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2023-05-25 18:45:57 +00:00
# Web based Voicemail for Asterisk
# Copyright (C) 2002, Linux Support Services, Inc.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# Written by Mark Spencer <>
# (icky, I know.... if you know better perl please help!)
# Synchronization added by GDS Partners (
# Stojan Sljivic (
use CGI qw/:standard/;
use Carp::Heavy;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use DBI;
use Fcntl qw ( O_WRONLY O_CREAT O_EXCL );
use Time::HiRes qw ( usleep );
$context=""; # Define here your by default context (so you dont need to put voicemail@context in the login)
@validfolders = ( "INBOX", "Old", "Work", "Family", "Friends", "Cust1", "Cust2", "Cust3", "Cust4", "Cust5" );
%formats = (
"wav" => {
name => "Uncompressed WAV",
mime => "audio/x-wav",
pref => 1
"WAV" => {
name => "GSM Compressed WAV",
mime => "audio/x-wav",
pref => 2
"gsm" => {
name => "Raw GSM Audio",
mime => "audio/x-gsm",
pref => 3
$astpath = "/_asterisk";
$stdcontainerstart = "<table align=center width=600><tr><td>\n";
$footer = "<hr><font size=-1><a href=\"\">The Asterisk Open Source PBX</a> Copyright 2004-2008, <a href=\"\">Digium, Inc.</a></a>";
$stdcontainerend = "</td></tr><tr><td align=right>$footer</td></tr></table>\n";
sub lock_path($) {
my($path) = @_;
my $rand;
my $rfile;
my $start;
my $res;
$rand = rand 99999999;
$rfile = "$path/.lock-$rand";
sysopen(RFILE, $rfile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0666) or return -1;
$res = link($rfile, "$path/.lock");
$start = time;
if ($res == 0) {
while (($res == 0) && (time - $start <= 5)) {
$res = link($rfile, "$path/.lock");
if ($res == 0) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
sub unlock_path($) {
my($path) = @_;
sub untaint($) {
my($data) = @_;
if ($data =~ /^([-\@\w.]+)$/) {
$data = $1;
} else {
die "Security violation.";
return $data;
sub login_screen($) {
print header;
my ($message) = @_;
print <<_EOH;
<TITLE>Asterisk Web-Voicemail</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="white">
<FORM METHOD="post">
<input type=hidden name="action" value="login">
<table align=center>
<tr><td valign=top align=center rowspan=6><img align=center src="$astpath/animlogo.gif"></td></tr>
<tr><td align=center colspan=2><font size=+2>Comedian Mail Login</font></td></tr>
<tr><td align=center colspan=2><font size=+1>$message</font></td></tr>
<tr><td>Mailbox:</td><td><input type=text name="mailbox"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Password:</td><td><input type=password name="password"></td></tr>
<tr><td align=right colspan=2><input value="Login" type=submit></td></tr>
<input type=hidden name="context" value="$context">
sub check_login($$)
local ($filename, $startcat) = @_;
local ($mbox, $context) = split(/\@/, param('mailbox'));
local $pass = param('password');
local $category = $startcat;
local @fields;
local $tmp;
local (*VMAIL);
if (!$category) {
$category = "general";
if (!$context) {
$context = param('context');
if (!$context) {
$context = "default";
if (!$filename) {
$filename = "/etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf";
# print header;
# print "Including <h2>$filename</h2> while in <h2>$category</h2>...\n";
open(VMAIL, "<$filename") || die("Bleh, no $filename");
while(<VMAIL>) {
if (/include\s\"([^\"]+)\"$/) {
($tmp, $category) = &check_login("/etc/asterisk/$1", $category);
if (length($tmp)) {
