module readconf; import std.stdio, std.conv, std.path, std.file; import core.stdc.stdlib : exit; import std.regex; import std.meta; import singlog; /** * Read config object */ alias rc = Config.file; private const string mainSection = "[]"; class Config { private: enum { GROUP_PROPERTY = 4, GROUP_VALUE_1 = 11, // string GROUP_VALUE_2 = 14, // "strin" GROUP_VALUE_3 = 16, // 'string' GROUP_SECTION_OTHER_OUTER = 17, // "[string]" GROUP_SECTION_OTHER_INNER = 18, // "[string]" GROUP_SECTION_MAIN = 20, // "[]" } static Config config; string path; bool readed = false; ConfigFile[string] configs; const string pattern = "^( |\\t)*(((\\w(\\w|-)+)(( |\\t)*(=>|=){1}" ~ "( |\\t)*)(?!\\/(\\/|\\*))(([^ >\"'=\\n\\t#;].*?)|(\"(.+)\")" ~ "|('(.+)')){1})|(\\[(\\w(\\w|-)+)\\])|(\\[\\]))( |\\t)*" ~ "(( |\\t)(#|;|\\/\\/|\\/\\*).*)?$"; /** * Reading the configuration file */ bool readConfig(const string configName) { File configuration; try { configuration = File(this.path, "r"); } catch (Exception e) { log.w("Unable to open the configuration file " ~ this.path); log.e(e); return false; } if (configName !in this.configs) this.configs[configName] = ConfigFile(configName); auto regular = regex(this.pattern, "m"); // reading from the main section string sectionName = mainSection; while (!configuration.eof()) { string line = configuration.readln(); auto match = matchFirst(line, regular); if (match.length == 0) continue; // if again main section if (match[GROUP_SECTION_MAIN].length) { sectionName = match[GROUP_SECTION_MAIN]; continue; } if (match[GROUP_SECTION_OTHER_OUTER].length) { sectionName = match[GROUP_SECTION_OTHER_INNER]; continue; } int group = GROUP_VALUE_1; if (match[group][0] == '\"') group = GROUP_VALUE_2; else if (match[group][0] == '\'') group = GROUP_VALUE_3; this.configs[configName].add(sectionName, ConfigParameter(match[GROUP_PROPERTY], match[group])); } try { configuration.close(); this.readed = true; } catch (Exception e) { log.w("Unable to close the configuration file " ~ this.path); log.e(e); this.configs.remove(configName); this.readed = false; } return this.readed; } this() {} public: /** * Accessing the Config object * Returns: Config Object */ @property static Config file() { if (this.config is null) this.config = new Config; return this.config; } /** * Read the configuration file * Params: * path = the path to the configuration file */ bool read(string path, string configName = "") { this.path = path; if (!path.exists) throw new Exception("The configuration file does not exist: " ~ path); if (configName.length == 0) configName = path.baseName(); if (configName in configs) throw new Exception("The configuration file with this name has already been read"); return readConfig(configName); } /** * Get the section * Params: * section = section name (default main "[]") */ @property ConfigFile configFile(string configName = "") { if (configName.length == 0) { if (configs.length == 1) return configs[configs.byKey.front]; else throw new Exception("You must explicitly specify the name of the configuration file"); } return configName in configs ? configs[configName] : ConfigFile(configName); } /** * Config file * * Get the config file * Params: * configName = config name (by default the name of the configuration file) */ alias cf = configFile; @property ConfigFile opIndex(string configName = "") { if (configName.length == 0) { if (configs.length == 1) return configs[configs.byKey.front]; else throw new Exception("More than one configuration file has been read. " ~ "It is necessary to specify the name of a specific"); } return configName in configs ? configs[configName] : ConfigFile(configName); } } struct ConfigFile { private string name; private ConfigSection[string] sections; @property bool exist() { return this.sections.length > 0; } /** * Get the section * Params: * section = section name (default main "[]") */ @property ConfigSection sectionName(string section = mainSection) { if (!this.exist) throw new Exception("The configuration file does not exist"); if (section == mainSection && sections.length == 1) return sections[sections.byKey.front]; if (section.length == 0) section = mainSection; return section in sections ? sections[section] : ConfigSection(section); } /** * Section name * * Get the section * Params: * section = section name (default main "[]") */ alias sn = sectionName; private void add(string sectionName, ConfigParameter parameter) { if (sectionName !in this.sections) this.sections[sectionName] = ConfigSection(sectionName); this.sections[sectionName].add(parameter); } @property ConfigSection opIndex(string section = mainSection) { if (!this.exist) throw new Exception("The configuration file does not exist"); if (section == mainSection && sections.length == 1) return sections[sections.byKey.front]; if (section.length == 0) section = mainSection; return section in sections ? sections[section] : ConfigSection(section); } } struct ConfigSection { private string name = mainSection; private ConfigParameter[string] parameters; /** * Checking for the presence of a partition * Returns: true if the parameter is missing, otherwise false */ @property bool empty() { return this.parameters.length == 0; } /** * Get the parameter value * Params: * key = parameter from the configuration file * Returns: the value of the parameter in the PP structure view */ ConfigParameter key(string key) { if (key.length == 0) throw new Exception("The key cannot be empty"); if (this.empty) throw new Exception("The selected section has no parameters or does not exist"); return key in this.parameters ? this.parameters[key] : ConfigParameter(key); } /** * Get all keys and their values * Returns: collection of properties structures PP */ ConfigParameter[string] keys() { return this.parameters; } private void add(ConfigParameter parameter) { if ( in parameters) log.w("The parameter exists but will be overwritten"); this.parameters[] = parameter; } ConfigParameter opIndex(string key) { if (key.length == 0) throw new Exception("The key cannot be empty"); if (this.empty) throw new Exception("The selected section has no parameters or does not exist"); return key in this.parameters ? this.parameters[key] : ConfigParameter(key); } } /** * Parameter and its value with the ability to convert to the desired data type */ struct ConfigParameter { private string property; private string value; /** * Checking for the presence of a parameter * Returns: true if the parameter is missing, otherwise false */ @property bool empty() { return this.value.length == 0; } /** * Get a string representation of the value * Returns: default string value */ @property string toString() const { return this.value; } alias toString this; auto opCast(T)() const { try { return!T; } catch (Exception e) { log.w("Cannot convert type"); log.e(e); return T.init; } } }