, txfrm->len + mISDN_HEADER_LEN, 8000 ); #else r = 0; #endif } if (r < 0) { cb_log(1, bc->port, "Error in mISDN_write (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); } } static int handle_bchan(msg_t *msg) { iframe_t *frm= (iframe_t*)msg->data; struct misdn_bchannel *bc=find_bc_by_addr(frm->addr); struct misdn_stack *stack; if (!bc) { cb_log(1,0,"handle_bchan: BC not found for prim:%x with addr:%x dinfo:%x\n", frm->prim, frm->addr, frm->dinfo); return 0 ; } stack = get_stack_by_bc(bc); if (!stack) { cb_log(0, bc->port,"handle_bchan: STACK not found for prim:%x with addr:%x dinfo:%x\n", frm->prim, frm->addr, frm->dinfo); return 0; } switch (frm->prim) { case MGR_SETSTACK| CONFIRM: cb_log(3, stack->port, "BCHAN: MGR_SETSTACK|CONFIRM pid:%d\n",bc->pid); break; case MGR_SETSTACK| INDICATION: cb_log(3, stack->port, "BCHAN: MGR_SETSTACK|IND pid:%d\n",bc->pid); break; case MGR_DELLAYER| INDICATION: cb_log(3, stack->port, "BCHAN: MGR_DELLAYER|IND pid:%d\n",bc->pid); break; case MGR_DELLAYER| CONFIRM: cb_log(3, stack->port, "BCHAN: MGR_DELLAYER|CNF pid:%d\n",bc->pid); bc->pid=0; bc->addr=0; free_msg(msg); return 1; case PH_ACTIVATE | INDICATION: case DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION: cb_log(3, stack->port, "BCHAN: ACT Ind pid:%d\n", bc->pid); free_msg(msg); return 1; case PH_ACTIVATE | CONFIRM: case DL_ESTABLISH | CONFIRM: cb_log(3, stack->port, "BCHAN: bchan ACT Confirm pid:%d\n",bc->pid); free_msg(msg); return 1; case DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST: { char buf[128]; mISDN_write_frame(stack->midev, buf, bc->addr | FLG_MSG_TARGET | FLG_MSG_DOWN, DL_ESTABLISH | CONFIRM, 0,0, NULL, TIMEOUT_1SEC); } free_msg(msg); return 1; case DL_RELEASE|REQUEST: { char buf[128]; mISDN_write_frame(stack->midev, buf, bc->addr | FLG_MSG_TARGET | FLG_MSG_DOWN, DL_RELEASE| CONFIRM, 0,0, NULL, TIMEOUT_1SEC); } free_msg(msg); return 1; case PH_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION: case DL_RELEASE | INDICATION: cb_log (3, stack->port, "BCHAN: DeACT Ind pid:%d\n",bc->pid); free_msg(msg); return 1; case PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM: case DL_RELEASE | CONFIRM: cb_log(3, stack->port, "BCHAN: DeACT Conf pid:%d\n",bc->pid); free_msg(msg); return 1; case PH_CONTROL|INDICATION: { unsigned int *cont = (unsigned int *) &frm->data.p; cb_log(4, stack->port, "PH_CONTROL: channel:%d caller%d:\"%s\" <%s> dialed%d:%s \n", bc->channel, bc->caller.number_type, bc->caller.name, bc->caller.number, bc->dialed.number_type, bc->dialed.number); if ((*cont & ~DTMF_TONE_MASK) == DTMF_TONE_VAL) { int dtmf = *cont & DTMF_TONE_MASK; cb_log(4, stack->port, " --> DTMF TONE: %c\n",dtmf); bc->dtmf=dtmf; cb_event(EVENT_DTMF_TONE, bc, glob_mgr->user_data); free_msg(msg); return 1; } if (*cont == BF_REJECT) { cb_log(4, stack->port, " --> BF REJECT\n"); free_msg(msg); return 1; } if (*cont == BF_ACCEPT) { cb_log(4, stack->port, " --> BF ACCEPT\n"); free_msg(msg); return 1; } } break; case PH_DATA|REQUEST: case DL_DATA|REQUEST: cb_log(0, stack->port, "DL_DATA REQUEST \n"); do_tone(bc, 64); free_msg(msg); return 1; case PH_DATA|INDICATION: case DL_DATA|INDICATION: { bc->bframe = (void*)&frm->data.i; bc->bframe_len = frm->len; /** Anyway flip the bufbits **/ if ( misdn_cap_is_speech(bc->capability) ) flip_buf_bits(bc->bframe, bc->bframe_len); if (!bc->bframe_len) { cb_log(2, stack->port, "DL_DATA INDICATION bc->addr:%x frm->addr:%x\n", bc->addr, frm->addr); free_msg(msg); return 1; } if ( (bc->addr&STACK_ID_MASK) != (frm->addr&STACK_ID_MASK) ) { cb_log(2, stack->port, "DL_DATA INDICATION bc->addr:%x frm->addr:%x\n", bc->addr, frm->addr); free_msg(msg); return 1; } #if MISDN_DEBUG cb_log(0, stack->port, "DL_DATA INDICATION Len %d\n", frm->len); #endif if ( (bc->bc_state == BCHAN_ACTIVATED) && frm->len > 0) { int t; #ifdef MISDN_B_DEBUG cb_log(0,bc->port,"do_tone START\n"); #endif t=do_tone(bc,frm->len); #ifdef MISDN_B_DEBUG cb_log(0,bc->port,"do_tone STOP (%d)\n",t); #endif if ( !t ) { int i; if ( misdn_cap_is_speech(bc->capability)) { if ( !bc->nojitter ) { #ifdef MISDN_B_DEBUG cb_log(0,bc->port,"tx_jitter START\n"); #endif misdn_tx_jitter(bc,frm->len); #ifdef MISDN_B_DEBUG cb_log(0,bc->port,"tx_jitter STOP\n"); #endif } } #ifdef MISDN_B_DEBUG cb_log(0,bc->port,"EVENT_B_DATA START\n"); #endif i = cb_event(EVENT_BCHAN_DATA, bc, glob_mgr->user_data); #ifdef MISDN_B_DEBUG cb_log(0,bc->port,"EVENT_B_DATA STOP\n"); #endif if (i<0) { cb_log(10,stack->port,"cb_event returned <0\n"); /*clean_up_bc(bc);*/ } } } free_msg(msg); return 1; } case PH_CONTROL | CONFIRM: cb_log(4, stack->port, "PH_CONTROL|CNF bc->addr:%x\n", frm->addr); free_msg(msg); return 1; case PH_DATA | CONFIRM: case DL_DATA|CONFIRM: #if MISDN_DEBUG cb_log(0, stack->port, "Data confirmed\n"); #endif free_msg(msg); return 1; case DL_DATA|RESPONSE: #if MISDN_DEBUG cb_log(0, stack->port, "Data response\n"); #endif break; } return 0; } static int handle_frm_nt(msg_t *msg) { iframe_t *frm= (iframe_t*)msg->data; struct misdn_stack *stack; int err=0; stack=find_stack_by_addr( frm->addr ); if (!stack || !stack->nt) { return 0; } pthread_mutex_lock(&stack->nstlock); if ((err=stack->nst.l1_l2(&stack->nst,msg))) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&stack->nstlock); if (nt_err_cnt > 0 ) { if (nt_err_cnt < 100) { nt_err_cnt++; cb_log(0, stack->port, "NT Stack sends us error: %d \n", err); } else if (nt_err_cnt < 105){ cb_log(0, stack->port, "NT Stack sends us error: %d over 100 times, so I'll stop this message\n", err); nt_err_cnt = - 1; } } free_msg(msg); return 1; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&stack->nstlock); return 1; } static int handle_frm_te(msg_t *msg) { struct misdn_bchannel dummybc; struct misdn_bchannel *bc; iframe_t *frm; struct misdn_stack *stack; enum event_e event; enum event_response_e response; int ret; int channel; int tmpcause; int tmp_out_cause; frm = (iframe_t*) msg->data; stack = find_stack_by_addr(frm->addr); if (!stack || stack->nt) { return 0; } cb_log(4, stack->port, "handle_frm_te: frm->addr:%x frm->prim:%x\n", frm->addr, frm->prim); ret = handle_cr(stack, frm); if (ret < 0) { cb_log(3, stack->port, "handle_frm_te: handle_cr <0 prim:%x addr:%x\n", frm->prim, frm->addr); } if (ret) { free_msg(msg); return 1; } bc = find_bc_by_l3id(stack, frm->dinfo); if (!bc) { misdn_make_dummy(&dummybc, stack->port, 0, stack->nt, 0); switch (frm->prim) { case CC_RESTART | CONFIRM: dummybc.l3_id = MISDN_ID_GLOBAL; bc = &dummybc; break; case CC_SETUP | INDICATION: dummybc.l3_id = frm->dinfo; bc = &dummybc; /* set a reasonable cause */ bc->out_cause = AST_CAUSE_REQUESTED_CHAN_UNAVAIL; /* if we want to send something the flag must be set! */ bc->need_release_complete = 1; misdn_lib_send_event(bc, EVENT_RELEASE_COMPLETE); free_msg(msg); return 1; default: if (frm->prim == (CC_FACILITY | INDICATION)) { cb_log(5, stack->port, " --> Using Dummy BC for FACILITY\n"); } else { cb_log(0, stack->port, " --> Didn't find BC so temporarily creating dummy BC (l3id:%x) on this port.