// Scintilla source code edit control /** @file LexSML.cxx ** Lexer for SML. **/ // Copyright 2009 by James Moffatt and Yuzhou Xin // Modified from LexCaml.cxx by Robert Roessler <robertr@rftp.com> Copyright 2005 // The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed. #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <assert.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "ILexer.h" #include "Scintilla.h" #include "SciLexer.h" #include "WordList.h" #include "LexAccessor.h" #include "Accessor.h" #include "StyleContext.h" #include "CharacterSet.h" #include "LexerModule.h" #if defined(__clang__) #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wcomma" #endif inline int issml(int c) {return isalnum(c) || c == '_';} inline int issmlf(int c) {return isalpha(c) || c == '_';} inline int issmld(int c) {return isdigit(c) || c == '_';} using namespace Scintilla; static void ColouriseSMLDoc( Sci_PositionU startPos, Sci_Position length, int initStyle, WordList *keywordlists[], Accessor &styler) { StyleContext sc(startPos, length, initStyle, styler); int nesting = 0; if (sc.state < SCE_SML_STRING) sc.state = SCE_SML_DEFAULT; if (sc.state >= SCE_SML_COMMENT) nesting = (sc.state & 0x0f) - SCE_SML_COMMENT; Sci_PositionU chToken = 0; int chBase = 0, chLit = 0; WordList& keywords = *keywordlists[0]; WordList& keywords2 = *keywordlists[1]; WordList& keywords3 = *keywordlists[2]; const int useMagic = styler.GetPropertyInt("lexer.caml.magic", 0); while (sc.More()) { int state2 = -1; Sci_Position chColor = sc.currentPos - 1; bool advance = true; switch (sc.state & 0x0f) { case SCE_SML_DEFAULT: chToken = sc.currentPos; if (issmlf(sc.ch)) state2 = SCE_SML_IDENTIFIER; else if (sc.Match('`') && issmlf(sc.chNext)) state2 = SCE_SML_TAGNAME; else if (sc.Match('#')&&isdigit(sc.chNext)) state2 = SCE_SML_LINENUM; else if (sc.Match('#','\"')){ state2 = SCE_SML_CHAR,chLit = 0; sc.Forward(); } else if (isdigit(sc.ch)) { state2 = SCE_SML_NUMBER, chBase = 10; if (sc.Match('0') && strchr("xX", sc.chNext)) chBase = 16, sc.Forward();} else if (sc.Match('\"')&&sc.chPrev!='#') state2 = SCE_SML_STRING; else if (sc.Match('(', '*')){ state2 = SCE_SML_COMMENT, sc.ch = ' ', sc.Forward();} else if (strchr("!~" "=<>@^+-*/" "()[];,:.#", sc.ch)) state2 = SCE_SML_OPERATOR; break; case SCE_SML_IDENTIFIER: if (!(issml(sc.ch) || sc.Match('\''))) { const Sci_Position n = sc.currentPos - chToken; if (n < 24) { char t[24]; for (Sci_Position i = -n; i < 0; i++) t[n + i] = static_cast<char>(sc.GetRelative(i)); t[n] = '\0'; if ((n == 1 && sc.chPrev == '_') || keywords.InList(t)) sc.ChangeState(SCE_SML_KEYWORD); else if (keywords2.InList(t)) sc.ChangeState(SCE_SML_KEYWORD2); else if (keywords3.InList(t)) sc.ChangeState(SCE_SML_KEYWORD3); } state2 = SCE_SML_DEFAULT, advance = false; } break; case SCE_SML_TAGNAME: if (!(issml(sc.ch) || sc.Match('\''))) state2 = SCE_SML_DEFAULT, advance = false; break; case SCE_SML_LINENUM: if (!isdigit(sc.ch)) state2 = SCE_SML_DEFAULT, advance = false; break; case SCE_SML_OPERATOR: { const char* o = 0; if (issml(sc.ch) || isspace(sc.ch) || (o = strchr(")]};,\'\"`#", sc.ch),o) || !strchr("!$%&*+-./:<=>?@^|~", sc.ch)) { if (o && strchr(")]};,", sc.ch)) { if ((sc.Match(')') && sc.chPrev == '(') || (sc.Match(']') && sc.chPrev == '[')) sc.ChangeState(SCE_SML_KEYWORD); chColor++; } else advance = false; state2 = SCE_SML_DEFAULT; } break; } case SCE_SML_NUMBER: if (issmld(sc.ch) || IsADigit(sc.ch, chBase)) break; if ((sc.Match('l') || sc.Match('L') || sc.Match('n')) && (issmld(sc.chPrev) || IsADigit(sc.chPrev, chBase))) break; if (chBase == 10) { if (sc.Match('.') && issmld(sc.chPrev)) break; if ((sc.Match('e') || sc.Match('E')) && (issmld(sc.chPrev) || sc.chPrev == '.')) break; if ((sc.Match('+') || sc.Match('-')) && (sc.chPrev == 'e' || sc.chPrev == 'E')) break; } state2 = SCE_SML_DEFAULT, advance = false; break; case SCE_SML_CHAR: if (sc.Match('\\')) { chLit = 1; if (sc.chPrev == '\\') sc.ch = ' '; } else if ((sc.Match('\"') && sc.chPrev != '\\') || sc.atLineEnd) { state2 = SCE_SML_DEFAULT; chLit = 1; if (sc.Match('\"')) chColor++; else sc.ChangeState(SCE_SML_IDENTIFIER); } else if (chLit < 1 && sc.currentPos - chToken >= 3) sc.ChangeState(SCE_SML_IDENTIFIER), advance = false; break; case SCE_SML_STRING: if (sc.Match('\\') && sc.chPrev == '\\') sc.ch = ' '; else if (sc.Match('\"') && sc.chPrev != '\\') state2 = SCE_SML_DEFAULT, chColor++; break; case SCE_SML_COMMENT: case SCE_SML_COMMENT1: case SCE_SML_COMMENT2: case SCE_SML_COMMENT3: if (sc.Match('(', '*')) state2 = sc.state + 1, chToken = sc.currentPos, sc.ch = ' ', sc.Forward(), nesting++; else if (sc.Match(')') && sc.chPrev == '*') { if (nesting) state2 = (sc.state & 0x0f) - 1, chToken = 0, nesting--; else state2 = SCE_SML_DEFAULT; chColor++; } else if (useMagic && sc.currentPos - chToken == 4 && sc.Match('c') && sc.chPrev == 'r' && sc.GetRelative(-2) == '@') sc.state |= 0x10; break; } if (state2 >= 0) styler.ColourTo(chColor, sc.state), sc.ChangeState(state2); if (advance) sc.Forward(); } sc.Complete(); } static void FoldSMLDoc( Sci_PositionU, Sci_Position, int, WordList *[], Accessor &) { } static const char * const SMLWordListDesc[] = { "Keywords", "Keywords2", "Keywords3", 0 }; LexerModule lmSML(SCLEX_SML, ColouriseSMLDoc, "SML", FoldSMLDoc, SMLWordListDesc);