require"iuplua" -- Utilities iup_console = {} function iup_console.concat(str, info) return str .. info .. "\n" end function iup_console.print_version_info() iup_console.clear() local str = "" str = iup_console.concat(str, _COPYRIGHT) -- Only available in IupLuaConsole if (im) then str = iup_console.concat(str, "IM " .. im._VERSION .. " " .. im._COPYRIGHT) end if (cd) then str = iup_console.concat(str, "CD " .. cd._VERSION .. " " .. cd._COPYRIGHT) end str = iup_console.concat(str, "IUP " .. iup._VERSION .. " " .. iup._COPYRIGHT) str = iup_console.concat(str, "") str = iup_console.concat(str, "IUP Info") str = iup_console.concat(str, " System: " .. iup.GetGlobal("SYSTEM")) str = iup_console.concat(str, " System Version: " .. iup.GetGlobal("SYSTEMVERSION")) local mot = iup.GetGlobal("MOTIFVERSION") if (mot) then str = iup_console.concat(str, " Motif Version: " .. mot) end local gtk = iup.GetGlobal("GTKVERSION") if (gtk) then str = iup_console.concat(str, " GTK Version: " .. gtk) end str = iup_console.concat(str, " Screen Size: " .. iup.GetGlobal("SCREENSIZE")) str = iup_console.concat(str, " Screen Depth: " .. iup.GetGlobal("SCREENDEPTH")) if (iup.GL_VENDOR) then str = iup_console.concat(str, " OpenGL Vendor: " .. iup.GL_VENDOR) end if (iup.GL_RENDERER) then str = iup_console.concat(str, " OpenGL Renderer: " .. iup.GL_RENDERER) end if (iup.GL_VERSION) then str = iup_console.concat(str, " OpenGL Version: " .. iup.GL_VERSION) end print(str) end -- Console Dialog iup_console.current_filename = nil -- Last file open iup_console.mlCode = iup.multiline{expand="YES", visiblecolumns=60, visiblelines=20, font="Courier, 11"} iup_console.mlConsole = iup.multiline{expand="YES", visiblecolumns=60, visiblelines=10, font="Courier, 11", readonly="Yes", bgcolor = "248 248 248"} iup_console.txtCommand = iup.text{expand="HORIZONTAL", visiblecolumns=60, font="Courier, 11" } iup_console.lblPosition = iup.label{title="0:0", expand="HORIZONTAL", alignment = "ARIGHT"} iup_console.lblFileName = iup.label{title="", expand="HORIZONTAL"} print_old = print function print(...) local param = {...} local str = "" if (#param == 0) then str = "nil" else for i, k in ipairs(param) do if (i > 1) then str = str .."\t" end str = str .. tostring(k) end end iup_console.mlConsole.append = str iup_console.mlConsole.scrollto = "99999999:1" end write_old = io.write io.write = function(...) iup_console.mlConsole.appendnewline="No" print(...) iup_console.mlConsole.appendnewline="Yes" end function iup_console.value_to_string(v) if (type(v) == "string") then return "\"" .. v .. "\"" else return tostring(v) end end function iup_console.printtable(t) local str = "{\n" local tmp = {} for i, k in ipairs(t) do str = str .. " "..iup_console.value_to_string(k)..",\n" tmp[i] = true end for i, k in pairs(t) do if (not tmp[i]) then str = str .. " "..tostring(i).. " = "..iup_console.value_to_string(k)..",\n" end end str = str .. "}" print(str) end function iup_console.printvalue(v) if (type(v) == "table") then iup_console.printtable(v) else print(iup_console.value_to_string(v)) end end if (not loadstring) then loadstring = load end iup_console.cmd_history = { } function iup_console.txtCommand:k_any(k) if (k == iup.K_CR) then print("> " .. iup_console.txtCommand.value) table.insert(iup_console.cmd_history, iup_console.txtCommand.value) iup_console.cmd_history.current = #iup_console.cmd_history local cmd, msg = loadstring(iup_console.txtCommand.value) if (not cmd) then cmd = loadstring("return " .. iup_console.txtCommand.value) end if (not cmd) then print("Error: ".. msg) -- the original error message else local result = {pcall(cmd)} if result[1] then for i = 2, #result do iup_console.printvalue(result[i]) end else print("Error: ".. result[2]) end end iup_console.txtCommand.value = "" elseif (k == iup.K_UP) then if (iup_console.cmd_history.current) then if (iup_console.cmd_history.current > 0) then iup_console.txtCommand.value = iup_console.cmd_history[iup_console.cmd_history.current] iup_console.cmd_history.current = iup_console.cmd_history.current - 1 return iup.IGNORE end end elseif (k == iup.K_DOWN) then if (iup_console.cmd_history.current) then if (iup_console.cmd_history.current == 0) then iup_console.cmd_history.current = 1 end -- avoid repeating the first item if (iup_console.cmd_history.current < #iup_console.cmd_history) then iup_console.cmd_history.current = iup_console.cmd_history.current + 1 iup_console.txtCommand.value = iup_console.cmd_history[iup_console.cmd_history.current] return iup.IGNORE end end end end function iup_console.mlCode:caret_cb(lin, col) iup_console.lblPosition.title = lin..":"..col end function iup_console.clear() iup_console.mlCode.value='' iup_console.lblFileName.title = '' iup_console.current_filename = nil end iup_console.butExecute = iup.button{size="50x15", title="Execute (F5)", action="iup.dostring(iup_console.mlCode.value)"} iup_console.butClearCommands = iup.button{size="50x15", title="Clear", action=iup_console.clear} iup_console.butLoadFile = iup.button{size="50x15", title="Load..."} iup_console.butSaveasFile = iup.button{size="50x15", title="Save As..."} iup_console.butSaveFile = iup.button{size="50x15", title="Save (Ctrl+S)"} iup_console.butExit = iup.button{size="50x15", title="Exit (Esc)", action="iup.ExitLoop()"} function iup_console.SaveFile(filename) local newfile =, "w+") if (newfile) then newfile:write(iup_console.mlCode.value) newfile:close(newfile) print("FileSave:\n "..filename) iup_console.current_filename = filename iup_console.lblFileName.title = iup_console.current_filename else error("Cannot Save file:\n "..filename) end end function iup_console.butSaveFile:action() if (iup_console.current_filename == nil) then iup_console.butSaveasFile:action() else iup_console.SaveFile(iup_console.current_filename) end end function iup_console.butSaveasFile:action() local fd = iup.filedlg{ dialogtype="SAVE", nochangedir="NO", directory=iup_console.last_directory, extfilter="Lua files|*.lua|All Files|*.*|", allownew="yes", } fd:popup(iup.CENTERPARENT, iup.CENTERPARENT) local status = fd.status local filename = fd.value iup_console.last_directory = fd:destroy() if status ~= "-1" then iup_console.SaveFile(filename) end end function iup_console.LoadFile(filename) local newfile = (filename, "r") if (newfile == nil) then error ("Cannot load file:\n "..filename) else iup_console.mlCode.value = newfile:read("*a") newfile:close (newfile) if IndentationLib then IndentationLib.textboxRecolor(iup_console.mlCode) end iup_console.current_filename = filename iup_console.lblFileName.title = iup_console.current_filename end end function iup_console.butLoadFile:action() local fd=iup.filedlg{ dialogtype="OPEN", nochangedir="NO", parentdialog = iup_console.dlgMain, directory=iup_console.last_directory, extfilter="Lua files|*.lua|All Files|*.*|", allownew="NO" } fd:popup(iup.CENTERPARENT, iup.CENTERPARENT) local status = fd.status local filename = fd.value iup_console.last_directory = fd:destroy() if (status == "0") then print("FileOpen:\n "..filename) iup_console.LoadFile(filename) end end iup_console.vbxConsole = iup.hbox { iup.vbox{ iup.label {title = "Filename: "}, iup_console.butExecute, iup_console.butClearCommands, iup_console.butLoadFile, iup_console.butSaveFile, iup_console.butSaveasFile, iup_console.butExit, margin="0x0", }, iup.vbox{ iup_console.lblFileName, iup_console.mlCode, iup.hbox { iup.label{title="Command Line:"}, iup_console.lblPosition, margin = "0x0", gap = 0}, iup_console.txtCommand, iup_console.mlConsole, alignment = "ARIGHT", margin="0x0", }, alignment="ATOP", margin="5x5", gap="10", } -- Main Dialog Definition. iup_console.dlgMain = iup.dialog{ iup_console.vbxConsole, title="IupLua Console", dragdrop = "YES", defaultesc=iup_console.butExit, startfocus=iup_console.mlCode, close_cb = "iup.ExitLoop()", k_any = function(self, k) if (k == iup.K_F5) then iup.dostring(iup_console.mlCode.value) elseif (k == iup.K_cS) then iup_console.butSaveFile:action() end end, } function iup_console.dlgMain:dropfiles_cb(filename, index, x, y) if (index == 0) then print("FileDropped:\n "..filename) iup_console.LoadFile(filename) end end function iup_console.mlCode:dropfiles_cb(filename, index, x, y) if (index == 0) then print("FileDropped:\n "..filename) iup_console.LoadFile(filename) end end if IndentationLib then IndentationLib.enable(iup_console.mlCode) end -- Displays the Main Dialog iup_console.dlgMain:show() iup_console.print_version_info() iup.SetGlobal("GLOBALLAYOUTDLGKEY", "Yes") if (arg and arg[0]) then local filename = arg[0] print("FileCommandLine:\n "..filename) iup_console.LoadFile(filename) end if (iup.MainLoopLevel()==0) then iup.MainLoop() iup_console.dlgMain:destroy() if (im) then im.Close() end if (cd) then cd.Close() end iup.Close() end