133 lines
5.4 KiB
133 lines
5.4 KiB
-- Copyright 2006-2019 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See License.txt.
-- Ruby LPeg lexer.
local lexer = require('lexer')
local token, word_match = lexer.token, lexer.word_match
local P, R, S = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S
local lex = lexer.new('ruby')
-- Whitespace.
lex:add_rule('whitespace', token(lexer.WHITESPACE, lexer.space^1))
-- Keywords.
lex:add_rule('keyword', token(lexer.KEYWORD, word_match[[
BEGIN END alias and begin break case class def defined? do else elsif end
ensure false for if in module next nil not or redo rescue retry return self
super then true undef unless until when while yield __FILE__ __LINE__
-- Functions.
lex:add_rule('function', token(lexer.FUNCTION, word_match[[
at_exit autoload binding caller catch chop chop! chomp chomp! eval exec exit
exit! fail fork format gets global_variables gsub gsub! iterator? lambda load
local_variables loop open p print printf proc putc puts raise rand readline
readlines require select sleep split sprintf srand sub sub! syscall system
test trace_var trap untrace_var
]]) * -S('.:|'))
local word_char = lexer.alnum + S('_!?')
-- Identifiers.
local word = (lexer.alpha + '_') * word_char^0
lex:add_rule('identifier', token(lexer.IDENTIFIER, word))
-- Comments.
local line_comment = '#' * lexer.nonnewline_esc^0
local block_comment = lexer.starts_line('=begin') *
(lexer.any - lexer.newline * '=end')^0 *
(lexer.newline * '=end')^-1
lex:add_rule('comment', token(lexer.COMMENT, block_comment + line_comment))
local delimiter_matches = {['('] = ')', ['['] = ']', ['{'] = '}'}
local literal_delimitted = P(function(input, index)
local delimiter = input:sub(index, index)
if not delimiter:find('[%w\r\n\f\t ]') then -- only non alpha-numerics
local match_pos, patt
if delimiter_matches[delimiter] then
-- Handle nested delimiter/matches in strings.
local s, e = delimiter, delimiter_matches[delimiter]
patt = lexer.delimited_range(s..e, false, false, true)
patt = lexer.delimited_range(delimiter)
match_pos = lpeg.match(patt, input, index)
return match_pos or #input + 1
-- Strings.
local cmd_str = lexer.delimited_range('`')
local lit_cmd = '%x' * literal_delimitted
local lit_array = '%w' * literal_delimitted
local sq_str = lexer.delimited_range("'")
local dq_str = lexer.delimited_range('"')
local lit_str = '%' * S('qQ')^-1 * literal_delimitted
local heredoc = '<<' * P(function(input, index)
local s, e, indented, _, delimiter =
input:find('(%-?)(["`]?)([%a_][%w_]*)%2[\n\r\f;]+', index)
if s == index and delimiter then
local end_heredoc = (#indented > 0 and '[\n\r\f]+ *' or '[\n\r\f]+')
local _, e = input:find(end_heredoc..delimiter, e)
return e and e + 1 or #input + 1
-- TODO: regex_str fails with `obj.method /patt/` syntax.
local regex_str = #P('/') * lexer.last_char_includes('!%^&*([{-=+|:;,?<>~') *
lexer.delimited_range('/', true, false) * S('iomx')^0
local lit_regex = '%r' * literal_delimitted * S('iomx')^0
lex:add_rule('string', token(lexer.STRING, (sq_str + dq_str + lit_str +
heredoc + cmd_str + lit_cmd +
lit_array) * S('f')^-1) +
token(lexer.REGEX, regex_str + lit_regex))
-- Numbers.
local dec = lexer.digit^1 * ('_' * lexer.digit^1)^0 * S('ri')^-1
local bin = '0b' * S('01')^1 * ('_' * S('01')^1)^0
local integer = S('+-')^-1 * (bin + lexer.hex_num + lexer.oct_num + dec)
-- TODO: meta, control, etc. for numeric_literal.
local numeric_literal = '?' * (lexer.any - lexer.space) * -word_char
lex:add_rule('number', token(lexer.NUMBER, lexer.float * S('ri')^-1 + integer +
-- Variables.
local global_var = '$' * (word + S('!@L+`\'=~/\\,.;<>_*"$?:') + lexer.digit +
'-' * S('0FadiIKlpvw'))
local class_var = '@@' * word
local inst_var = '@' * word
lex:add_rule('variable', token(lexer.VARIABLE, global_var + class_var +
-- Symbols.
lex:add_rule('symbol', token('symbol', ':' * P(function(input, index)
if input:sub(index - 2, index - 2) ~= ':' then return index end
end) * (word_char^1 + sq_str + dq_str)))
lex:add_style('symbol', lexer.STYLE_CONSTANT)
-- Operators.
lex:add_rule('operator', token(lexer.OPERATOR, S('!%^&*()[]{}-=+/|:;.,?<>~')))
-- Fold points.
local function disambiguate(text, pos, line, s)
return line:sub(1, s - 1):match('^%s*$') and
not text:sub(1, pos - 1):match('\\[ \t]*\r?\n$') and 1 or 0
lex:add_fold_point(lexer.KEYWORD, 'begin', 'end')
lex:add_fold_point(lexer.KEYWORD, 'class', 'end')
lex:add_fold_point(lexer.KEYWORD, 'def', 'end')
lex:add_fold_point(lexer.KEYWORD, 'do', 'end')
lex:add_fold_point(lexer.KEYWORD, 'for', 'end')
lex:add_fold_point(lexer.KEYWORD, 'module', 'end')
lex:add_fold_point(lexer.KEYWORD, 'case', 'end')
lex:add_fold_point(lexer.KEYWORD, 'if', disambiguate)
lex:add_fold_point(lexer.KEYWORD, 'while', disambiguate)
lex:add_fold_point(lexer.KEYWORD, 'unless', disambiguate)
lex:add_fold_point(lexer.KEYWORD, 'until', disambiguate)
lex:add_fold_point(lexer.OPERATOR, '(', ')')
lex:add_fold_point(lexer.OPERATOR, '[', ']')
lex:add_fold_point(lexer.OPERATOR, '{', '}')
lex:add_fold_point(lexer.COMMENT, '=begin', '=end')
lex:add_fold_point(lexer.COMMENT, '#', lexer.fold_line_comments('#'))
return lex