-- Copyright 2006-2019 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See License.txt. -- reStructuredText LPeg lexer. local l = require('lexer') local token, word_match, starts_line = l.token, l.word_match, l.starts_line local P, R, S = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S local M = {_NAME = 'rest'} -- Whitespace. local ws = token(l.WHITESPACE, S(' \t')^1 + l.newline^1) local any_indent = S(' \t')^0 -- Section titles (2 or more characters). local adornment_chars = lpeg.C(S('!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~')) local adornment = lpeg.C(adornment_chars^2 * any_indent) * (l.newline + -1) local overline = lpeg.Cmt(starts_line(adornment), function(input, index, adm, c) if not adm:find('^%'..c..'+%s*$') then return nil end local rest = input:sub(index) local lines = 1 for line, e in rest:gmatch('([^\r\n]+)()') do if lines > 1 and line:match('^(%'..c..'+)%s*$') == adm then return index + e - 1 end if lines > 3 or #line > #adm then return nil end lines = lines + 1 end return #input + 1 end) local underline = lpeg.Cmt(starts_line(adornment), function(_, index, adm, c) local pos = adm:match('^%'..c..'+()%s*$') return pos and index - #adm + pos - 1 or nil end) -- Token needs to be a predefined one in order for folder to work. local title = token(l.CONSTANT, overline + underline) -- Lists. local bullet_list = S('*+-') -- TODO: '•‣⁃', as lpeg does not support UTF-8 local enum_list = P('(')^-1 * (l.digit^1 + S('ivxlcmIVXLCM')^1 + l.alnum + '#') * S('.)') local field_list = ':' * (l.any - ':')^1 * P(':')^-1 local option_word = l.alnum * (l.alnum + '-')^0 local option = S('-/') * option_word * (' ' * option_word)^-1 + '--' * option_word * ('=' * option_word)^-1 local option_list = option * (',' * l.space^1 * option)^-1 local list = #(l.space^0 * (S('*+-:/') + enum_list)) * starts_line(token('list', l.space^0 * (option_list + bullet_list + enum_list + field_list) * l.space)) -- Literal block. local block = P('::') * (l.newline + -1) * function(input, index) local rest = input:sub(index) local level, quote = #rest:match('^([ \t]*)') for pos, indent, line in rest:gmatch('()[ \t]*()([^\r\n]+)') do local no_indent = (indent - pos < level and line ~= ' ' or level == 0) local quoted = no_indent and line:find(quote or '^%s*%W') if quoted and not quote then quote = '^%s*%'..line:match('^%s*(%W)') end if no_indent and not quoted and pos > 1 then return index + pos - 1 end end return #input + 1 end local literal_block = token('literal_block', block) -- Line block. local line_block_char = token(l.OPERATOR, starts_line(any_indent * '|')) local word = l.alpha * (l.alnum + S('-.+'))^0 -- Explicit markup blocks. local prefix = any_indent * '.. ' local footnote_label = '[' * (l.digit^1 + '#' * word^-1 + '*') * ']' local footnote = token('footnote_block', prefix * footnote_label * l.space) local citation_label = '[' * word * ']' local citation = token('citation_block', prefix * citation_label * l.space) local link = token('link_block', prefix * '_' * (l.delimited_range('`') + (P('\\') * 1 + l.nonnewline - ':')^1) * ':' * l.space) local markup_block = #prefix * starts_line(footnote + citation + link) -- Directives. local directive_type = word_match({ -- Admonitions 'attention', 'caution', 'danger', 'error', 'hint', 'important', 'note', 'tip', 'warning', 'admonition', -- Images 'image', 'figure', -- Body elements 'topic', 'sidebar', 'line-block', 'parsed-literal', 'code', 'math', 'rubric', 'epigraph', 'highlights', 'pull-quote', 'compound', 'container', -- Table 'table', 'csv-table', 'list-table', -- Document parts 'contents', 'sectnum', 'section-autonumbering', 'header', 'footer', -- References 'target-notes', 'footnotes', 'citations', -- HTML-specific 'meta', -- Directives for substitution definitions 'replace', 'unicode', 'date', -- Miscellaneous 'include', 'raw', 'class', 'role', 'default-role', 'title', 'restructuredtext-test-directive', }, '-') local known_directive = token('directive', prefix * directive_type * '::' * l.space) local sphinx_directive_type = word_match({ -- The TOC tree. 'toctree', -- Paragraph-level markup. 'note', 'warning', 'versionadded', 'versionchanged', 'deprecated', 'seealso', 'rubric', 'centered', 'hlist', 'glossary', 'productionlist', -- Showing code examples. 