# print "Got '$tmp'\n";
return ($tmp, $category);
} elsif (/\[(.*)\]/) {
$category = $1;
} elsif ($category eq "general") {
if (/([^\s]+)\s*\=\s*(.*)/) {
if ($1 eq "dbname") {
$dbname = $2;
} elsif ($1 eq "dbpass") {
$dbpass = $2;
} elsif ($1 eq "dbhost") {
$dbhost = $2;
} elsif ($1 eq "dbuser") {
$dbuser = $2;
if ($dbname and $dbpass and $dbhost and $dbuser) {
# db variables are present. Use db for authentication.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$dbname:$dbhost",$dbuser,$dbpass);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{select fullname,context from voicemail where mailbox='$mbox' and password='$pass' and context='$context'});
if (($fullname, $category) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
return ($fullname ? $fullname : "Extension $mbox in $context",$category);
} elsif (($category ne "general") && ($category ne "zonemessages")) {
if (/([^\s]+)\s*\=\>?\s*(.*)/) {
@fields = split(/\,\s*/, $2);
# print "<p>Mailbox is $1\n";
if (($mbox eq $1) && (($pass eq $fields[0]) || ("-${pass}" eq $fields[0])) && ($context eq $category)) {
return ($fields[1] ? $fields[1] : "Extension $mbox in $context", $category);
return check_login_users();
sub check_login_users {
my ($mbox, $context) = split(/\@/, param('mailbox'));
my $pass = param('password');
my ($found, $fullname) = (0, "");
open VMAIL, "</etc/asterisk/users.conf";
while (<VMAIL>) {
if (m/\[(.*)\]/) {
if ($1 eq $mbox) {
$found = 1;
} elsif ($found == 2) {
close VMAIL;
return (($fullname ? $fullname : "Extension $mbox in $context"), $context);
} else {
$found = 0;
} elsif ($found) {
my ($var, $value) = split /\s*=\s*/, $_, 2;
if ($var eq 'vmsecret' and $value eq $pass) {
$found = 2;
} elsif ($var eq 'fullname') {
$fullname = $value;
if ($found == 2) {
close VMAIL;
return ($fullname, $context);
close VMAIL;
return ("", "");
sub validmailbox($$$$)
local ($context, $mbox, $filename, $startcat) = @_;
local $category = $startcat;
local @fields;
local (*VMAIL);
if (!$context) {
$context = param('context');
if (!$context) {
$context = "default";
if (!$filename) {
$filename = "/etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf";
if (!$category) {
$category = "general";
open(VMAIL, "<$filename") || die("Bleh, no $filename");
while (<VMAIL>) {
if (/include\s\"([^\"]+)\"$/) {
($tmp, $category) = &validmailbox($mbox, $context, "/etc/asterisk/$1");
if ($tmp) {
return ($tmp, $category);
} elsif (/\[(.*)\]/) {
$category = $1;
} elsif ($category eq "general") {
if (/([^\s]+)\s*\=\s*(.*)/) {
if ($1 eq "dbname") {
$dbname = $2;
} elsif ($1 eq "dbpass") {
$dbpass = $2;
} elsif ($1 eq "dbhost") {
$dbhost = $2;
} elsif ($1 eq "dbuser") {
$dbuser = $2;
if ($dbname and $dbpass and $dbhost and $dbuser) {
# db variables are present. Use db for authentication.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$dbname:$dbhost",$dbuser,$dbpass);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{select fullname,context from voicemail where mailbox='$mbox' and password='$pass' and context='$context'});
if (($fullname, $context) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
return ($fullname ? $fullname : "unknown", $category);
} elsif (($category ne "general") && ($category ne "zonemessages") && ($category eq $context)) {
if (/([^\s]+)\s*\=\>?\s*(.*)/) {
@fields = split(/\,\s*/, $2);
if (($mbox eq $1) && ($context eq $category)) {
return ($fields[2] ? $fields[2] : "unknown", $category);
return ("", $category);
