module singlog; version(Windows) import; else import core.sys.posix.syslog; import std.string; import std.stdio; import std.conv; import std.file; import std.datetime; import datefmt; alias log = Log.msg; /++ Singleton for simple logging --- // Setting the name of the logged program"My program"); // Setting the error output level log.level(log.DEBUGGING); log.level(log.ALERT); log.level(log.CRITICAL); log.level(log.ERROR); log.level(log.WARNING); log.level(log.NOTICE); log.level(log.INFORMATION); // Assigning a target output log.output(log.SYSLOG); log.output(log.STDOUT); log.output(log.FILE); // Setup and allowing writing to a file log.file("./file.log"); // Output of messages to the log log.debugging("Debugging message"); log.alert("Alert message"); log.critical("Critical message"); log.error("Error message"); log.warning("Warning message"); log.notice("Notice message"); log.informations("Information message"); --- +/ class Log { private: static Log log; string path; string nameProgram = "singlog"; bool writeToFile = true; this() {} version(Windows) { public enum { DEBUGGING = 0, ALERT = 1, CRITICAL = 1, ERROR = 1, WARNING = 2, NOTICE = 3, INFORMATION = 3, } WORD[] sysLevel = [ EVENTLOG_SUCCESS, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE ]; void syslog(WORD priority, LPCSTR message) { HANDLE handleEventLog = RegisterEventSourceA(NULL, this.nameProgram.toStringz()); if (handleEventLog == NULL) return; ReportEventA(handleEventLog, priority, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 0, &message, NULL); DeregisterEventSource(handleEventLog); } } else version(Posix) { public enum { DEBUGGING = 0, ALERT = 1, CRITICAL = 2, ERROR = 3, WARNING = 4, NOTICE = 5, INFORMATION = 6 } int[] sysLevel = [ LOG_DEBUG, LOG_ALERT, LOG_CRIT, LOG_ERR, LOG_WARNING, LOG_NOTICE, LOG_INFO ]; } public enum { SYSLOG = 1, STDOUT = 2, FILE = 4 } int msgOutput = STDOUT; int msgLevel = INFORMATION; void writeLog(string message, string type, int msgLevel) { if (this.msgLevel > msgLevel) return; if (this.msgOutput & 1) syslog(sysLevel[msgLevel], message.toStringz()); if (this.msgOutput & 6) message = format("%s [%s]: %s", Clock.currTime().format("%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S"), type, message); if (this.msgOutput & 2) writeln(message); if (this.msgOutput & 4) writeFile(message); } void writeFile(string message) { if (!this.writeToFile) return; if (!this.path.exists) { this.writeToFile = false; this.warning("The log file does not exist: " ~ this.path); } File file; try { file = File(this.path, "a+"); this.writeToFile = true; } catch (Exception e) { this.writeToFile = false; this.error("Unable to open the log file " ~ this.path); this.information(e); return; } try { file.writeln(message); } catch (Exception e) { this.writeToFile = false; this.error("Unable to write to the log file " ~ this.path); this.information(e); return; } try { file.close(); } catch (Exception e) { this.writeToFile = false; this.error("Unable to close the log file " ~ this.path); this.information(e); return; } } public: @property static Log msg() { if (this.log is null) this.log = new Log; return this.log; } Log output(int msgOutput) { this.msgOutput = msgOutput; return this.log; } Log name(string nameProgram) { this.nameProgram = nameProgram; return this.log; } Log file(string path) { this.path = path; return this.log; } Log level(int msgLevel) { this.msgLevel = msgLevel; return this.log; } void alert(T)(T message) { writeLog(!string, "ALERT", ALERT); } void critical(T)(T message) { writeLog(!string, "CRITICAL", CRITICAL); } void error(T)(T message) { writeLog(!string, "ERROR", ERROR); } void warning(T)(T message) { writeLog(!string, "WARNING", WARNING); } void notice(T)(T message) { writeLog(!string, "NOTICE", NOTICE); } void information(T)(T message) { writeLog(!string, "INFORMATION", INFORMATION); } void debugging(T)(T message) { writeLog(!string, "DEBUGGING", DEBUGGING); } alias a = alert; alias c = critical; alias e = error; alias w = warning; alias n = notice; alias i = information; alias d = debugging; }