\n", frm->dinfo); dummybc.l3_id = frm->dinfo; } bc = &dummybc; break; } } event = isdn_msg_get_event(msgs_g, msg, 0); isdn_msg_parse_event(msgs_g, msg, bc, 0); /* Preprocess some Events */ ret = handle_event_te(bc, event, frm); if (ret < 0) { cb_log(0, stack->port, "couldn't handle event\n"); free_msg(msg); return 1; } /* shoot up event to App: */ cb_log(5, stack->port, "lib Got Prim: Addr %x prim %x dinfo %x\n", frm->addr, frm->prim, frm->dinfo); if (!isdn_get_info(msgs_g, event, 0)) { cb_log(0, stack->port, "Unknown Event Ind: Addr:%x prim %x dinfo %x\n", frm->addr, frm->prim, frm->dinfo); response = RESPONSE_OK; } else { response = cb_event(event, bc, glob_mgr->user_data); } switch (event) { case EVENT_SETUP: switch (response) { case RESPONSE_IGNORE_SETUP_WITHOUT_CLOSE: cb_log(0, stack->port, "TOTALLY IGNORING SETUP\n"); break; case RESPONSE_IGNORE_SETUP: cb_log(0, stack->port, "GOT IGNORE SETUP\n"); /* I think we should send CC_RELEASE_CR, but am not sure*/ bc->out_cause = AST_CAUSE_NORMAL_CLEARING; /* fall through */ case RESPONSE_RELEASE_SETUP: if (response == RESPONSE_RELEASE_SETUP) { cb_log(0, stack->port, "GOT RELEASE SETUP\n"); } misdn_lib_send_event(bc, EVENT_RELEASE_COMPLETE); break; case RESPONSE_OK: cb_log(4, stack->port, "GOT SETUP OK\n"); break; default: cb_log(0, stack->port, "GOT UNKNOWN SETUP RESPONSE\n"); break; } break; case EVENT_RELEASE_COMPLETE: /* release bchannel only after we've announced the RELEASE_COMPLETE */ channel = bc->channel; tmpcause = bc->cause; tmp_out_cause = bc->out_cause; empty_bc(bc); bc->cause = tmpcause; bc->out_cause = tmp_out_cause; clean_up_bc(bc); bc->in_use = 0; if (tmpcause == AST_CAUSE_REQUESTED_CHAN_UNAVAIL) { cb_log(0, stack->port, "**** Received CAUSE:%d, restarting channel %d\n", AST_CAUSE_REQUESTED_CHAN_UNAVAIL, channel); misdn_lib_send_restart(stack->port, channel); } if (channel > 0) { empty_chan_in_stack(stack, channel); } break; case EVENT_RESTART: cb_log(0, stack->port, "**** Received RESTART channel:%d\n", bc->restart_channel); empty_chan_in_stack(stack, bc->restart_channel); break; default: break; } cb_log(5, stack->port, "Freeing Msg on prim:%x \n", frm->prim); free_msg(msg); return 1; } static int handle_l1(msg_t *msg) { iframe_t *frm = (iframe_t*) msg->data; struct misdn_stack *stack = find_stack_by_addr(frm->addr); if (!stack) return 0 ; switch (frm->prim) { case PH_ACTIVATE | CONFIRM: /* we have to check for errors! */ if (frm->len) { cb_log (3, stack->port, "L1: PH_ACTIVATE|REQUEST returned error!\n"); free_msg(msg); return 1; } /* fall through */ case PH_ACTIVATE | INDICATION: cb_log (3, stack->port, "L1: PH L1Link Up!\n"); stack->l1link=1; if (stack->nt) { pthread_mutex_lock(&stack->nstlock); if (stack->nst.l1_l2(&stack->nst, msg)) free_msg(msg); pthread_mutex_unlock(&stack->nstlock); if (stack->ptp) misdn_lib_get_l2_up(stack); } else { free_msg(msg); } return 1; case PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST: free_msg(msg); cb_log(3,stack->port,"L1: PH_ACTIVATE|REQUEST \n"); return 1; case PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST: free_msg(msg); cb_log(3,stack->port,"L1: PH_DEACTIVATE|REQUEST \n"); return 1; case PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM: /* we have to check for errors! */ if (frm->len) { cb_log (3, stack->port, "L1: PH_DEACTIVATE|REQUEST returned error!\n"); free_msg(msg); return 1; } /* fall through */ case PH_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION: cb_log (3, stack->port, "L1: PH L1Link Down! \n"); #if 0 for (i=0; i<=stack->b_num; i++) { if (global_state == MISDN_INITIALIZED) { cb_event(EVENT_CLEANUP, &stack->bc[i], glob_mgr->user_data); } } #endif if (stack->nt) { pthread_mutex_lock(&stack->nstlock); if (stack->nst.l1_l2(&stack->nst, msg)) free_msg(msg); pthread_mutex_unlock(&stack->nstlock); } else { free_msg(msg); } stack->l1link=0; stack->l2link=0; return 1; } return 0; } static int handle_l2(msg_t *msg) { iframe_t *frm = (iframe_t*) msg->data; struct misdn_stack *stack = find_stack_by_addr(frm->addr); if (!stack) { return 0 ; } switch(frm->prim) { case DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST: cb_log(1,stack->port,"DL_ESTABLISH|REQUEST \n"); free_msg(msg); return 1; case DL_RELEASE | REQUEST: cb_log(1,stack->port,"DL_RELEASE|REQUEST \n"); free_msg(msg); return 1; case DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION: case DL_ESTABLISH | CONFIRM: { cb_log (3, stack->port, "L2: L2Link Up! \n"); if (stack->ptp && stack->l2link) { cb_log (-1, stack->port, "L2: L2Link Up! but it's already UP.. must be faulty, blocking port\n"); cb_event(EVENT_PORT_ALARM, &stack->bc[0], glob_mgr->user_data); } stack->l2link=1; free_msg(msg); return 1; } break; case DL_RELEASE | INDICATION: case DL_RELEASE | CONFIRM: { cb_log (3, stack->port, "L2: L2Link Down! \n"); stack->l2link=0; free_msg(msg); return 1; } break; } return 0; } static int handle_mgmt(msg_t *msg) { iframe_t *frm = (iframe_t*) msg->data; struct misdn_stack *stack; if ( (frm->addr == 0) && (frm->prim == (MGR_DELLAYER|CONFIRM)) ) { cb_log(2, 0, "MGMT: DELLAYER|CONFIRM Addr: 0 !\n") ; free_msg(msg); return 1; } stack = find_stack_by_addr(frm->addr); if (!stack) { if (frm->prim == (MGR_DELLAYER|CONFIRM)) { cb_log(2, 0, "MGMT: DELLAYER|CONFIRM Addr: %x !\n", frm->addr) ; free_msg(msg); return 1; } return 0; } switch(frm->prim) { case MGR_SHORTSTATUS | INDICATION: case MGR_SHORTSTATUS | CONFIRM: cb_log(5, stack->port, "MGMT: Short status dinfo %x\n",frm->dinfo); switch (frm->dinfo) { case SSTATUS_L1_ACTIVATED: cb_log(3, stack->port, "MGMT: SSTATUS: L1_ACTIVATED \n"); stack->l1link=1; break; case SSTATUS_L1_DEACTIVATED: cb_log(3, stack->port, "MGMT: SSTATUS: L1_DEACTIVATED \n"); stack->l1link=0; #if 0 clear_l3(stack); #endif break; case SSTATUS_L2_ESTABLISHED: cb_log(3, stack->port, "MGMT: SSTATUS: L2_ESTABLISH \n"); stack->l2link=1; break; case SSTATUS_L2_RELEASED: cb_log(3, stack->port, "MGMT: SSTATUS: L2_RELEASED \n"); stack->l2link=0; break; } free_msg(msg); return 1; case MGR_SETSTACK | INDICATION: cb_log(4, stack->port, "MGMT: SETSTACK|IND dinfo %x\n",frm->dinfo); free_msg(msg); return 1; case MGR_DELLAYER | CONFIRM: cb_log(4, stack->port, "MGMT: DELLAYER|CNF dinfo %x\n",frm->dinfo) ; free_msg(msg); return 1; } /* if ( (frm->prim & 0x0f0000) == 0x0f0000) { cb_log(5, 0, "$$$ MGMT FRAME: prim %x addr %x dinfo %x\n",frm->prim, frm->addr, frm->dinfo) ; free_msg(msg); return 1; } */ return 0; } static msg_t *fetch_msg(int midev) { msg_t *msg=alloc_msg(MAX_MSG_SIZE); int r; if (!msg) { cb_log(0, 0, "fetch_msg: alloc msg failed !!"); return NULL; } AGAIN: r=mISDN_read(midev,msg->data,MAX_MSG_SIZE, TIMEOUT_10SEC); msg->len=r; if (r==0) { free_msg(msg); /* danger, cause usually freeing in main_loop */ cb_log(6,0,"Got empty Msg..