sub mailbox_options()
local($context, $current, $filename, $category) = @_;
local (*VMAIL);
local $tmp2;
local $tmp;
if (!$filename) {
$filename = "/etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf";
if (!$category) {
$category = "general";
# print header;
# print "Including <h2>$filename</h2> while in <h2>$category</h2>...\n";
open(VMAIL, "<$filename") || die("Bleh, no voicemail.conf");
while(<VMAIL>) {
if (/include\s\"([^\"]+)\"$/) {
($tmp2, $category) = &mailbox_options($context, $current, "/etc/asterisk/$1", $category);
# print "Got '$tmp2'...\n";
$tmp .= $tmp2;
} elsif (/\[(.*)\]/) {
$category = $1;
} elsif ($category eq "general") {
if (/([^\s]+)\s*\=\s*(.*)/) {
if ($1 eq "dbname") {
$dbname = $2;
} elsif ($1 eq "dbpass") {
$dbpass = $2;
} elsif ($1 eq "dbhost") {
$dbhost = $2;
} elsif ($1 eq "dbuser") {
$dbuser = $2;
if ($dbname and $dbpass and $dbhost and $dbuser) {
# db variables are present. Use db for authentication.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$dbname:$dbhost",$dbuser,$dbpass);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{select mailbox,fullname,context from voicemail where context='$context' order by mailbox});
while (($mailbox, $fullname, $category) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
$text = $mailbox;
if ($fullname) {
$text .= " (".$fullname.")";
if ($mailbox eq $current) {
$tmp .= "<OPTION SELECTED>$text</OPTION>\n";
} else {
$tmp .= "<OPTION>$text</OPTION>\n";
return ($tmp, $category);
} elsif (($category ne "general") && ($category ne "zonemessages")) {
if (/([^\s]+)\s*\=\>?\s*(.*)/) {
@fields = split(/\,\s*/, $2);
$text = "$1";
if ($fields[1]) {
$text .= " ($fields[1])";
if ($1 eq $current) {
$tmp .= "<OPTION SELECTED>$text</OPTION>\n";
} else {
$tmp .= "<OPTION>$text</OPTION>\n";
return ($tmp, $category);
sub mailbox_list()
local ($name, $context, $current) = @_;
local $tmp;
local $text;
local $tmp;
local $opts;
if (!$context) {
$context = "default";
$tmp = "<SELECT name=\"$name\">\n";
($opts) = &mailbox_options($context, $current);
$tmp .= $opts;
$tmp .= "</SELECT>\n";
sub msgcount()
my ($context, $mailbox, $folder) = @_;
my $path = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/$context/$mailbox/$folder";
if (opendir(DIR, $path)) {
my @msgs = grep(/^msg....\.txt$/, readdir(DIR));
return sprintf "%d", $#msgs + 1;
return "0";
sub msgcountstr()
my ($context, $mailbox, $folder) = @_;
my $count = &msgcount($context, $mailbox, $folder);
if ($count > 1) {
"$count messages";
} elsif ($count > 0) {
"$count message";
} else {
"no messages";
sub messages()
my ($context, $mailbox, $folder) = @_;
my $path = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/$context/$mailbox/$folder";
if (opendir(DIR, $path)) {
my @msgs = sort grep(/^msg....\.txt$/, readdir(DIR));
return map { s/^msg(....)\.txt$/$1/; $_ } @msgs;
return ();
sub getcookie()
my ($var) = @_;
return cookie($var);
sub makecookie()
my ($format) = @_;
cookie(-name => "format", -value =>["$format"], -expires=>"+1y");
sub getfields()
my ($context, $mailbox, $folder, $msg) = @_;
my $fields;
if (open(MSG, "</var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/$context/$mailbox/$folder/msg${msg}.txt")) {
while(<MSG>) {
if (/^(\w+)\s*\=\s*(.*)$/) {
$fields->{$1} = $2;
$fields->{'msgid'} = $msg;
} else { print "<BR>Unable to open '$msg' in '$mailbox', '$folder'\n<B>"; }
sub message_prefs()
my ($nextaction, $msgid) = @_;
my $folder = param('folder');