'highlight', 'literalinclude', -- Miscellaneous 'sectionauthor', 'index', 'only', 'tabularcolumns' }, '-') local sphinx_directive = token('sphinx_directive', prefix * sphinx_directive_type * '::' * l.space) local unknown_directive = token('unknown_directive', prefix * word * '::' * l.space) local directive = #prefix * starts_line(known_directive + sphinx_directive + unknown_directive) -- Sphinx code block. local indented_block = function(input, index) local rest = input:sub(index) local level = #rest:match('^([ \t]*)') for pos, indent, line in rest:gmatch('()[ \t]*()([^\r\n]+)') do if indent - pos < level and line ~= ' ' or level == 0 and pos > 1 then return index + pos - 1 end end return #input + 1 end local code_block = prefix * 'code-block::' * S(' \t')^1 * l.nonnewline^0 * (l.newline + -1) * indented_block local sphinx_block = #prefix * token('code_block', starts_line(code_block)) -- Substitution definitions. local substitution = #prefix * token('substitution', starts_line(prefix * l.delimited_range('|') * l.space^1 * word * '::' * l.space)) -- Comments. local line_comment = prefix * l.nonnewline^0 local bprefix = any_indent * '..' local block_comment = bprefix * l.newline * indented_block local comment = #bprefix * token(l.COMMENT, starts_line(line_comment + block_comment)) -- Inline markup. local em = token('em', l.delimited_range('*')) local strong = token('strong', ('**' * (l.any - '**')^0 * P('**')^-1)) local role = token('role', ':' * word * ':' * (word * ':')^-1) local interpreted = role^-1 * token('interpreted', l.delimited_range('`')) * role^-1 local inline_literal = token('inline_literal', '``' * (l.any - '``')^0 * P('``')^-1) local link_ref = token('link', (word + l.delimited_range('`')) * '_' * P('_')^-1 + '_' * l.delimited_range('`')) local footnote_ref = token('footnote', footnote_label * '_') local citation_ref = token('citation', citation_label * '_') local substitution_ref = token('substitution', l.delimited_range('|', true) * ('_' * P('_')^-1)^-1) local link = token('link', l.alpha * (l.alnum + S('-.'))^1 * ':' * (l.alnum + S('/.+-%@'))^1) local inline_markup = (strong + em + inline_literal + link_ref + interpreted + footnote_ref + citation_ref + substitution_ref + link) * -l.alnum -- Other. local non_space = token(l.DEFAULT, l.alnum * (l.any - l.space)^0) local escape = token(l.DEFAULT, '\\' * l.any) M._rules = { {'literal_block', literal_block}, {'list', list}, {'markup_block', markup_block}, {'code_block', sphinx_block}, {'directive', directive}, {'substitution', substitution}, {'comment', comment}, {'title', title}, {'line_block_char', line_block_char}, {'whitespace', ws}, {'inline_markup', inline_markup}, {'non_space', non_space}, {'escape', escape} } M._tokenstyles = { list = l.STYLE_TYPE, literal_block = l.STYLE_EMBEDDED..',eolfilled', footnote_block = l.STYLE_LABEL, citation_block = l.STYLE_LABEL, link_block = l.STYLE_LABEL, directive = l.STYLE_KEYWORD, sphinx_directive = l.STYLE_KEYWORD..',bold', unknown_directive = l.STYLE_KEYWORD..',italics', code_block = l.STYLE_EMBEDDED..',eolfilled', substitution = l.STYLE_VARIABLE, strong = 'bold', em = 'italics', role = l.STYLE_CLASS, interpreted = l.STYLE_STRING, inline_literal = l.STYLE_EMBEDDED, link = 'underlined', footnote = 'underlined', citation = 'underlined', } local sphinx_levels = { ['#'] = 0, ['*'] = 1, ['='] = 2, ['-'] = 3, ['^'] = 4, ['"'] = 5 } -- Section-based folding. M._fold = function(text, start_pos, start_line, start_level) local folds, line_starts = {}, {} for pos in (text..'\n'):gmatch('().-\r?\n') do line_starts[#line_starts + 1] = pos end local style_at, CONSTANT, level = l.style_at, l.CONSTANT, start_level local sphinx = l.property_int['fold.by.sphinx.convention'] > 0 local FOLD_BASE = l.FOLD_BASE local FOLD_HEADER, FOLD_BLANK = l.FOLD_HEADER, l.FOLD_BLANK for i = 1, #line_starts do local pos, next_pos = line_starts[i], line_starts[i + 1] local c = text:sub(pos, pos) local line_num = start_line + i - 1 folds[line_num] = level if style_at[start_pos + pos] == CONSTANT and c:find('^[^%w%s]') then local sphinx_level = FOLD_BASE + (sphinx_levels[c] or #sphinx_levels) level = not sphinx and level - 1 or sphinx_level if level < FOLD_BASE then level = FOLD_BASE end folds[line_num - 1], folds[line_num] = level, level + FOLD_HEADER level = (not sphinx and level or sphinx_level) + 1 elseif c == '\r' or c == '\n' then folds[line_num] = level + FOLD_BLANK end end return folds end l.property['fold.by.sphinx.convention'] = '0' --[[ Embedded languages. local bash = l.load('bash') local bash_indent_level local start_rule = #(prefix * 'code-block' * '::' * l.space^1 * 'bash' * (l.newline + -1)) * sphinx_directive * token('bash_begin', P(function(input, index) bash_indent_level = #input:match('^([ \t]*)', index) return index end))]] return M