\n"); return NULL; } if (r<0) { if (errno == EAGAIN) { /*we wait for mISDN here*/ cb_log(4,0,"mISDN_read wants us to wait\n"); usleep(5000); goto AGAIN; } cb_log(0,0,"mISDN_read returned :%d error:%s (%d)\n",r,strerror(errno),errno); } #if 0 if (!(frm->prim == (DL_DATA|INDICATION) )|| (frm->prim == (PH_DATA|INDICATION))) cb_log(0,0,"prim: %x dinfo:%x addr:%x msglen:%d frm->len:%d\n",frm->prim, frm->dinfo, frm->addr, msg->len,frm->len ); #endif return msg; } void misdn_lib_isdn_l1watcher(int port) { struct misdn_stack *stack; for (stack = glob_mgr->stack_list; stack && (stack->port != port); stack = stack->next) ; if (stack) { cb_log(4, port, "Checking L1 State\n"); if (!stack->l1link) { cb_log(4, port, "L1 State Down, trying to get it up again\n"); misdn_lib_get_short_status(stack); misdn_lib_get_l1_up(stack); misdn_lib_get_l2_up(stack); } } } /* This is a thread */ static void misdn_lib_isdn_event_catcher(void *arg) { struct misdn_lib *mgr = arg; int zero_frm=0 , fff_frm=0 ; int midev= mgr->midev; int port=0; while (1) { msg_t *msg = fetch_msg(midev); iframe_t *frm; if (!msg) continue; frm = (iframe_t*) msg->data; /** When we make a call from NT2Ast we get these frames **/ if (frm->len == 0 && frm->addr == 0 && frm->dinfo == 0 && frm->prim == 0 ) { zero_frm++; free_msg(msg); continue; } else { if (zero_frm) { cb_log(0, port, "*** Alert: %d zero_frms caught\n", zero_frm); zero_frm = 0 ; } } /** I get this sometimes after setup_bc **/ if (frm->len == 0 && frm->dinfo == 0 && frm->prim == 0xffffffff ) { fff_frm++; free_msg(msg); continue; } else { if (fff_frm) { cb_log(0, port, "*** Alert: %d fff_frms caught\n", fff_frm); fff_frm = 0 ; } } manager_isdn_handler(frm, msg); } } /** App Interface **/ static int te_lib_init(void) { char buff[1025] = ""; iframe_t *frm = (iframe_t *) buff; int midev; int ret; midev = mISDN_open(); if (midev <= 0) { return midev; } /* create entity for layer 3 TE-mode */ mISDN_write_frame(midev, buff, 0, MGR_NEWENTITY | REQUEST, 0, 0, NULL, TIMEOUT_1SEC); ret = mISDN_read_frame(midev, frm, sizeof(iframe_t), 0, MGR_NEWENTITY | CONFIRM, TIMEOUT_1SEC); entity = frm->dinfo & 0xffff; if (ret < mISDN_HEADER_LEN || !entity) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot request MGR_NEWENTITY from mISDN: %s\n", strerror(errno)); mISDN_close(midev); return -1; } return midev; } void te_lib_destroy(int midev) { char buf[1024]; mISDN_write_frame(midev, buf, 0, MGR_DELENTITY | REQUEST, entity, 0, NULL, TIMEOUT_1SEC); cb_log(4, 0, "Entity deleted\n"); mISDN_close(midev); cb_log(4, 0, "midev closed\n"); } struct misdn_bchannel *manager_find_bc_by_pid(int pid) { struct misdn_stack *stack; int i; for (stack = glob_mgr->stack_list; stack; stack = stack->next) { for (i = 0; i <= stack->b_num; i++) { if (stack->bc[i].in_use && stack->bc[i].pid == pid) { return &stack->bc[i]; } } } return NULL; } static int test_inuse(struct misdn_bchannel *bc) { struct timeval now; if (!bc->in_use) { gettimeofday(&now, NULL); if (bc->last_used.tv_sec == now.tv_sec && misdn_lib_port_is_pri(bc->port)) { cb_log(2, bc->port, "channel with stid:%x for one second still in use! (n:%d lu:%d)\n", bc->b_stid, (int) now.tv_sec, (int) bc->last_used.tv_sec); return 1; } cb_log(3,bc->port, "channel with stid:%x not in use!\n", bc->b_stid); return 0; } cb_log(2,bc->port, "channel with stid:%x in use!\n", bc->b_stid); return 1; } static void prepare_bc(struct misdn_bchannel*bc, int channel) { bc->channel = channel; bc->channel_preselected = channel?1:0; bc->need_disconnect=1; bc->need_release=1; bc->need_release_complete=1; bc->cause = AST_CAUSE_NORMAL_CLEARING; if (++mypid>5000) mypid=1; bc->pid=mypid; bc->in_use = 1; } struct misdn_bchannel *misdn_lib_get_free_bc(int port, int channel, int inout, int dec) { struct misdn_stack *stack; int i; int maxnum; if (channel < 0 || channel > MAX_BCHANS) { cb_log(0, port, "Requested channel out of bounds (%d)\n", channel); return NULL; } /* Find the port stack structure */ stack = find_stack_by_port(port); if (!stack) { cb_log(0, port, "Port is not configured (%d)\n", port); return NULL; } if (stack->blocked) { cb_log(0, port, "Port is blocked\n"); return NULL; } pthread_mutex_lock(&stack->st_lock); if (channel > 0) { if (channel <= stack->b_num) { for (i = 0; i < stack->b_num; i++) { if (stack->bc[i].channel == channel) { if (test_inuse(&stack->bc[i])) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&stack->st_lock); cb_log(0, port, "Requested channel:%d on port:%d is already in use\n", channel, port); return NULL; } else { prepare_bc(&stack->bc[i], channel); pthread_mutex_unlock(&stack->st_lock); return &stack->bc[i]; } } } } else { pthread_mutex_unlock(&stack->st_lock); cb_log(0, port, "Requested channel:%d is out of bounds on port:%d\n", channel, port); return NULL; } } /* Note: channel == 0 here */ maxnum = (inout && !stack->pri && !stack->ptp) ? stack->b_num + 1 : stack->b_num; if (dec) { for (i = maxnum - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (!test_inuse(&stack->bc[i])) { /* 3. channel on bri means CW*/ if (!stack->pri && i == stack->b_num) { stack->bc[i].cw = 1; } prepare_bc(&stack->bc[i], channel); stack->bc[i].dec = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&stack->st_lock); return &stack->bc[i]; } } } else { for (i = 0; i < maxnum; ++i) { if (!test_inuse(&stack->bc[i])) { /* 3. channel on bri means CW */ if (!stack->pri && i == stack->b_num) { stack->bc[i].cw = 1; } prepare_bc(&stack->bc[i], channel); pthread_mutex_unlock(&stack->st_lock); return &stack->bc[i]; } } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&stack->st_lock); cb_log(1, port, "There is no free channel on port (%d)\n", port); return NULL; } #if defined(AST_MISDN_ENHANCEMENTS) /*! * \brief Allocate a B channel struct from the REGISTER pool * * \param port Logical port number * * \retval B channel struct on success. * \retval NULL on error. */ struct misdn_bchannel *misdn_lib_get_register_bc(int port) { struct misdn_stack *stack; struct misdn_bchannel *bc; unsigned index; /* Find the port stack structure */ stack = find_stack_by_port(port); if (!stack) { cb_log(0, port, "Port is not configured (%d)\n", port); return NULL; } if (stack->blocked) { cb_log(0, port, "Port is blocked\n"); return NULL; } pthread_mutex_lock(&stack->st_lock); for (index = MAX_BCHANS + 1; index < ARRAY_LEN(stack->bc); ++index) { bc = &stack->bc[index]; if (!test_inuse(bc)) { prepare_bc(bc, 0); bc->need_disconnect = 0; bc->need_release = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&stack->st_lock); return bc; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&stack->st_lock); cb_log(1, port, "There is no free REGISTER link on port (%d)\n", port); return NULL; } #endif /* defined(AST_MISDN_ENHANCEMENTS) */ /*! * \internal * \brief Convert the facility function enum value into a string. * * \return String version of the enum value */ static const char *fac2str(enum FacFunction facility) { static const struct { enum FacFunction facility; char *name; } arr[] = { /* *INDENT-OFF* */ { Fac_None, "Fac_None" }, #if defined(AST_MISDN_ENHANCEMENTS) { Fac_ERROR, "Fac_ERROR" }, { Fac_RESULT, "Fac_RESULT" }, { Fac_REJECT, "Fac_REJECT" }, { Fac_ActivationDiversion, "Fac_ActivationDiversion" }, { Fac_DeactivationDiversion, "Fac_DeactivationDiversion" }, { Fac_ActivationStatusNotificationDiv, "Fac_ActivationStatusNotificationDiv" }, { Fac_DeactivationStatusNotificationDiv, "Fac_DeactivationStatusNotificationDiv" }, { Fac_InterrogationDiversion, "Fac_InterrogationDiversion" }, { Fac_DiversionInformation, "Fac_DiversionInformation" }, { Fac_CallDeflection, "Fac_CallDeflection" }, { Fac_CallRerouteing, "Fac_CallRerouteing" }, { Fac_DivertingLegInformation2, "Fac_DivertingLegInformation2" }, { Fac_InterrogateServedUserNumbers, "Fac_InterrogateServedUserNumbers" }, { Fac_DivertingLegInformation1, "Fac_DivertingLegInformation1" }, { Fac_DivertingLegInformation3, "Fac_DivertingLegInformation3" }, { Fac_EctExecute, "Fac_EctExecute" }, { Fac_ExplicitEctExecute, "Fac_ExplicitEctExecute" }, { Fac_RequestSubaddress, "Fac_RequestSubaddress" }, { Fac_SubaddressTransfer, "Fac_SubaddressTransfer" }, { Fac_EctLinkIdRequest, "Fac_EctLinkIdRequest" }, { Fac_EctInform, "Fac_EctInform" }, { Fac_EctLoopTest, "Fac_EctLoopTest" }, { Fac_ChargingRequest, "Fac_ChargingRequest" }, { Fac_AOCSCurrency, "Fac_AOCSCurrency" }, { Fac_AOCSSpecialArr, "Fac_AOCSSpecialArr" }, { Fac_AOCDCurrency, "Fac_AOCDCurrency" }, { Fac_AOCDChargingUnit, "Fac_AOCDChargingUnit" }, { Fac_AOCECurrency, "Fac_AOCECurrency" }, { Fac_AOCEChargingUnit, "Fac_AOCEChargingUnit" }, { Fac_StatusRequest, "Fac_StatusRequest" }, { Fac_CallInfoRetain, "Fac_CallInfoRetain" }, { Fac_EraseCallLinkageID, "Fac_EraseCallLinkageID" }, { Fac_CCBSDeactivate, "Fac_CCBSDeactivate" }, { Fac_CCBSErase, "Fac_CCBSErase" }, { Fac_CCBSRemoteUserFree, "Fac_CCBSRemoteUserFree" }, { Fac_CCBSCall, "Fac_CCBSCall" }, { Fac_CCBSStatusRequest, "Fac_CCBSStatusRequest" }, { Fac_CCBSBFree, "Fac_CCBSBFree" }, { Fac_CCBSStopAlerting, "Fac_CCBSStopAlerting" }, { Fac_CCBSRequest, "Fac_CCBSRequest" }, { Fac_CCBSInterrogate, "Fac_CCBSInterrogate" }, { Fac_CCNRRequest, "Fac_CCNRRequest" }, { Fac_CCNRInterrogate, "Fac_CCNRInterrogate" }, { Fac_CCBS_T_Call, "Fac_CCBS_T_Call" }, { Fac_CCBS_T_Suspend, "Fac_CCBS_T_Suspend" }, { Fac_CCBS_T_Resume, "Fac_CCBS_T_Resume" }, { Fac_CCBS_T_RemoteUserFree, "Fac_CCBS_T_RemoteUserFree" }, { Fac_CCBS_T_Available, "Fac_CCBS_T_Available" }, { Fac_CCBS_T_Request, "Fac_CCBS_T_Request" }, { Fac_CCNR_T_Request, "Fac_CCNR_T_Request" }, #else { Fac_CFActivate, "Fac_CFActivate" }, { Fac_CFDeactivate, "Fac_CFDeactivate" }, { Fac_CD, "Fac_CD" }, { Fac_AOCDCurrency, "Fac_AOCDCurrency" }, { Fac_AOCDChargingUnit, "Fac_AOCDChargingUnit" }, #endif /* defined(AST_MISDN_ENHANCEMENTS) */ /* *INDENT-ON* */ }; unsigned index; for (index = 0; index < ARRAY_LEN(arr); ++index) { if (arr[index].facility == facility) { return arr[index].name; } } return "unknown"; } void misdn_lib_log_ies(struct misdn_bchannel *bc) { struct misdn_stack *stack; if (!bc) return; stack = get_stack_by_bc(bc); if (!stack) return; cb_log(2, stack->port, " --> channel:%d mode:%s cause:%d ocause:%d\n", bc->channel, stack->nt ? "NT" : "TE", bc->cause, bc->out_cause); cb_log(2, stack->port, " --> info_dad:%s dialed numtype:%d plan:%d\n", bc->info_dad, bc->dialed.number_type, bc->dialed.number_plan); cb_log(2, stack->port, " --> caller:\"%s\" <%s> type:%d plan:%d pres:%d screen:%d\n", bc->caller.name, bc->caller.number, bc->caller.number_type, bc->caller.number_plan, bc->caller.presentation, bc->caller.screening); cb_log(2, stack->port, " --> redirecting-from:\"%s\" <%s> type:%d plan:%d pres:%d screen:%d\n", bc->redirecting.from.name, bc->redirecting.from.number, bc->redirecting.from.number_type, bc->redirecting.from.number_plan, bc->redirecting.from.presentation, bc->redirecting.from.screening); cb_log(2, stack->port, " --> redirecting-to:\"%s\" <%s> type:%d plan:%d pres:%d screen:%d\n", bc->redirecting.to.name, bc->redirecting.to.number, bc->redirecting.to.number_type, bc->redirecting.to.number_plan, bc->redirecting.to.presentation, bc->redirecting.to.screening); cb_log(2, stack->port, " --> redirecting reason:%d count:%d\n", bc->redirecting.reason, bc->redirecting.count); cb_log(2, stack->port, " --> connected:\"%s\" <%s> type:%d plan:%d pres:%d screen:%d\n", bc->connected.name, bc->connected.number, bc->connected.number_type, bc->connected.number_plan, bc->connected.presentation, bc->connected.screening); cb_log(3, stack->port, " --> caps:%s pi:%x keypad:%s sending_complete:%d\n", bearer2str(bc->capability),bc->progress_indicator, bc->keypad, bc->sending_complete); cb_log(4, stack->port, " --> set_pres:%d pres:%d\n", bc->set_presentation, bc->presentation); cb_log(4, stack->port, " --> addr:%x l3id:%x b_stid:%x layer_id:%x\n", bc->addr, bc->l3_id, bc->b_stid, bc->layer_id); cb_log(4, stack->port, " --> facility in:%s out:%s\n", fac2str(bc->fac_in.Function), fac2str(bc->fac_out.Function)); cb_log(5, stack->port, " --> urate:%d rate:%d mode:%d user1:%d\n", bc->urate, bc->rate, bc->mode,bc->user1); cb_log(5, stack->port, " --> bc:%p h:%d sh:%d\n", bc, bc->holded, bc->stack_holder); } #define RETURN(a,b) {retval=a; goto b;} static void misdn_send_lock(struct misdn_bchannel *bc) { //cb_log(0,bc->port,"Locking bc->pid:%d\n", bc->pid); if (bc->send_lock) pthread_mutex_lock(&bc->send_lock->lock); } static void misdn_send_unlock(struct misdn_bchannel *bc) { //cb_log(0,bc->port,"UnLocking bc->pid:%d\n", bc->pid); if (bc->send_lock) pthread_mutex_unlock(&bc->send_lock->lock); } int misdn_lib_send_event(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, enum event_e event ) { msg_t *msg; struct misdn_bchannel *bc2; struct misdn_bchannel *held_bc; struct misdn_stack *stack; int retval = 0; int channel; int tmpcause; int tmp_out_cause; if (!bc) RETURN(-1,OUT_POST_UNLOCK); stack = get_stack_by_bc(bc); if (!stack) { cb_log(0,bc->port, "SENDEVENT: no Stack for event:%s caller:\"%s\" <%s> dialed:%s \n", isdn_get_info(msgs_g, event, 