my $mbox = param('mailbox');
my $context = param('context');
my $passwd = param('password');
my $format = param('format');
if (!$format) {
$format = &getcookie('format');
print header;
print <<_EOH;
<TITLE>Asterisk Web-Voicemail: Preferences</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="white">
<FORM METHOD="post">
<table width=100% align=center>
<tr><td align=right colspan=3><font size=+2>Web Voicemail Preferences</font></td></tr>
<tr><td align=left><font size=+1>Preferred&nbsp;Audio&nbsp;Format:</font></td><td colspan=2></td></tr>
foreach $fmt (sort { $formats{$a}->{'pref'} <=> $formats{$b}->{'pref'} } keys %formats) {
my $clicked = "checked" if $fmt eq $format;
print "<tr><td></td><td align=left><input type=radio name=\"format\" $clicked value=\"$fmt\"></td><td width=100%>&nbsp;$formats{$fmt}->{name}</td></tr>\n";
print <<_EOH;
<tr><td align=right colspan=3><input type=submit value="save settings..."></td></tr>
<input type=hidden name="action" value="$nextaction">
<input type=hidden name="folder" value="$folder">
<input type=hidden name="mailbox" value="$mbox">
<input type=hidden name="context" value="$context">
<input type=hidden name="password" value="$passwd">
<input type=hidden name="msgid" value="$msgid">
sub message_play()
my ($message, $msgid) = @_;
my $folder = param('folder');
my ($mbox, $context) = split(/\@/, param('mailbox'));
my $passwd = param('password');
my $format = param('format');
my $fields;
if (!$context) {
$context = param('context');
if (!$context) {
$context = "default";
my $folders = &folder_list('newfolder', $context, $mbox, $folder);
my $mailboxes = &mailbox_list('forwardto', $context, $mbox);
if (!$format) {
$format = &getcookie('format');
if (!$format) {
&message_prefs("play", $msgid);
} else {
print header(-cookie => &makecookie($format));
$fields = &getfields($context, $mbox, $folder, $msgid);
if (!$fields) {
print "<BR>Bah!\n";
my $duration = $fields->{'duration'};
if ($duration) {
$duration = sprintf "%d:%02d", $duration/60, $duration % 60;
} else {
$duration = "<i>Unknown</i>";
print <<_EOH;
<TITLE>Asterisk Web-Voicemail: $folder Message $msgid</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="white">
<FORM METHOD="post">
<table width=100% align=center>
<tr><td align=right colspan=3><font size=+1>$folder Message $msgid</font></td></tr>
print <<_EOH;
<tr><td align=center colspan=3>
<tr><td colspan=2 align=center><font size=+1>$folder <b>$msgid</b></font></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Original Date:</b></td><td>$fields->{origdate}</td></tr>\n
<tr><td><b>Original Mailbox:</b></td><td>$fields->{origmailbox}</td></tr>\n
<tr><td><b>Caller Channel:</b></td><td>$fields->{callerchan}</td></tr>\n
<tr><td align=center colspan=2>
<input name="action" type=submit value="index">&nbsp;
<input name="action" type=submit value="delete ">&nbsp;
<input name="action" type=submit value="forward to -> ">&nbsp;
<input name="action" type=submit value="save to ->">
<input name="action" type=submit value="play ">
<input name="action" type=submit value="download">
<tr><td colspan=2 align=center>
<embed width=400 height=40 src="vmail.cgi?action=audio&folder=$folder&mailbox=$mbox&context=$context&password=$passwd&msgid=$msgid&format=$format&dontcasheme=$$.$format" autostart=yes loop=false></embed>
<input type=hidden name="folder" value="$folder">
<input type=hidden name="mailbox" value="$mbox">
<input type=hidden name="context" value="$context">
