var LibraryIupCommon = { // $Common__deps: ['$CommonGlobals'], $IupCommonGlobals: { idCounter: 1, objectIDMap: {}, }, $IupCommon: { GetObjectForID: function(handle_id) { return IupCommonGlobals.objectIDMap[handle_id]; }, SetObjectForID: function(the_object, handle_id) { IupCommonGlobals.objectIDMap[handle_id] = the_object; }, RegisterNewObject: function(the_object) { var current_id = IupCommonGlobals.idCounter; IupCommonGlobals.objectIDMap[current_id] = the_object; the_object.handleID = current_id; IupCommonGlobals.idCounter += 1; return current_id; }, InitializeObject: function(the_object) { // any other useful properties for all objects should go here = 'absolute'; }, DeleteObject: function(handle_id) { var the_object = IupCommonGlobals.objectIDMap[handle_id] = null; the_object.handleID = null; IupCommonGlobals.objectIDMap[handle_id] = null; the_object = null; }, }, emjsCommon_SetPosition: function(handle_id, x, y, width, height) { // var real_elem = document.getElementById(handle_id); var elem = IupCommon.GetObjectForID(handle_id); // = 'white'; = x + 'px'; console.log(elem.nodeName); console.log("left: " +; = y + 'px'; console.log("top: " +; // = console.log("width: " + width); console.log("height: " + height); console.log("actual width: " +; console.log("actual height: " +; // if (width != 0 && height != 0) { = width + 'px'; = height + 'px'; // } console.log("actual width after: " +; console.log("actual height after: " +; }, emjsCommon_AddWidgetToDialog: function(parent_id, child_id) { console.log("AddWidgetToDialog"); var parent_dialog = IupCommon.GetObjectForID(parent_id); var parent_body = parent_dialog.document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; var child_widget = IupCommon.GetObjectForID(child_id); parent_body.appendChild(child_widget); }, //
-- inject code --
emjsCommon_AddCompoundToDialog: function(parent_id, elem_array, num_elems) { var parent_dialog = IupCommon.GetObjectForID(parent_id); var parent_body = parent_dialog.document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; var child_widget; for (var i = 0; i < num_elems; i++) { var child_id = {{{ makeGetValue('elem_array', 'i*4', 'i32') }}}; child_widget = IupCommon.GetObjectForID(child_id); parent_body.appendChild(child_widget); } }, emjsCommon_AddCompoundToWidget: function(parent_id, elem_array, num_elems) { var parent_widget = IupCommon.GetObjectForID(parent_id); var child_widget; for (var i = 0; i < num_elems; i++) { var child_id = {{{ makeGetValue('elem_array', 'i*4', 'i32') }}}; child_widget = IupCommon.GetObjectForID(child_id); parent_body.appendChild(child_widget); } }, emjsCommon_AddWidgetToWidget: function(parent_id, child_id) { console.log("AddWidgetToWidget"); var parent_widget = IupCommon.GetObjectForID(parent_id); var child_widget = IupCommon.GetObjectForID(child_id); parent_widget.appendChild(child_widget); }, emjsCommon_Alert: function(message) { console.log("alert message: "); console.log(message); alert(UTF8ToString(message)); }, emjsCommon_Log: function(message) { // console.log("our log is working"); console.log(UTF8ToString(message)); }, emjsCommon_IupLog: function(priority, message) { var stringified_message = UTF8ToString(message); /* enum IUPLOG_LEVEL { IUPLOG_LEVEL_LOG = 0, IUPLOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, IUPLOG_LEVEL_INFO, IUPLOG_LEVEL_WARN, IUPLOG_LEVEL_ERROR }; */ switch(priority) { case 1: console.debug(stringified_message); break; case 2:; break; case 3: console.warn(stringified_message); break; case 4: console.error(stringified_message); break; default: console.log(stringified_message); } }, emjsCommon_SetFgColor: function(handle_id, r, g, b) { var current_widget = IupCommon.GetObjectForID(handle_id); console.log(current_widget); = "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")"; }, // Used only the the no-pthreads-path. I don't know how to conditionally compile JavaScript fragments here, so this always gets included, whether used or not. emjsCommon_IupPostMessageNoThreads: function(ih, s, i, d, message_data) { var postMessageCallback = function(number_ih, str, number_i, number_d, number_message_data) { var c_callback = Module.cwrap('emscriptenIupPostMessageNoThreadsCallbackTrampoline', null, ['number', 'string', 'number', 'number', 'number']); c_callback(number_ih, str, number_i, number_d, number_message_data); } // This was a lot of trial & error to figure out how to get the string parameter all the way through. // Ultimately, I needed to use UTF8ToString on the char* to pass through the Trampoline as a 'string'. // This allowed it to re-emerge properly as a string with the correct contents in the EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE trampoline callback. // But additionally, I'm concerned about the life-cycle of the original char* s passed into the function since callback may happen after the user frees the original string. // So I need to make a copy. But it gets hairy trying to manage the memory on the C side // because if I strdup() initially, the pointer that surfaces in the trampoline may be different // because we used UTF8ToString. And I'm also a little nervous about allocating memory on the C-side and _free()'ing it on the JS side. // So instead, we can use UTF8ToString here, which should make a JavaScript copy of the string and we can let the system manage the life-cycle of that. var stringified_s = UTF8ToString(s); setTimeout( postMessageCallback, 0, ih, stringified_s, i, d, message_data ); }, iupEmscriptenSetFgColor: function(handle_id, r, g, b) { var sel_object = IupCommon.GetObjectForID(handle_id); = "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")"; } }; autoAddDeps(LibraryIupCommon, '$IupCommonGlobals'); autoAddDeps(LibraryIupCommon, '$IupCommon'); mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, LibraryIupCommon);