0), bc->caller.name, bc->caller.number, bc->dialed.number); RETURN(-1,OUT); } misdn_send_lock(bc); cb_log(6,stack->port,"SENDEVENT: stack->nt:%d stack->upperid:%x\n",stack->nt, stack->upper_id); if ( stack->nt && !stack->l1link) { misdn_lib_get_l1_up(stack); } cb_log(1, stack->port, "I SEND:%s caller:\"%s\" <%s> dialed:%s pid:%d\n", isdn_get_info(msgs_g, event, 0), bc->caller.name, bc->caller.number, bc->dialed.number, bc->pid); cb_log(4, stack->port, " --> bc_state:%s\n",bc_state2str(bc->bc_state)); misdn_lib_log_ies(bc); switch (event) { case EVENT_REGISTER: case EVENT_SETUP: if (create_process(glob_mgr->midev, bc) < 0) { cb_log(0, stack->port, " No free channel at the moment @ send_event\n"); RETURN(-ENOCHAN,OUT); } break; case EVENT_PROGRESS: case EVENT_ALERTING: case EVENT_PROCEEDING: case EVENT_SETUP_ACKNOWLEDGE: case EVENT_CONNECT: if (!stack->nt) { if (stack->ptp) { setup_bc(bc); } break; } /* fall through */ case EVENT_RETRIEVE_ACKNOWLEDGE: if (stack->nt) { if (bc->channel <=0 ) { /* else we have the channel already */ if (find_free_chan_in_stack(stack, bc, 0, 0)<0) { cb_log(0, stack->port, " No free channel at the moment\n"); /*FIXME: add disconnect*/ RETURN(-ENOCHAN,OUT); } } /* Its that i generate channels */ } retval=setup_bc(bc); if (retval == -EINVAL) { cb_log(0,bc->port,"send_event: setup_bc failed\n"); } if (misdn_cap_is_speech(bc->capability)) { if ((event==EVENT_CONNECT)||(event==EVENT_RETRIEVE_ACKNOWLEDGE)) { if ( *bc->crypt_key ) { cb_log(4, stack->port, " --> ENABLING BLOWFISH channel:%d caller%d:\"%s\" <%s> dialed%d:%s\n", bc->channel, bc->caller.number_type, bc->caller.name, bc->caller.number, bc->dialed.number_type, bc->dialed.number); manager_ph_control_block(bc, BF_ENABLE_KEY, bc->crypt_key, strlen(bc->crypt_key) ); } if (!bc->nodsp) manager_ph_control(bc, DTMF_TONE_START, 0); manager_ec_enable(bc); if (bc->txgain != 0) { cb_log(4, stack->port, "--> Changing txgain to %d\n", bc->txgain); manager_ph_control(bc, VOL_CHANGE_TX, bc->txgain); } if ( bc->rxgain != 0 ) { cb_log(4, stack->port, "--> Changing rxgain to %d\n", bc->rxgain); manager_ph_control(bc, VOL_CHANGE_RX, bc->rxgain); } } } break; case EVENT_HOLD_ACKNOWLEDGE: held_bc = malloc(sizeof(struct misdn_bchannel)); if (!held_bc) { cb_log(0, bc->port, "Could not allocate held_bc!!!\n"); RETURN(-1,OUT); } /* backup the bc and put it in storage */ *held_bc = *bc; held_bc->holded = 1; held_bc->channel = 0;/* A held call does not have a channel anymore. */ held_bc->channel_preselected = 0; held_bc->channel_found = 0; bc_state_change(held_bc, BCHAN_CLEANED); stack_holder_add(stack, held_bc); /* kill the bridge and clean the real b-channel record */ if (stack->nt) { if (bc->bc_state == BCHAN_BRIDGED) { misdn_split_conf(bc,bc->conf_id); bc2 = find_bc_by_confid(bc->conf_id); if (!bc2) { cb_log(0,bc->port,"We have no second bc in bridge???\n"); } else { misdn_split_conf(bc2,bc->conf_id); } } channel = bc->channel; empty_bc(bc); clean_up_bc(bc); if (channel>0) empty_chan_in_stack(stack,channel); bc->in_use=0; } break; /* finishing the channel eh ? */ case EVENT_DISCONNECT: if (!bc->need_disconnect) { cb_log(0, bc->port, " --> we have already sent DISCONNECT\n"); RETURN(-1,OUT); } /* IE cause is mandatory for DISCONNECT, but optional for the answers to DISCONNECT. * We must initialize cause, so it is later correctly indicated to ast_channel * in case the answer does not include one! */ bc->cause = bc->out_cause; bc->need_disconnect=0; break; case EVENT_RELEASE: if (!bc->need_release) { cb_log(0, bc->port, " --> we have already sent RELEASE\n"); RETURN(-1,OUT); } bc->need_disconnect=0; bc->need_release=0; break; case EVENT_RELEASE_COMPLETE: if (!bc->need_release_complete) { cb_log(0, bc->port, " --> we have already sent RELEASE_COMPLETE\n"); RETURN(-1,OUT); } bc->need_disconnect=0; bc->need_release=0; bc->need_release_complete=0; if (!stack->nt) { /* create cleanup in TE */ channel = bc->channel; tmpcause = bc->cause; tmp_out_cause = bc->out_cause; empty_bc(bc); bc->cause=tmpcause; bc->out_cause=tmp_out_cause; clean_up_bc(bc); if (channel>0) empty_chan_in_stack(stack,channel); bc->in_use=0; } break; case EVENT_CONNECT_ACKNOWLEDGE: if ( bc->nt || misdn_cap_is_speech(bc->capability)) { int retval=setup_bc(bc); if (retval == -EINVAL){ cb_log(0,bc->port,"send_event: setup_bc failed\n"); } } if (misdn_cap_is_speech(bc->capability)) { if ( !bc->nodsp) manager_ph_control(bc, DTMF_TONE_START, 0); manager_ec_enable(bc); if ( bc->txgain != 0 ) { cb_log(4, stack->port, "--> Changing txgain to %d\n", bc->txgain); manager_ph_control(bc, VOL_CHANGE_TX, bc->txgain); } if ( bc->rxgain != 0 ) { cb_log(4, stack->port, "--> Changing rxgain to %d\n", bc->rxgain); manager_ph_control(bc, VOL_CHANGE_RX, bc->rxgain); } } break; default: break; } /* Later we should think about sending bchannel data directly to misdn. */ msg = isdn_msg_build_event(msgs_g, bc, event, stack->nt); if (!msg) { /* * The message was not built. * * NOTE: The only time that the message will fail to build * is because the requested FACILITY message is not supported. * A failed malloc() results in exit() being called. */ RETURN(-1, OUT); } else { msg_queue_tail(&stack->downqueue, msg); sem_post(&glob_mgr->new_msg); } OUT: misdn_send_unlock(bc); OUT_POST_UNLOCK: return retval; } static int handle_err(msg_t *msg) { iframe_t *frm = (iframe_t*) msg->data; if (!frm->addr) { static int cnt=0; if (!cnt) cb_log(0,0,"mISDN Msg without Address pr:%x dinfo:%x\n",frm->prim,frm->dinfo); cnt++; if (cnt>100) { cb_log(0,0,"mISDN Msg without Address pr:%x dinfo:%x (already more than 100 of them)\n",frm->prim,frm->dinfo); cnt=0; } free_msg(msg); return 1; } switch (frm->prim) { case MGR_SETSTACK|INDICATION: return handle_bchan(msg); break; case MGR_SETSTACK|CONFIRM: case MGR_CLEARSTACK|CONFIRM: free_msg(msg) ; return 1; break; case DL_DATA|CONFIRM: cb_log(4,0,"DL_DATA|CONFIRM\n"); free_msg(msg); return 1; case PH_CONTROL|CONFIRM: cb_log(4,0,"PH_CONTROL|CONFIRM\n"); free_msg(msg); return 1; case DL_DATA|INDICATION: { int port=(frm->addr&MASTER_ID_MASK) >> 8; int channel=(frm->addr&CHILD_ID_MASK) >> 16; /*we flush the read buffer here*/ cb_log(9,0,"BCHAN DATA without BC: addr:%x port:%d channel:%d\n",frm->addr, port,channel); free_msg(msg); return 1; } } return 0; } int manager_isdn_handler(iframe_t *frm ,msg_t *msg) { if (frm->dinfo==0xffffffff && frm->prim==(PH_DATA|CONFIRM)) { cb_log(0,0,"SERIOUS BUG, dinfo == 0xffffffff, prim == PH_DATA | CONFIRM !!!!\n"); } /* Timer primitives must be handled first, because the frm->addr is a different * "address space" than the stack/instance address of other Lx primitives. */ if (handle_timers(msg)) { return 0; } if ( ((frm->addr | ISDN_PID_BCHANNEL_BIT )>> 28 ) == 0x5) { static int unhandled_bmsg_count=1000; if (handle_bchan(msg)) { return 0 ; } if (unhandled_bmsg_count==1000) { cb_log(0, 0, "received 1k Unhandled Bchannel Messages: prim %x len %d from addr %x, dinfo %x on this port.