## Install 1. Clone this git repo `git clone https://git.zhirov.website/alexander/egeya_docker.git .` 2. Specify needed parameters in `.env` file 3. Specify needed parameters mail server in `msmtprc` file or see the [official documentation mSMTP](https://marlam.de/msmtp/msmtp.html): ``` account main host # port # 587 auth on user # example@mail.domain from # example@mail.domain password logfile /var/log/msmtp_main.log ``` 4. Run with `--build` flag for the first time `docker-compose up -d --build` ![Installation screenshot](/permission-denied.png) 5. After starting the services, you need to grant read/write permissions to volumes: `chown -R www-data:www-data ${PATH_VOLUMES}` 6. Go to `VIRTUAL_HOST` address and fill the Egeya setup form with data: ``` DB Host: mariadb DB User: root DB Pass: egeya DB Database: