-- Copyright 2006-2019 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See License.txt. -- HTML LPeg lexer. local lexer = require('lexer') local token, word_match = lexer.token, lexer.word_match local P, R, S, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V local lex = lexer.new('html') -- Whitespace. local ws = token(lexer.WHITESPACE, lexer.space^1) lex:add_rule('whitespace', ws) -- Comments. lex:add_rule('comment', token(lexer.COMMENT, '')^0 * P('-->')^-1)) -- Doctype. lex:add_rule('doctype', token('doctype', '')^1 * '>')) lex:add_style('doctype', lexer.STYLE_COMMENT) -- Elements. local single_element = token('single_element', '<' * P('/')^-1 * word_match([[ area base br col command embed hr img input keygen link meta param source track wbr ]], true)) local paired_element = token('element', '<' * P('/')^-1 * word_match([[ a abbr address article aside audio b bdi bdo blockquote body button canvas caption cite code colgroup content data datalist dd decorator del details dfn div dl dt element em fieldset figcaption figure footer form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 head header html i iframe ins kbd label legend li main map mark menu menuitem meter nav noscript object ol optgroup option output p pre progress q rp rt ruby s samp script section select shadow small spacer span strong style sub summary sup table tbody td template textarea tfoot th thead time title tr u ul var video ]], true)) local known_element = single_element + paired_element local unknown_element = token('unknown_element', '<' * P('/')^-1 * (lexer.alnum + '-')^1) local element = known_element + unknown_element lex:add_rule('element', element) lex:add_style('single_element', lexer.STYLE_KEYWORD) lex:add_style('element', lexer.STYLE_KEYWORD) lex:add_style('unknown_element', lexer.STYLE_KEYWORD..',italics') -- Closing tags. local tag_close = token('element', P('/')^-1 * '>') lex:add_rule('tag_close', tag_close) -- Attributes. local known_attribute = token('attribute', word_match([[ accept accept-charset accesskey action align alt async autocomplete autofocus autoplay bgcolor border buffered challenge charset checked cite class code codebase color cols colspan content contenteditable contextmenu controls coords data data- datetime default defer dir dirname disabled download draggable dropzone enctype for form headers height hidden high href hreflang http-equiv icon id ismap itemprop keytype kind label lang language list loop low manifest max maxlength media method min multiple name novalidate open optimum pattern ping placeholder poster preload pubdate radiogroup readonly rel required reversed role rows rowspan sandbox scope scoped seamless selected shape size sizes span spellcheck src srcdoc srclang start step style summary tabindex target title type usemap value width wrap ]], true) + ((P('data-') + 'aria-') * (lexer.alnum + '-')^1)) local unknown_attribute = token('unknown_attribute', (lexer.alnum + '-')^1) local attribute = (known_attribute + unknown_attribute) * #(lexer.space^0 * '=') lex:add_rule('attribute', attribute) lex:add_style('attribute', lexer.STYLE_TYPE) lex:add_style('unknown_attribute', lexer.STYLE_TYPE..',italics') -- TODO: performance is terrible on large files. local in_tag = P(function(input, index) local before = input:sub(1, index - 1) local s, e = before:find('<[^>]-$'), before:find('>[^<]-$') if s and e then return s > e and index or nil end if s then return index end return input:find('^[^<]->', index) and index or nil end) -- Equals. local equals = token(lexer.OPERATOR, '=') --* in_tag --lex:add_rule('equals', equals) -- Strings. local string = #S('\'"') * lexer.last_char_includes('=') * token(lexer.STRING, lexer.delimited_range("'") + lexer.delimited_range('"')) lex:add_rule('string', string) -- Numbers. lex:add_rule('number', #lexer.digit * lexer.last_char_includes('=') * token(lexer.NUMBER, lexer.digit^1 * P('%')^-1))--*in_tag) -- Entities. lex:add_rule('entity', token('entity', '&' * (lexer.any - lexer.space - ';')^1 * ';')) lex:add_style('entity', lexer.STYLE_COMMENT) -- Fold points. local function disambiguate_lt(text, pos, line, s) if line:find('/>', s) then return 0 elseif line:find('^') -- Tags that start embedded languages. -- Export these patterns for proxy lexers (e.g. ASP) that need them. lex.embed_start_tag = element * (ws * attribute * ws^-1 * equals * ws^-1 * string)^0 * ws^-1 * tag_close lex.embed_end_tag = element * tag_close -- Embedded CSS (). local css = lexer.load('css') local style_element = word_match([[style]], true) local css_start_rule = #(P('<') * style_element * ('>' + P(function(input, index) if input:find('^%s+type%s*=%s*(["\'])text/css%1', index) then return index end end))) * lex.embed_start_tag local css_end_rule = #('') * lex.embed_end_tag lex:embed(css, css_start_rule, css_end_rule) -- Embedded JavaScript (). local js = lexer.load('javascript') local script_element = word_match([[script]], true) local js_start_rule = #(P('<') * script_element * ('>' + P(function(input, index) if input:find('^%s+type%s*=%s*(["\'])text/javascript%1', index) then return index end end))) * lex.embed_start_tag local js_end_rule = #('') * lex.embed_end_tag local js_line_comment = '//' * (lexer.nonnewline_esc - js_end_rule)^0 local js_block_comment = '/*' * (lexer.any - '*/' - js_end_rule)^0 * P('*/')^-1 js:modify_rule('comment', token(lexer.COMMENT, js_line_comment + js_block_comment)) lex:embed(js, js_start_rule, js_end_rule) -- Embedded CoffeeScript (). local cs = lexer.load('coffeescript') local script_element = word_match([[script]], true) local cs_start_rule = #(P('<') * script_element * P(function(input, index) if input:find('^[^>]+type%s*=%s*(["\'])text/coffeescript%1', index) then return index end end)) * lex.embed_start_tag local cs_end_rule = #('') * lex.embed_end_tag lex:embed(cs, cs_start_rule, cs_end_rule) return lex