\n",frm->prim, frm->len, frm->addr, frm->dinfo); unhandled_bmsg_count=0; } unhandled_bmsg_count++; free_msg(msg); return 0; } #ifdef RECV_FRM_SYSLOG_DEBUG syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"mISDN recv: ADDR:%x PRIM:%x DINFO:%x\n", frm->addr, frm->prim, frm->dinfo); #endif if (handle_mgmt(msg)) return 0 ; if (handle_l2(msg)) return 0 ; /* Its important to handle l1 AFTER l2 */ if (handle_l1(msg)) return 0 ; if (handle_frm_nt(msg)) { return 0; } if (handle_frm_te(msg)) { return 0; } if (handle_err(msg)) { return 0 ; } cb_log(0, 0, "Unhandled Message: prim %x len %d from addr %x, dinfo %x on this port.\n",frm->prim, frm->len, frm->addr, frm->dinfo); free_msg(msg); return 0; } int misdn_lib_get_port_info(int port) { msg_t *msg=alloc_msg(MAX_MSG_SIZE); iframe_t *frm; struct misdn_stack *stack=find_stack_by_port(port); if (!msg) { cb_log(0, port, "misdn_lib_get_port_info: alloc_msg failed!\n"); return -1; } frm=(iframe_t*)msg->data; if (!stack ) { cb_log(0, port, "There is no Stack for this port.\n"); return -1; } /* activate bchannel */ frm->prim = CC_STATUS_ENQUIRY | REQUEST; frm->addr = stack->upper_id| FLG_MSG_DOWN; frm->dinfo = 0; frm->len = 0; msg_queue_tail(&glob_mgr->activatequeue, msg); sem_post(&glob_mgr->new_msg); return 0; } int misdn_lib_pid_restart(int pid) { struct misdn_bchannel *bc=manager_find_bc_by_pid(pid); if (bc) { manager_clean_bc(bc); } return 0; } /*Sends Restart message for every bchannel*/ int misdn_lib_send_restart(int port, int channel) { struct misdn_stack *stack=find_stack_by_port(port); struct misdn_bchannel dummybc; /*default is all channels*/ cb_log(0, port, "Sending Restarts on this port.\n"); misdn_make_dummy(&dummybc, stack->port, MISDN_ID_GLOBAL, stack->nt, 0); /*default is all channels*/ if (channel <0) { dummybc.channel=-1; cb_log(0, port, "Restarting and all Interfaces\n"); misdn_lib_send_event(&dummybc, EVENT_RESTART); return 0; } /*if a channel is specified we restart only this one*/ if (channel >0) { int cnt; dummybc.channel=channel; cb_log(0, port, "Restarting and cleaning channel %d\n",channel); misdn_lib_send_event(&dummybc, EVENT_RESTART); /* clean up chan in stack, to be sure we don't think it's * in use anymore */ for (cnt=0; cnt<=stack->b_num; cnt++) { if (stack->bc[cnt].in_use && stack->bc[cnt].channel == channel) { empty_bc(&stack->bc[cnt]); clean_up_bc(&stack->bc[cnt]); stack->bc[cnt].in_use=0; } } } return 0; } /*reinitializes the L2/L3*/ int misdn_lib_port_restart(int port) { struct misdn_stack *stack=find_stack_by_port(port); cb_log(0, port, "Restarting this port.\n"); if (stack) { cb_log(0, port, "Stack:%p\n",stack); clear_l3(stack); { msg_t *msg=alloc_msg(MAX_MSG_SIZE); iframe_t *frm; if (!msg) { cb_log(0, port, "port_restart: alloc_msg failed\n"); return -1; } frm=(iframe_t*)msg->data; /* we must activate if we are deactivated */ /* activate bchannel */ frm->prim = DL_RELEASE | REQUEST; frm->addr = stack->upper_id | FLG_MSG_DOWN; frm->dinfo = 0; frm->len = 0; msg_queue_tail(&glob_mgr->activatequeue, msg); sem_post(&glob_mgr->new_msg); } if (stack->nt) misdn_lib_reinit_nt_stack(stack->port); } return 0; } static sem_t handler_started; /* This is a thread */ static void manager_event_handler(void *arg) { sem_post(&handler_started); while (1) { struct misdn_stack *stack; msg_t *msg; /** wait for events **/ sem_wait(&glob_mgr->new_msg); for (msg=msg_dequeue(&glob_mgr->activatequeue); msg; msg=msg_dequeue(&glob_mgr->activatequeue) ) { iframe_t *frm = (iframe_t*) msg->data ; switch ( frm->prim) { case MGR_SETSTACK | REQUEST : free_msg(msg); break; default: mISDN_write(glob_mgr->midev, frm, mISDN_HEADER_LEN+frm->len, TIMEOUT_1SEC); free_msg(msg); } } for (stack=glob_mgr->stack_list; stack; stack=stack->next ) { /* Here we should check if we really want to send all the messages we've queued, lets assume we've queued a Disconnect, but received it already from the other side!*/ while ( (msg=msg_dequeue(&stack->downqueue)) ) { if (stack->nt ) { pthread_mutex_lock(&stack->nstlock); if (stack->nst.manager_l3(&stack->nst, msg)) cb_log(0, stack->port, "Error@ Sending Message in NT-Stack.\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&stack->nstlock); } else { iframe_t *frm = (iframe_t *)msg->data; struct misdn_bchannel *bc = find_bc_by_l3id(stack, frm->dinfo); if (bc) send_msg(glob_mgr->midev, bc, msg); else { struct misdn_bchannel dummybc; misdn_make_dummy(&dummybc, stack->port, frm->dinfo, stack->nt, 0); if (frm->dinfo == MISDN_ID_GLOBAL || frm->dinfo == MISDN_ID_DUMMY ) { cb_log(5,0," --> GLOBAL/DUMMY\n"); } else { /* * We need to be able to at least answer with RELEASE_COMPLETE * on SETUP|INDICATION errors so use a dummy bc. */ cb_log(0,0,"No bc for Message. Using dummy_bc\n"); } send_msg(glob_mgr->midev, &dummybc, msg); } } } } } } int misdn_lib_maxports_get(void) { /* BE AWARE WE HAVE NO cb_log() HERE! */ int i = mISDN_open(); int max=0; if (i<0) return -1; max = mISDN_get_stack_count(i); mISDN_close(i); return max; } void misdn_lib_nt_keepcalls( int kc) { #ifdef FEATURE_NET_KEEPCALLS if (kc) { struct misdn_stack *stack=get_misdn_stack(); for ( ; stack; stack=stack->next) { stack->nst.feature |= FEATURE_NET_KEEPCALLS; } } #endif } void misdn_lib_nt_debug_init( int flags, char *file ) { static int init=0; char *f; if (!flags) f=NULL; else f=file; if (!init) { debug_init( flags , f, f, f); init=1; } else { debug_close(); debug_init( flags , f, f, f); } } int misdn_lib_init(char *portlist, struct misdn_lib_iface *iface, void *user_data) { struct misdn_lib *mgr; char *tok, *tokb; char plist[1024]; int midev; int port_count=0; cb_log = iface->cb_log; cb_event = iface->cb_event; cb_jb_empty = iface->cb_jb_empty; if (!portlist || (*portlist == 0)) { return 1; } mgr = calloc(1, sizeof(*mgr)); if (!mgr) { return 1; } glob_mgr = mgr; msg_init(); misdn_lib_nt_debug_init(0,NULL); init_flip_bits(); strncpy(plist, portlist, 1024); plist[1023] = 0; memcpy(tone_425_flip,tone_425,TONE_425_SIZE); flip_buf_bits(tone_425_flip,TONE_425_SIZE); memcpy(tone_silence_flip,tone_SILENCE,TONE_SILENCE_SIZE); flip_buf_bits(tone_silence_flip,TONE_SILENCE_SIZE); midev=te_lib_init(); if (midev <= 0) { free(glob_mgr); glob_mgr = NULL; return 1; } mgr->midev=midev; port_count=mISDN_get_stack_count(midev); msg_queue_init(&mgr->activatequeue); if (sem_init(&mgr->new_msg, 1, 0)<0) sem_init(&mgr->new_msg, 0, 0); for (tok=strtok_r(plist," ,",&tokb ); tok; tok=strtok_r(NULL," ,",&tokb)) { int port = atoi(tok); struct misdn_stack *stack; struct misdn_stack *help; int ptp=0; int i; int r; if (strstr(tok, "ptp")) ptp=1; if (port > port_count) { cb_log(0, port, "Couldn't Initialize this port since we have only %d ports\n", port_count); continue; } stack = stack_init(midev, port, ptp); if (!stack) { cb_log(0, port, "stack_init() failed for this port\n"); continue; } /* Initialize the B channel records for real B channels. */ for (i = 0; i <= stack->b_num; i++) { r = init_bc(stack, &stack->bc[i], stack->midev, port, i); if (r < 0) { cb_log(0, port, "Got Err @ init_bc :%d\n", r); break; } } if (i <= stack->b_num) { stack_destroy(stack); free(stack); continue; } #if defined(AST_MISDN_ENHANCEMENTS) /* Initialize the B channel records for REGISTER signaling links. */ for (i = MAX_BCHANS + 1; i < ARRAY_LEN(stack->bc); ++i) { r = init_bc(stack, &stack->bc[i], stack->midev, port, i); if (r < 0) { cb_log(0, port, "Got Err @ init_bc :%d\n", r); break; } stack->bc[i].is_register_pool = 1; } if (i < ARRAY_LEN(stack->bc)) { stack_destroy(stack); free(stack); continue; } #endif /* defined(AST_MISDN_ENHANCEMENTS) */ /* Add the new stack to the end of the list */ help = mgr->stack_list; if (!help) { mgr->stack_list = stack; } else { while (help->next) { help = help->next; } help->next = stack; } } if (!mgr->stack_list) { /* no stacks were successfully initialized !? */ te_lib_destroy(midev); free(glob_mgr); glob_mgr = NULL; return 1; } if (sem_init(&handler_started, 1, 0)<0) sem_init(&handler_started, 0, 0); cb_log(8, 0, "Starting Event Handler\n"); pthread_create( &mgr->event_handler_thread, NULL,(void*)manager_event_handler, mgr); sem_wait(&handler_started) ; cb_log(8, 0, "Starting Event Catcher\n"); pthread_create( &mgr->event_thread, NULL, (void*)misdn_lib_isdn_event_catcher, mgr); cb_log(8, 0, "Event Catcher started\n"); global_state= MISDN_INITIALIZED; return (mgr == NULL); } void misdn_lib_destroy(void) { struct misdn_stack *help; int i; for ( help=glob_mgr->stack_list; help; help=help->next ) { for(i=0;i<=help->b_num; i++) { char buf[1024]; mISDN_write_frame(help->midev, buf, help->bc[i].addr, MGR_DELLAYER | REQUEST, 0, 0, NULL, TIMEOUT_1SEC); help->bc[i].addr = 0; } cb_log (1, help->port, "Destroying this port.\n"); stack_destroy(help); } if (global_state == MISDN_INITIALIZED) { cb_log(4, 0, "Killing Handler Thread\n"); if ( pthread_cancel(glob_mgr->event_handler_thread) == 0 ) { cb_log(4, 0, "Joining Handler Thread\n"); pthread_join(glob_mgr->event_handler_thread, NULL); } cb_log(4, 0, "Killing Main Thread\n"); if ( pthread_cancel(glob_mgr->event_thread) == 0 ) { cb_log(4, 0, "Joining Main Thread\n"); pthread_join(glob_mgr->event_thread, NULL); } } cb_log(1, 0, "Closing mISDN device\n"); te_lib_destroy(glob_mgr->midev); while ((help = glob_mgr->stack_list)) { glob_mgr->stack_list = help->next; free(help); } free(glob_mgr); glob_mgr = NULL; } char *manager_isdn_get_info(enum event_e event) { return isdn_get_info(msgs_g , event, 0); } void manager_bchannel_activate(struct misdn_bchannel *bc) { char buf[128]; struct misdn_stack *stack=get_stack_by_bc(bc); if (!stack) { cb_log(0, bc->port, "bchannel_activate: Stack not found !"); return ; } /* we must activate if we are deactivated */ clear_ibuffer(bc->astbuf); cb_log(5, stack->port, "$$$ Bchan Activated addr %x\n", bc->addr); mISDN_write_frame(stack->midev, buf, bc->addr | FLG_MSG_DOWN, DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST, 0,0, NULL, TIMEOUT_1SEC); return ; } void manager_bchannel_deactivate(struct misdn_bchannel * bc) { struct misdn_stack *stack=get_stack_by_bc(bc); char buf[128]; switch (bc->bc_state) { case BCHAN_ACTIVATED: break; case BCHAN_BRIDGED: misdn_split_conf(bc,bc->conf_id); break; default: cb_log( 4, bc->port,"bchan_deactivate: called but not activated\n"); return ; } cb_log(5, stack->port, "$$$ Bchan deActivated addr %x\n", bc->addr); bc->generate_tone=0; mISDN_write_frame(stack->midev, buf, bc->addr | FLG_MSG_DOWN, DL_RELEASE|REQUEST,0,0,NULL, TIMEOUT_1SEC); clear_ibuffer(bc->astbuf); bc_state_change(bc,BCHAN_RELEASE); return; } int misdn_lib_tx2misdn_frm(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, void *data, int len) { struct misdn_stack *stack=get_stack_by_bc(bc); char buf[4096 + mISDN_HEADER_LEN]; iframe_t *frm = (iframe_t*)buf; switch (bc->bc_state) { case BCHAN_ACTIVATED: case BCHAN_BRIDGED: break; default: cb_log(3, bc->port, "BC not yet activated (state:%s)\n",bc_state2str(bc->bc_state)); return -1; } frm->prim = DL_DATA|REQUEST; frm->dinfo = 0; frm->addr = bc->addr | FLG_MSG_DOWN ; frm->len = len; memcpy(&buf[mISDN_HEADER_LEN], data,len); if ( misdn_cap_is_speech(bc->capability) ) flip_buf_bits( &buf[mISDN_HEADER_LEN], len); else cb_log(6, stack->port, "Writing %d data bytes\n",len); cb_log(9, stack->port, "Writing %d bytes 2 mISDN\n",len); mISDN_write(stack->midev, buf, frm->len + mISDN_HEADER_LEN, TIMEOUT_INFINIT); return 0; } /* * send control information to the channel (dsp-module) */ void manager_ph_control(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, int c1, int c2) { unsigned char buffer[mISDN_HEADER_LEN+2*sizeof(int)]; iframe_t *ctrl = (iframe_t *)buffer; /* preload data */ unsigned int *d = (unsigned int*)&ctrl->data.p; /*struct misdn_stack *stack=get_stack_by_bc(bc);*/ cb_log(4,bc->port,"ph_control: c1:%x c2:%x\n",c1,c2); ctrl->prim = PH_CONTROL | REQUEST; ctrl->addr = bc->addr | FLG_MSG_DOWN; ctrl->dinfo = 0; ctrl->len = sizeof(unsigned int)*2; *d++ = c1; *d++ = c2; mISDN_write(glob_mgr->midev, ctrl, mISDN_HEADER_LEN+ctrl->len, TIMEOUT_1SEC); } /* * allow live control of channel parameters */ void isdn_lib_update_rxgain (struct misdn_bchannel *bc) { manager_ph_control(bc, VOL_CHANGE_RX, bc->rxgain); } void isdn_lib_update_txgain (struct misdn_bchannel *bc) { manager_ph_control(bc, VOL_CHANGE_TX, bc->txgain); } void isdn_lib_update_ec (struct misdn_bchannel *bc) { #ifdef MISDN_1_2 if (*bc->pipeline) #else if (bc->ec_enable) #endif manager_ec_enable(bc); else manager_ec_disable(bc); } void isdn_lib_stop_dtmf (struct misdn_bchannel *bc) { manager_ph_control(bc, DTMF_TONE_STOP, 0); } /* * send control information to the channel (dsp-module) */ void manager_ph_control_block(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, int c1, void *c2, int c2_len) { unsigned char buffer[mISDN_HEADER_LEN+sizeof(int)+c2_len]; iframe_t *ctrl = (iframe_t *)buffer; unsigned int *d = (unsigned int *)&ctrl->data.p; /*struct misdn_stack *stack=get_stack_by_bc(bc);*/ ctrl->prim = PH_CONTROL | REQUEST; ctrl->addr = bc->addr | FLG_MSG_DOWN; ctrl->dinfo = 0; ctrl->len = sizeof(unsigned int) + c2_len; *d++ = c1; memcpy(d, c2, c2_len); mISDN_write(glob_mgr->midev, ctrl, mISDN_HEADER_LEN+ctrl->len, TIMEOUT_1SEC); } void manager_clean_bc(struct misdn_bchannel *bc ) { struct misdn_stack *stack=get_stack_by_bc(bc); if (stack && bc->channel > 0) { empty_chan_in_stack(stack, bc->channel); } empty_bc(bc); bc->in_use=0; cb_event(EVENT_CLEANUP, bc, NULL); } void stack_holder_add(struct misdn_stack *stack, struct misdn_bchannel *holder) { struct misdn_bchannel *help; cb_log(4,stack->port, "*HOLDER: add %x\n",holder->l3_id); holder->stack_holder=1; holder->next=NULL; if (!stack->holding) { stack->holding = holder; return; } for (help=stack->holding; help; help=help->next) { if (!help->next) { help->next=holder; break; } } } void stack_holder_remove(struct misdn_stack *stack, struct misdn_bchannel *holder) { struct misdn_bchannel *h1; if (!holder->stack_holder) return; holder->stack_holder=0; cb_log(4,stack->port, "*HOLDER: remove %x\n",holder->l3_id); if (!stack || ! stack->holding) return; if (holder == stack->holding) { stack->holding = stack->holding->next; return; } for (h1=stack->holding; h1; h1=h1->next) { if (h1->next == holder) { h1->next=h1->next->next; return ; } } } struct misdn_bchannel *stack_holder_find(struct misdn_stack *stack, unsigned long l3id) { struct misdn_bchannel *help; cb_log(4, stack->port, "*HOLDER: find %lx\n",l3id); for (help=stack->holding; help; help=help->next) { if (help->l3_id == l3id) { cb_log(4,stack->port, "*HOLDER: found bc\n"); return help; } } cb_log(4,stack->port, "*HOLDER: find nothing\n"); return NULL; } /*! * \brief Find a held call's B channel record. * * \param port Port the call is on. * \param l3_id mISDN Layer 3 ID of held call. * * \return Found bc-record or NULL. */ struct misdn_bchannel *misdn_lib_find_held_bc(int port, int l3_id) { struct misdn_bchannel *bc; struct misdn_stack *stack; bc = NULL; for (stack = get_misdn_stack(); stack; stack = stack->next) { if (stack->port == port) { bc = stack_holder_find(stack, l3_id); break; } } return bc; } void misdn_lib_send_tone(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, enum tone_e tone) { char buf[mISDN_HEADER_LEN + 128] = ""; iframe_t *frm = (iframe_t*)buf; switch(tone) { case TONE_DIAL: manager_ph_control(bc, TONE_PATT_ON, TONE_GERMAN_DIALTONE); break; case TONE_ALERTING: manager_ph_control(bc, TONE_PATT_ON, TONE_GERMAN_RINGING); break; case TONE_HANGUP: manager_ph_control(bc, TONE_PATT_ON, TONE_GERMAN_HANGUP); break; case TONE_NONE: default: manager_ph_control(bc, TONE_PATT_OFF, TONE_GERMAN_HANGUP); } frm->prim=DL_DATA|REQUEST; frm->addr=bc->addr|FLG_MSG_DOWN; frm->dinfo=0; frm->len=128; mISDN_write(glob_mgr->midev, frm, mISDN_HEADER_LEN+frm->len, TIMEOUT_1SEC); } void manager_ec_enable(struct misdn_bchannel *bc) { struct misdn_stack *stack=get_stack_by_bc(bc); cb_log(4, stack?stack->port:0,"ec_enable\n"); if (!misdn_cap_is_speech(bc->capability)) { cb_log(1, stack?stack->port:0, " --> no speech? cannot enable EC\n"); } else { #ifdef MISDN_1_2 if (*bc->pipeline) { cb_log(3, stack?stack->port:0,"Sending Control PIPELINE_CFG %s\n",bc->pipeline); manager_ph_control_block(bc, PIPELINE_CFG, bc->pipeline, strlen(bc->pipeline) + 1); } #else int ec_arr[2]; if (bc->ec_enable) { cb_log(3, stack?stack->port:0,"Sending Control ECHOCAN_ON taps:%d\n",bc->ec_deftaps); switch (bc->ec_deftaps) { case 4: case 8: case 16: case 32: case 64: case 128: case 256: case 512: case 1024: cb_log(4, stack->port, "Taps is %d\n",bc->ec_deftaps); break; default: cb_log(0, stack->port, "Taps should be power of 2\n"); bc->ec_deftaps=128; } ec_arr[0]=bc->ec_deftaps; ec_arr[1]=0; manager_ph_control_block(bc, ECHOCAN_ON, ec_arr, sizeof(ec_arr)); } #endif } } void manager_ec_disable(struct misdn_bchannel *bc) { struct misdn_stack *stack=get_stack_by_bc(bc); cb_log(4, stack?stack->port:0," --> ec_disable\n"); if (!misdn_cap_is_speech(bc->capability)) { cb_log(1, stack?stack->port:0, " --> no speech? cannot disable EC\n"); return; } #ifdef MISDN_1_2 manager_ph_control_block(bc, PIPELINE_CFG, "", 0); #else if ( ! bc->ec_enable) { cb_log(3, stack?stack->port:0, "Sending Control ECHOCAN_OFF\n"); manager_ph_control(bc, ECHOCAN_OFF, 0); } #endif } struct misdn_stack *get_misdn_stack(void) { return glob_mgr->stack_list; } void misdn_join_conf(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, int conf_id) { char data[16] = ""; bc_state_change(bc,BCHAN_BRIDGED); manager_ph_control(bc, CMX_RECEIVE_OFF, 0); manager_ph_control(bc, CMX_CONF_JOIN, conf_id); cb_log(3,bc->port, "Joining bc:%x in conf:%d\n",bc->addr,conf_id); misdn_lib_tx2misdn_frm(bc, data, sizeof(data) - 1); } void misdn_split_conf(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, int conf_id) { bc_state_change(bc,BCHAN_ACTIVATED); manager_ph_control(bc, CMX_RECEIVE_ON, 0); manager_ph_control(bc, CMX_CONF_SPLIT, conf_id); cb_log(4,bc->port, "Splitting bc:%x in conf:%d\n",bc->addr,conf_id); } void misdn_lib_bridge( struct misdn_bchannel * bc1, struct misdn_bchannel *bc2) { int conf_id = bc1->pid + 1; struct misdn_bchannel *bc_list[] = { bc1, bc2, NULL }; struct misdn_bchannel **bc; cb_log(4, bc1->port, "I Send: BRIDGE from:%d to:%d\n",bc1->port,bc2->port); for (bc=bc_list; *bc; bc++) { (*bc)->conf_id=conf_id; cb_log(4, (*bc)->port, " --> bc_addr:%x\n",(*bc)->addr); switch((*bc)->bc_state) { case BCHAN_ACTIVATED: misdn_join_conf(*bc,conf_id); break; default: bc_next_state_change(*bc,BCHAN_BRIDGED); break; } } } void misdn_lib_split_bridge( struct misdn_bchannel * bc1, struct misdn_bchannel *bc2) { struct misdn_bchannel *bc_list[]={ bc1,bc2,NULL }; struct misdn_bchannel **bc; for (bc=bc_list; *bc; bc++) { if ( (*bc)->bc_state == BCHAN_BRIDGED){ misdn_split_conf( *bc, (*bc)->conf_id); } else { cb_log( 2, (*bc)->port, "BC not bridged (state:%s) so not splitting it\n",bc_state2str((*bc)->bc_state)); } } } void misdn_lib_echo(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, int onoff) { cb_log(3,bc->port, " --> ECHO %s\n", onoff?"ON":"OFF"); manager_ph_control(bc, onoff?CMX_ECHO_ON:CMX_ECHO_OFF, 0); } void misdn_lib_reinit_nt_stack(int port) { struct misdn_stack *stack=find_stack_by_port(port); if (stack) { stack->l2link=0; stack->blocked=0; cleanup_Isdnl3(&stack->nst); cleanup_Isdnl2(&stack->nst); memset(&stack->nst, 0, sizeof(net_stack_t)); memset(&stack->mgr, 0, sizeof(manager_t)); stack->mgr.nst = &stack->nst; stack->nst.manager = &stack->mgr; stack->nst.l3_manager = handle_event_nt; stack->nst.device = glob_mgr->midev; stack->nst.cardnr = port; stack->nst.d_stid = stack->d_stid; stack->nst.feature = FEATURE_NET_HOLD; if (stack->ptp) stack->nst.feature |= FEATURE_NET_PTP; if (stack->pri) stack->nst.feature |= FEATURE_NET_CRLEN2 | FEATURE_NET_EXTCID; stack->nst.l1_id = stack->lower_id; /* never used */ stack->nst.l2_id = stack->upper_id; msg_queue_init(&stack->nst.down_queue); Isdnl2Init(&stack->nst); Isdnl3Init(&stack->nst); if (!stack->ptp) misdn_lib_get_l1_up(stack); } }