<input type=hidden name="password" value="$passwd">
<input type=hidden name="msgid" value="$msgid">
sub message_audio()
my ($forcedownload) = @_;
my $folder = &untaint(param('folder'));
my $msgid = &untaint(param('msgid'));
my $mailbox = &untaint(param('mailbox'));
my $context = &untaint(param('context'));
my $format = param('format');
if (!$format) {
$format = &getcookie('format');
my $path = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/$context/$mailbox/$folder/msg${msgid}.$format";
$msgid =~ /^\d\d\d\d$/ || die("Msgid Liar ($msgid)!");
grep(/^${format}$/, keys %formats) || die("Format Liar ($format)!");
# Mailbox and folder are already verified
if (open(AUDIO, "<$path")) {
$size = -s $path;
if ($forcedownload) {
print header(-type=>$formats{$format}->{'mime'}, -Content_length => $size, -attachment => "msg${msgid}.$format");
} else {
print header(-type=>$formats{$format}->{'mime'}, -Content_length => $size);
while(($amt = sysread(AUDIO, $data, 4096)) > 0) {
syswrite(STDOUT, $data, $amt);
} else {
die("Hrm, can't seem to open $path\n");
sub message_index()
my ($folder, $message) = @_;
my ($mbox, $context) = split(/\@/, param('mailbox'));
my $passwd = param('password');
my $message2;
my $msgcount;
my $hasmsg;
my ($newmessages, $oldmessages);
my $format = param('format');
if (!$format) {
$format = &getcookie('format');
if (!$context) {
$context = param('context');
if (!$context) {
$context = "default";
if ($folder) {
$msgcount = &msgcountstr($context, $mbox, $folder);
$message2 = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Folder '$folder' has " . &msgcountstr($context, $mbox, $folder);
} else {
$newmessages = &msgcount($context, $mbox, "INBOX");
$oldmessages = &msgcount($context, $mbox, "Old");
if (($newmessages > 0) || ($oldmessages < 1)) {
$folder = "INBOX";
} else {
$folder = "Old";
$message2 = "You have";
if ($newmessages > 0) {
$message2 .= " <b>$newmessages</b> NEW";
if ($oldmessages > 0) {
$message2 .= "and <b>$oldmessages</b> OLD";
if ($oldmessages != 1) {
$message2 .= " messages.";
} else {
$message2 .= "message.";
} else {
if ($newmessages != 1) {
$message2 .= " messages.";
} else {
$message2 .= " message.";
} else {
if ($oldmessages > 0) {
$message2 .= " <b>$oldmessages</b> OLD";
if ($oldmessages != 1) {
$message2 .= " messages.";
} else {
$message2 .= " message.";
} else {
$message2 .= " <b>no</b> messages.";
my $folders = &folder_list('newfolder', $context, $mbox, $folder);
my $cfolders = &folder_list('changefolder', $context, $mbox, $folder);
my $mailboxes = &mailbox_list('forwardto', $context, $mbox);
print header(-cookie => &makecookie($format));
print <<_EOH;
<TITLE>Asterisk Web-Voicemail: $mbox\@$context $folder</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="white">
<FORM METHOD="post">
<table width=100% align=center>
<tr><td align=center colspan=2><font size=+2><I>$message</I></font></td></tr>
<tr><td align=right colspan=2><font size=+1><b>$folder</b> Messages</font> <input type=submit name="action" value="change to ->">$cfolders</td></tr>
<tr><td align=left colspan=2><font size=+1>$message2</font></td></tr>
<table width=100% align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
print "<tr><td>&nbsp;Msg</td><td>&nbsp;From</td><td>&nbsp;Duration</td><td>&nbsp;Date</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><hr></td><td><hr></td><td><hr></td><td><hr></td><td></td></tr>\n";
foreach $msg (&messages($context, $mbox, $folder)) {
