module command.remoteundostatusmacro.hottub; import std.stdio : writeln; import std.conv : to; class Hottub { private bool isOn; private int temperature; void on() { isOn = true; } void off() { isOn = false; } void circulate() { if (isOn) { writeln("Hottub is bubbling!"); } } void jetsOn() { if (isOn) { writeln("Hottub jets are on"); } } void jetsOff() { if (isOn) { writeln("Hottub jets are off"); } } void setTemperature(int temperature) { if (temperature > this.temperature) { writeln("Hottub is heating to a steaming " ~!string ~ " degrees"); } else { writeln("Hottub is cooling to " ~!string ~ " degrees"); } this.temperature = temperature; } }