$fields = &getfields($context, $mbox, $folder, $msg);
$duration = $fields->{'duration'};
if ($duration) {
$duration = sprintf "%d:%02d", $duration / 60, $duration % 60;
} else {
$duration = "<i>Unknown</i>";
print "<tr><td><input type=checkbox name=\"msgselect\" value=\"$msg\">&nbsp;<b>$msg</b></td><td>$fields->{'callerid'}</td><td>$duration</td><td>$fields->{'origdate'}</td><td><input name='play$msg' alt=\"Play message $msg\" border=0 type=image align=left src=\"$astpath/play.gif\"></td></tr>\n";
if (!$hasmsg) {
print "<tr><td colspan=4 align=center><P><b><i>No messages</i></b><P></td></tr>";
print <<_EOH;
<table width=100% align=center>
<tr><td align=right colspan=2>
<input type="submit" name="action" value="refresh">&nbsp;
if ($hasmsg) {
print <<_EOH;
<input type="submit" name="action" value="delete">&nbsp;
<input type="submit" name="action" value="save to ->">
<input type="submit" name="action" value="forward to ->">
print <<_EOH;
<tr><td align=right colspan=2>
<input type="submit" name="action" value="preferences">
<input type="submit" name="action" value="logout">
<input type=hidden name="folder" value="$folder">
<input type=hidden name="mailbox" value="$mbox">
<input type=hidden name="context" value="$context">
<input type=hidden name="password" value="$passwd">
sub validfolder()
my ($folder) = @_;
return grep(/^$folder$/, @validfolders);
sub folder_list()
my ($name, $context, $mbox, $selected) = @_;
my $f;
my $count;
my $tmp = "<SELECT name=\"$name\">\n";
foreach $f (@validfolders) {
$count = &msgcount($context, $mbox, $f);
if ($f eq $selected) {
$tmp .= "<OPTION SELECTED>$f ($count)</OPTION>\n";
} else {
$tmp .= "<OPTION>$f ($count)</OPTION>\n";
$tmp .= "</SELECT>";
sub message_rename()
my ($context, $mbox, $oldfolder, $old, $newfolder, $new) = @_;
my ($oldfile, $newfile);
return if ($old eq $new) && ($oldfolder eq $newfolder);
if ($context =~ /^(\w+)$/) {
$context = $1;
} else {
die("Invalid Context<BR>\n");
if ($mbox =~ /^(\w+)$/) {
$mbox = $1;
} else {
die ("Invalid mailbox<BR>\n");
if ($oldfolder =~ /^(\w+)$/) {
$oldfolder = $1;
} else {
die("Invalid old folder<BR>\n");
if ($newfolder =~ /^(\w+)$/) {
$newfolder = $1;
} else {
die("Invalid new folder ($newfolder)<BR>\n");
if ($old =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)$/) {
$old = $1;
} else {
die("Invalid old Message<BR>\n");
if ($new =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)$/) {
$new = $1;
} else {
die("Invalid old Message<BR>\n");
my $path = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/$context/$mbox/$newfolder";
$path =~ /^(.*)$/;
$path = $1;
mkdir $path, 0770;
$path = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/$context/$mbox/$oldfolder";
opendir(DIR, $path) || die("Unable to open directory\n");
my @files = grep /^msg${old}\.\w+$/, readdir(DIR);
foreach $oldfile (@files) {
my $tmp = $oldfile;
if ($tmp =~ /^(msg${old}.\w+)$/) {
$tmp = $1;
$oldfile = $path . "/$tmp";
$tmp =~ s/msg${old}/msg${new}/;
$newfile = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/$context/$mbox/$newfolder/$tmp";
# print "Renaming $oldfile to $newfile<BR>\n";
rename($oldfile, $newfile);
sub file_copy()
my ($orig, $new) = @_;
my $res;
my $data;
$orig =~ /^(.*)$/;
$orig = $1;
$new =~ /^(.*)$/;
$new = $1;
open(IN, "<$orig") || die("Unable to open '$orig'\n");
open(OUT, ">$new") || DIE("Unable to open '$new'\n");
while(($res = sysread(IN, $data, 4096)) > 0) {
syswrite(OUT, $data, $res);
sub message_copy()
my ($context, $mbox, $newmbox, $oldfolder, $old, $new) = @_;
my ($oldfile, $newfile);
return if ($mbox eq $newmbox);
if ($mbox =~ /^(\w+)$/) {
$mbox = $1;
} else {
die ("Invalid mailbox<BR>\n");
if ($newmbox =~ /^(\w+)$/) {
$newmbox = $1;
} else {
die ("Invalid new mailbox<BR>\n");
if ($oldfolder =~ /^(\w+)$/) {
$oldfolder = $1;
} else {
die("Invalid old folder<BR>\n");
if ($old =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)$/) {
$old = $1;
} else {
die("Invalid old Message<BR>\n");
if ($new =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)$/) {
$new = $1;
} else {
die("Invalid old Message<BR>\n");
my $path = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/$context/$newmbox";
$path =~ /^(.*)$/;
$path = $1;
mkdir $path, 0770;
$path = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/$context/$newmbox/INBOX";
$path =~ /^(.*)$/;
$path = $1;
mkdir $path, 0770;
$path = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/$context/$mbox/$oldfolder";
opendir(DIR, $path) || die("Unable to open directory\n");
my @files = grep /^msg${old}\.\w+$/, readdir(DIR);
foreach $oldfile (@files) {
my $tmp = $oldfile;
if ($tmp =~ /^(msg${old}.\w+)$/) {
$tmp = $1;
$oldfile = $path . "/$tmp";
$tmp =~ s/msg${old}/msg${new}/;
$newfile = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/$context/$newmbox/INBOX/$tmp";
# print "Copying $oldfile to $newfile<BR>\n";
&file_copy($oldfile, $newfile);
sub message_delete()
my ($context, $mbox, $folder, $msg) = @_;
if ($mbox =~ /^(\w+)$/) {
$mbox = $1;
} else {
die ("Invalid mailbox<BR>\n");
if ($context =~ /^(\w+)$/) {
$context = $1;
} else {
die ("Invalid context<BR>\n");
if ($folder =~ /^(\w+)$/) {
$folder = $1;
} else {
die("Invalid folder<BR>\n");
if ($msg =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)$/) {
$msg = $1;
} else {
die("Invalid Message<BR>\n");
my $path = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/$context/$mbox/$folder";
opendir(DIR, $path) || die("Unable to open directory\n");
my @files = grep /^msg${msg}\.\w+$/, readdir(DIR);
foreach $oldfile (@files) {
if ($oldfile =~ /^(msg${msg}.\w+)$/) {
$oldfile = $path . "/$1";
# print "Deleting $oldfile<BR>\n";
sub message_forward()
my ($toindex, @msgs) = @_;
my $folder = param('folder');
my ($mbox, $context) = split(/\@/, param('mailbox'));
my $newmbox = param('forwardto');
my $msg;
my $msgcount;
if (!$context) {
$context = param('context');
if (!$context) {
$context = "default";
$newmbox =~ s/(\w+)(\s+.*)?$/$1/;
if (!&validmailbox($context, $newmbox)) {
die("Bah! Not a valid mailbox '$newmbox'\n");
return "";
my $txt;
$context = &untaint($context);
$newmbox = &untaint($newmbox);
my $path = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/$context/$newmbox/INBOX";
if ($msgs[0]) {
if (&lock_path($path) == 0) {
$msgcount = &msgcount($context, $newmbox, "INBOX");
if ($newmbox ne $mbox) {
# print header;
foreach $msg (@msgs) {
# print "Forwarding $msg from $mbox to $newmbox<BR>\n";
&message_copy($context, $mbox, $newmbox, $folder, $msg, sprintf "%04d", $msgcount);
$txt = "Forwarded messages " . join(', ', @msgs) . "to $newmbox";
} else {
$txt = "Can't forward messages to yourself!\n";
} else {
$txt = "Cannot forward messages: Unable to lock path.\n";
} else {
$txt = "Please Select Message(s) for this action.\n";
if ($toindex) {
&message_index($folder, $txt);
} else {
&message_play($txt, $msgs[0]);
sub message_delete_or_move()
my ($toindex, $del, @msgs) = @_;
my $txt;
my $path;
my ($y, $x);
my $folder = param('folder');
my $newfolder = param('newfolder') unless $del;
$newfolder =~ s/^(\w+)\s+.*$/$1/;
my ($mbox, $context) = split(/\@/, param('mailbox'));
if (!$context) {
$context = param('context');
if (!$context) {
$context = "default";
my $passwd = param('password');
$context = &untaint($context);
$mbox = &untaint($mbox);
$folder = &untaint($folder);
$path = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/$context/$mbox/$folder";
if ($msgs[0]) {
if (&lock_path($path) == 0) {
my $msgcount = &msgcount($context, $mbox, $folder);
my $omsgcount = &msgcount($context, $mbox, $newfolder) if $newfolder;
# print header;
if ($newfolder ne $folder) {
$y = 0;
for ($x=0;$x<$msgcount;$x++) {
my $msg = sprintf "%04d", $x;
my $newmsg = sprintf "%04d", $y;
if (grep(/^$msg$/, @msgs)) {
if ($newfolder) {
&message_rename($context, $mbox, $folder, $msg, $newfolder, sprintf "%04d", $omsgcount);
} else {
&message_delete($context, $mbox, $folder, $msg);
} else {
&message_rename($context, $mbox, $folder, $msg, $folder, $newmsg);
if ($del) {
$txt = "Deleted messages " . join (', ', @msgs);
} else {
$txt = "Moved messages " . join (', ', @msgs) . " to $newfolder";
} else {
$txt = "Can't move a message to the same folder they're in already";
} else {
$txt = "Cannot move/delete messages: Unable to lock path.\n";
} else {
$txt = "Please Select Message(s) for this action.\n";
# Not as many messages now
if ($toindex || ($msgs[0] >= $msgcount)) {
&message_index($folder, $txt);
} else {
&message_play($txt, $msgs[0]);
if (param()) {
my $folder = param('folder');
my $changefolder = param('changefolder');
$changefolder =~ s/(\w+)\s+.*$/$1/;
my $newfolder = param('newfolder');
$newfolder =~ s/^(\w+)\s+.*$/$1/;
if ($newfolder && !&validfolder($newfolder)) {
print header;
die("Bah! new folder '$newfolder' isn't a folder.");
$action = param('action');
$msgid = param('msgid');
if (!$action) {
my ($tmp) = grep /^play\d\d\d\d\.x$/, param;
if ($tmp =~ /^play(\d\d\d\d)/) {
$msgid = $1;
$action = "play";
} else {
print header;
print "No message?<BR>\n";
@msgs = param('msgselect');
@msgs = ($msgid) unless @msgs;
($mailbox) = &check_login();
if (length($mailbox)) {
if ($action eq 'login') {
&message_index($folder, "Welcome, $mailbox");
} elsif (($action eq 'refresh') || ($action eq 'index')) {
&message_index($folder, "Welcome, $mailbox");
} elsif ($action eq 'change to ->') {
if (&validfolder($changefolder)) {
$folder = $changefolder;
&message_index($folder, "Welcome, $mailbox");
} else {
die("Bah! Not a valid change to folder '$changefolder'\n");
} elsif ($action eq 'play') {
&message_play("$mailbox $folder $msgid", $msgid);
} elsif ($action eq 'preferences') {
&message_prefs("refresh", $msgid);
} elsif ($action eq 'download') {
} elsif ($action eq 'play ') {
} elsif ($action eq 'audio') {
} elsif ($action eq 'delete') {
&message_delete_or_move(1, 1, @msgs);
} elsif ($action eq 'delete ') {
&message_delete_or_move(0, 1, @msgs);
} elsif ($action eq 'forward to ->') {
&message_forward(1, @msgs);
} elsif ($action eq 'forward to -> ') {
&message_forward(0, @msgs);
} elsif ($action eq 'save to ->') {
&message_delete_or_move(1, 0, @msgs);
} elsif ($action eq 'save to -> ') {
&message_delete_or_move(0, 0, @msgs);
} elsif ($action eq 'logout') {
&login_screen("Logged out!\n");
} else {
&login_screen("Login Incorrect!\n");
} else {